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I am giving up smoking on Monday. Does anyone know which are the best patches to use as I can't go completely cold turkey!!! Anyone had any experience of using patches or any advice/tips on helping me to give up?? The main thing I am worried about is gaining weight!

2007-01-16 19:20:57 · 22 answers · asked by dancingleigh32 2 in Health General Health Care Other - General Health Care

22 answers

It doesn't have to be hard. Sometimes we get an image about something before it as happened and that image is what we actually feel. Like a self fulfilling prophecy. We glad about quitting, It is a monkey off your back,. you no longer HAVE to smoke, you no longer HAVE to wait outside in the rain and cold to smoke, you no longer HAVE to miss the conversation of friends and family because you are elsewhere smoking. You no longer HAVE to panic when you are running low on cigarettes.

I always say "do not wait to feel different, you are different" What i mean by this is, The only thing that makes you a smoker is the fact you smoked, If you do not smoek another then you are not a smoker anymore. Most people quitting make the mistake of thinking they will wake up in one day and not think or want a cigarette, that waiting goes on becuase they have not accepted that they are not a smoker anymore. They are in effect smokers waiting to smoke. Today is the day you see the light, you see the future. If you don't then try this little exercise.

Go to near the end of your life, Imagine it is many years from now and you decided NOT to quit.
Instead you carried on smoking, trying one quit after another, Continuing to feel more effects of smoking and your vitality for life.

What were the consequences of that decision on your health ?

What were the consequences on your relationships ?

What were the consequences on your well being ?

How do you feel in your body ?

Now take a few moments and imagine yourself taking this opportunity and easily quitting and maintaining this quit.

How good does this feel ?

How much energy do you have ?

What are you able to do ?

Exactly what will it be like when you have lived smoked free for years and years ?

Now .......STOP
It is time to decide. If you want to hang on to your excuses and your cigarettes, you may as well give up now.
But if your ready , finally to get rid of those cigarettes, know that whatever you do from this moment onwards is entirely up to you.

2007-01-17 03:50:27 · answer #1 · answered by Ian C 1 · 0 0

I gave up smoking completely 2 years ago now and I used Niquitin clear patches as they last 24 hrs and help with early morning cravings too which was my downfall on many occasions but 100% determination and willpower is also required or they will not work because if you're determined to smoke that"one last cigarette" then you will not succeed. Go o your GP too they can offer advice and in some areas of the UK you can get free patches, support and guidance. You may add a few pounds but If you eat sensibly these will be lost easily but smoking has far more health risks than adding a couple of pounds!!! well hope you succeed!!!!!!!!

2007-01-17 03:48:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I smoked more than 20 a day for 30yrs, I gave up 2 yrs ago using nicorette patches. I bought the full strength patches and on week 2 cut them in half and week 3 in quarters. Important take them off at night, they cause nightmares!!! this will save you money as you wont need to buy the different strengths. Do something different at the time when you would of had a ciggerette, like go for a short walk after a meal, good luck you wont regret it.

2007-01-17 03:50:57 · answer #3 · answered by Linda J 2 · 0 0

Have you been to your GP yet? Your own doctor can best advise you as smoke buster patches come in a series of strengths. You are supposed to start at the top and gradually work your way down.

If you can get the patches on prescription, it will probably work out a lot cheaper than paying the full price. Worth checking out.

Smoking in public places is already banned in Scotland and will be banned in N.Ireland and Wales in April. The All England Smoking Ban comes into force in cJune 2007.

2007-01-17 03:33:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Patches are grim. They hurt slightly, they make you feel ill and they are not much less expensive than cigarettes. I came off them after only 2 weeks and went cold turkey.

To avoid weight gain find a food you can pick at that is not too bad for you. I used dried fruit ( sultanas etc ) and instant japanese miso soup.

Another tip is to get very drunk indeed the day before you give up, then you wont feel like smoking for the first couple of days.

2007-01-17 03:30:35 · answer #5 · answered by penny century 5 · 0 0

I gave up smoking year 2000 new years eve last cigarette was 11.30 pm ,and it's been hell for 2 months,,because i didn't use any patches . gum or any other aid that was available at the time ,
I recommend you use some things that is to your liking to ease the craving for a cigarette ,
Sure you will put a little weight on ,but if you exercises your body daily ,you need not gain any extra weight ..
good luck and stay in there ,it will be the best thing you ever will be doing in your life ,believe me i know

2007-01-17 04:01:05 · answer #6 · answered by JJ 7 · 0 0

I gave up 10 weeks ago,I used "the easy way to stop smoking" by Allen Carr,it has a 53% success rate as opposed to nicotine patches which has a 26% success rate.

He is totally against nicotine replacement as it only takes 48 hours for all the nicotine to leave your body after the last ciggie,so why keep putting it back in.

Ive found it virtually pain free stopping,its brilliant,you can carry on smoking while you read the book.but I read it all in 4 hours and havent wanted another cig since.
Good luck x

2007-01-17 03:40:10 · answer #7 · answered by Pat R 6 · 0 0

Just dropped in to say congratulations! I did it cold turkey so I don't have any advice about the patch. Get some healthy snacks around though cause you will eat. Don't worry though, your heart and lungs will be better for your decision.

2007-01-17 07:10:33 · answer #8 · answered by Emerald Jones 5 · 0 0

Good for you, glad some people out there want to give it up. You'll be free of nasty smells and your body will benefit very much.

I'd recommend going to your doctor, as some of the high-street brands don't do what they say on the packet and its always hard picking the one you want or think is best. Go to your doctor Monday Morning he'll/she'll give you advice on what to do and then prescribe you something. I know prescriptions can be expensive but your body and health are more important than money.

I wish you Good Luck x x

2007-01-17 17:36:45 · answer #9 · answered by Ste444 4 · 0 0

I do not know if it is available in the Uk. But ask your DR, about a prescription called 'CHANTIX'. You pick a quit date, and start taking the medicine a week before your date. By the second week your on the medicine, the cigaretees taste so bad, you won't want one. It is a 4-6 week program. I am in my 3rd week now and have not had a cigarette for 8 days. Just the smell of them almost gags me. I have 2 buddies that have had success with this too. Good Luck

2007-01-17 03:27:52 · answer #10 · answered by alcontch 3 · 1 0

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