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1000's of lives would be saved if Israel simply gave back Palestine its land back....Palestines have nothing against the Jews...They simply want their land back which was taken by the U.N. and given to Israel..Who wouldnt be mad if someone just comes up to you and takes your land without your permission..I know it may be hard to understand..and i do not agree with the blood shed but maybe Israel should be given back to Palestine and a new resolution should take place...Note: I am not taking either side..Too many innocent people are dying everyday!!! It needs to stop...

2007-01-16 19:29:38 · 12 answers · asked by chi_south_kid1 1 in News & Events Current Events

12 answers

This is a perfectly decent question - yes it is idealistic, but what happens to the world when everyone is so cynical that we accept suffering as inevitable and, dare I say, acceptable?

Change does come and it is slow - the more people who refuse to accept suffering such as we read about and see on TV are the drivers of that change.

As this particular cause is something you feel strongly about, I suggest you continue your self-education and perhaps volunteer your services or campaign for change through the many agencies that are doing just that. Let your local political representative know how you feel too - or at least ask them for their position on the matter; inform yourself and contribute.

That's a good thing.

2007-01-16 19:50:42 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 1 1

Why is peace important verify the two political and inexpensive stability and prosperity of the middle East. battling the hands race interior the area between diverse events would be certain that tens of billions individuals money that are spent each year on hands could be directed for prosperity of the area. important factors to be considered: a million- the city of Jerusalem that's thoroughly controlled by using the Israelis right this moment 2- The Syrian Golan heights occupied by using the Israelis 3- the in simple terms suitable borders of Israel with its acquaintances stumbling blocks to peace the main impediment is the preconditions forced on negotiations for peace by using the Israelis that are: a million- Jerusalem must be all Jewish at the same time with the Palestinian section (East Jerusalem) 2- Palestinian refugees can no longer return to their fatherland interior Israel. 3- Jewish settlements equipped on the occupied Palestinian territories is truthfully no longer bumped off four- Palestinians wouldn't have their sovereign state ( no longer allowed to have a armed forces or acquire rigidity to shelter themselves against any distant places aggression) Compromises needed to be made to be certain that peace a million- battling the construction of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land 2- Giving up occupied territories back to the Palestinians 3- Accepting a the corporation of a sovereign Palestinian State beside the Israeli State 4- Palestinians to settle for Israel as a Jewish State interior of its desperate borders 5- Israelis to settle for the return of the Palestinian refugees to their territories as defined by using UN determination 181 of 1947 Edit: @ Esther it particularly is not time for stupid propaganda and biased political ideals. Asker needs info. What you're exhibiting is particularly the stumbling blocks Israelis are applying to ward off progression on peace negotiation.

2016-12-12 13:17:03 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It is a huge blunder by the UN and the rest. Dear Veronica leave god out of this. If god acts so irresponsibly then he is totally useless and a bungler. I'm afraid The Jews have been playing for a long time on the guilt of Europe and the west in general which has had an antisemitic policy and a tradition in eradicating Jews whenever it could. Hitler and Stalin were just the latest in this attempt. I'm afraid that this unjust situation is going to go on. Anyway Jew is a religion and not a nationality.and despite what the good book says they never really owned the land except for a short period before of 70 years during Roman times. What is amazing is that this is a nation founded by terrorists who learned nothing from 100s of years of persecution and. Ben Gurion said in 1937 "we must expel all Arabs and take their place".

2007-01-16 20:00:11 · answer #3 · answered by The Stainless Steel Rat 5 · 1 2

Personally I think in this situation where no one wants to give up any land. The solution is to give an equal amount of land to each side, Instead of 80% Israel and 20% palestine. The fighting also has to stop(though some people think this won't happen until the world ends). for now, Israel needs to stop the ruthless killing of Palestenians. A.K.A Zionism.

2007-01-16 19:46:07 · answer #4 · answered by Bashar Y 1 · 1 3

I think the war has gone on too long now and both sides have forgotten why they are actually fighting. It's all about retaliation now.

Secondly, if it was happening in your country, do you think they would give a rat's ar-se?

I don't.

The Global Media only focuses on the Gaza conflict because the global media is there as a main source of propaganda. They want you to have an opinion - they want you to become emotionally stirred.

I say - who cares? There are many nations struggling internally. Africa is a slaughter house and nobody gives a cr-ap.

2007-01-16 20:08:38 · answer #5 · answered by quay_grl 5 · 4 1

They should free Palestine.There is no commonality between the two, mainly in case of religion.

We should know Palestines are fighting for a separate nation over 200 years, many lives were lost.

2007-01-16 20:03:53 · answer #6 · answered by jameela n 1 · 1 2

Crocodile Dundee said it best, "Fighting for land is like fleas fighting over who owns the dog." Israel is using the Bible as if it were a Deed to property that wasn't theirs to steal and the U.S. taxpayer is helping Israel do it to the tune of over 2 BILLION dollars a year.

2007-01-16 23:52:11 · answer #7 · answered by Debra D 7 · 2 1

God gave the land to the Jewish people many years ago. Even if this hadn't happened, countries take over other lands all the time and the new land becomes theirs. Israel won the war, so the spoils are theirs.

2007-01-17 01:46:31 · answer #8 · answered by ? 7 · 1 3

two words,

The problem is palestians believe they were first there and the land was took from them, same as israelies they believe they were first there too so they think is their land.
YOu know? God give them to Issac and Isaias land for each, since Isaias and Issac didnt get along well together, GOD separate them with different landss, but he havent forget any.
I guess this ones becasue they believe theya re strong they can came and try to figth for that land.
By now i guess they don't know which one was for which one, even the bible describe . but we christians dont read the old testment and the new is to became as the beging the whole land belong to us, GOD made us LANDLORD of this LAND ( means the whole world ) to his children.
so guys why they are fighting for? Jesus come to accomplish the law, not to quit it.

2007-01-16 19:37:02 · answer #9 · answered by JUST ME 3 · 1 2

they have been fighting over that turf for over 2,000 years

it will be easier to surf a tsunami.......

2nd part of the question - read a Bible lately - who really gave the
Jewish people the land of Israel? Whose land is it?

2007-01-16 19:32:46 · answer #10 · answered by tomkat1528 5 · 3 3

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