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i thnk its true love, money and power....

i think have found the first one, ill work my way thru to the other 2...as long as the first ones wid me, sky is the limit

2007-01-16 19:24:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

17 answers

This question has no right or wrong answer. The hierarchy of importance may differ according to every separate individual's personality, upbringing and relationships with other people.

In my case, I have been brought up in a Christian Orthodox environment, and thus have heard many preaches on how to be a good person and what the meaning of and goal in life should be. But I have also been raised to be insistant in backing up my views with logical arguments and not allowing anyone to take those views away from me or feed me with their own against my will.

As a result, I have researched a few things about Christianity and other religion's alike and have reached the conclusion that no one must obligingly bow their head to a certain religion's teachings, just because their elders – and a vast majority of the Earth's populace - consider it correct. “I am my own person and I am free to draw my own conclusions of what is God, what is the proper way to treat others and how to achieve happiness.”

So, lets take things from the top: I don't think God should be on the list of the three most important things. Why, one might wonder. Simply because I think religion is just another something humanity invented to feel secure and important in the vastness that is the universe. It is also a VERY clever way to keep people behaved, internally satisfied and obedient. Don't get me wrong, I think creating religion is a definite sign of man's genius and kind heart. Since God is man's creation and God is by definition a source of perpetual hope and love, then doesn't that mean those emotions are something that came from deep within humanity itself? At least thats how i see it.

As for power, I wouldn't include that in my list either. Why? Because it is not something of a positive nature. Rarely do good things result from power. And even more rare is it for negative senses to be important. When you have power you have to use it wisely, which is difficult for humans, so it ends up being used unwisely, thus oppressing others and creating problems in the process. Even if power is used towards a good end, it ends up either corrupting the user (being capable of great things tends to get to one's head) or making them feel guilty and responsible for all that they are expected (by those without power) to do. Remember what Peter Parker's uncle, Ben, said to Peter before he died: "With great power comes great responsibility." It's all just too much for a singlehanded person, who already has too much on their mind due to the current way of life society is promoting, to handle. Being happy, I think, does not include being stressed.

Now, do I perhaps think money is one of the most important things? The answer would again be no. Money is not important because all it has ever done is corrupt people and cause them to turn against one another. Sure, it is the reason that civilization developed from tiny agricultural societies to one big global industrial city, but just think about that for a sec ... is it really a good thing?

So it's not God, it's not power, and it certainly isn't money. In the end, what DO I consider important in life? Health maybe? Yeah, sure, health is good, but it can be taken away against your will. Whatever you do, no matter how hard you try, you will ALWAYS get sick ... at least once in your life! It is something beyond our control. We can only control the "magnitude" of the damage. Like, you can prevent AIDS, or cure a cold, or even defeat cancer, but the bottom line is that health is like death ... you never know when your number's up. Besides, you can be sick and still be happy, so what's the big deal?

OK ... so now we know what I DON'T consider important ... but what DO I think is important? Do I even hold ANYTHING dear? Of course I do. My answer to the above question is as follows:

1) self-awareness (because when you are self-aware you can live your life to the fullest of its potential, and know you haven't missed out on anything worth doing, seeing, saying or hearing)

2) respect for life (with this you can love yourself simply because you were born, because you were given the gift of life. Just ... because! Consequentially, if you have respect for yourself, you can also move on to respect and love others - not only fall in love, but actually feel for total strangers and be a good friend and person. That way we would all have someone who cares about us and makes us feel special)

3) brains enough to break the mould (with good brains you can set your own standards, your own rules ... make the world a better place by improving what is good and changing what is inconsistent into something completely NEW and BEAUTIFUL!)

Those are the things that I consider important in life. It is my strong belief that if every person on this Earth had these three qualities, the world would definitely be a better place to live in. But life never has been and may never be that perfect. So the best that can be done is that everybody tries their utmost to achieve one or more of the qualities I just listed ... for the sake of a better tomorrow.

2007-01-17 01:27:13 · answer #1 · answered by bukroot 4 · 0 0

I can be downright greedy and say the obvious, but really if you really think about it, the most important things in life aren't things. Life is too fast: Our world is obsessed with money and all material things. Ask yourself if you're up for a challenge or change, and how ready are you to embrace it?

Life after all, is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react. Also, by taking everything one day at a time is enough. Don't look back nor grieve over the past for it is gone; and don't be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering.

For me the three most important things in life are health, happiness and relationships. These are things which money can not buy. Even if I can give everything I own in the world, there still isn't enough.

Happiness is the same, at times I have had lots of cash in my pocket, however have been quite depressed. At other times I have had next to no money and have been extremely happy.

Relationships is about people in our lives and how they make us feel...and without people, how do you achieve happiness or stay healthy, for that matter?

2007-01-16 20:19:31 · answer #2 · answered by funsunseeker 1 · 1 0

More or less....#1 abstract thoughts and idealisms of love and giving in all you invent and create (Keter), #2 the knowledge (Binah) and will/health (Chokmah) to channel your energy into creation (these would include the premises of liberty and justice to exercise creation to its best ability), and #3 to bond this with emotion and use it to communicate to others (Da'at), which would include the premise of freedom of speech.

This is based in the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah in the Jewish faith...although it can be applied to Atheists as well as those who believe in the Lord.


In other words, it's build with the idea religions are equal so long as they encourage creation and thinking toward abstract ideals rather than destruction and thinking in terms of concrete defenses.

When you think of it, all money is designed to do is gauge how much creation a person has produced in the world and having money or power without good creation to the world is simply greed and can not unlock any abstract idealism (or, in many ways, anything unpredictable, surprising, and fun).

2007-01-16 19:43:04 · answer #3 · answered by M S 5 · 1 0

For me,the most important things in life are:
Freedom of expression & individuality;
Love,in all it's forms
(true love being most important,though I've not found that yet);
& being happy with this moment right now.

2007-01-16 19:36:57 · answer #4 · answered by Searching Soul 1 · 1 0

A belief in God, the ability to Love, and Good Health: in that order.

2007-01-16 19:31:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Money, Power and Charity! Agree? Free those from poor proverty!

2007-01-16 19:33:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Loving God is first, Loving your neighbor is next, and Loving your family is last. If you have these in order you will not want for anything else.Prove me wrong if you don't agree.

2007-01-16 19:36:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

convinced, I value my relations immensely & am grateful for familiar I have with them! we would want to continuously by no ability take them or absolutely everyone in our existence with no interest! How is your BF's stepdad doing?

2016-10-15 08:32:39 · answer #8 · answered by falls 4 · 0 0

Love, health, and happiness

2007-01-16 19:32:32 · answer #9 · answered by Speck Schnuck 5 · 1 0

#1 Individual growth
#2 Love for yourself,others,and your surroundings
#3 Having ambition

2007-01-16 20:27:11 · answer #10 · answered by Gone Hollywood 2 · 0 4

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