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The reason I am asking is I need some advice. My seven year old nephew has never liked doing "boy" things. For as long as I can remember he's always acted what the world would call feminine. Anyway his mom won't let him do or play with anything that she thinks of as girly. When I watch him I let him play with whatever he wants. He even keeps stuff at my house he doesn't want her to know about. I am starting to wonder if I'm doing the right thing. Also he's going into rages around certain family members. Could this be because he isn't being allowed to me himself? Also he recently told his mom he thinks he likes boys. Any advice? I just want him to be happy and he is not.

2007-01-16 19:20:35 · 22 answers · asked by kenslydale 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

22 answers

Well, i always knew i was gay i guess, but i was never "feminin" I dont think your nephew is gay, I think he is Transgendered (that is he is a female in a males body) Get him proper therapy, and make sure his mother doesnt send him to a "antigay" camp, or yell at him or something. Peace.
BTW: Respect for him telling his mum he was gay...respect

2007-01-23 03:50:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

at 7 years old, its very young to say what preference one will take.
as far as feminine,NOT all men that are feminine or act feminine are gay. i was friends with a brother and a sister, that were opposite he was into fashion and she was into sports. neither was gay, its what they liked or had a strong suit for.
i have met a few strong women that were married, and the men in there lives werent exactly manly but they were happily married.
just because one likes certain things doesnt make them gay.
its wrong to keep toys from him, and it would be a lot easier on him if he had someone to talk to, and to listen, even if you cant answer the questions, please keep the lines of communication open for him. there is nothing worse in this world than not to have someone to trust and talk to.
if a child is a happy child but is having rages around certain family members i would ask the child why? a child can sense by instinct
if a person if bad or not. trust the kid and keep him away or be there in person when he is around this person. you dont know why he gets into rages, so you better be asking questions to him and the adult. cause i would say something happened, so please find out. just love the kid and make sure he knows you love him.

2007-01-22 21:24:53 · answer #2 · answered by sharma 4 · 2 0

Hy mate, I'm 17 and I knew I was gay since I was 7 or it might have been earlier. I didn't do 'girly' things but i knew somehow. I'm dead impressed that your nephew told his mum that he might be gay, AT THE AGE OF 7!! By the way, why do you think that you're not doing the right thing? If he's gay, it doesn't matter what you make him or let him play with, he'll still be gay. Anyways, its not likely that anyone would take advice from a 17 year old, hehe, but I think you should carry on letting your nephew play with whatever he wants - (ofcourse, nothing that will physically harm him)

2007-01-16 19:36:10 · answer #3 · answered by Me Y 2 · 4 0

I actually started exhibiting "gay" tendencies when I was 5...I remember having the biggest crush on a cute red-headed boy in my kindergarten class! I even gave him the nickname "Cookie." I also remember having a conscious thought at age 9 of what my pastor would look like naked. However, not having any concept of "gay" and "straight," it did nothing for me (except I think I gave myself an erection). Fast forward to high school and that's when I started having those overt sexual feelings toward other guys. I didn't really understand it at first...and then was scared...and my answer is becoming a novel.

As for your nephew...Are you doing the right thing? If the toys he plays with at your place makes him happy then by all means you're doing something right. Let him grow and develop on his own, whether he outgrows this or is indeed gay.

2007-01-23 10:35:01 · answer #4 · answered by behrmark 5 · 2 0

My son did some fairly typically "girly" things when he was younger too. It's normal for boys to be curious about the opposite gender, it's all part of normal gender exploration. Even at his age still.

But as far as him telling his mom that he likes boys at that age is remakably odd behavior for ANY child.
The fact that his mother actively denies him normal exploration bothers me too. What is she so affraid of? Is she keeping some knowledge of other "issues" from you? Somethink like molestation or abuse?
At seven years old, children don't usually make such announcements. It's very out of the ordinary. Not to mention his bursting out into rages...this is indicitive behavior of abuse.
His mother's overt fear and/or denial is a bit concerning as well.
I'd be concerned that there's more going on here than meets the eye.

If you're comfortable asking his mother (not sure if she's your sister or sister-in-law) if there's any chance your nephew has been abused in anyway...I'd do it as soon as possible. Maybe even you as an extended family member might just simply ask him when his mother's not around if anyone has ever touched him in his private places?

If he tells you someone has, and his mother won't do anything, as extended family you do have the right to call the athorities on behalf of the child!

2007-01-16 19:34:49 · answer #5 · answered by DEATH 7 · 7 1

I can remember developing same sex feelings (not sexual at that age) from around 6 years of age. I assumed they would go as I got older but they didn't. I was in my late teens before I accepted that this is the way I am meant to be.
Your nephew sounds like a lucky boy - having an uncle who will care for him and love him unconditionally.

2007-01-21 04:04:29 · answer #6 · answered by CK 2 · 2 0

"he's going into rages around certain family members"

Mmmh, even if 7 or 8 is a young age to show sexual tendencies, there are boys that show them at those ages, however, before questioning yourself if he's gay or not, you should investigate whether he could being molested.

I think that he could be showing some signs (secretism, tantrums, etc) of sexual abuse.

Sorry for being this alarmist, but a member of my family went through an experience like that and presented those same attitudes.

2007-01-21 14:17:09 · answer #7 · answered by _Bizi Poz_ 3 · 2 0

he's seven years old. He has no idea of sexuality. When I look back at myself I should have known at 9 or 10 that I was gay..but it honestly never occurred to me. I didn't really come out until after I had been involved with a woman for 6 years. But in retrospect I should have known...As far as your nephew goes..who knows? really.

2007-01-16 19:42:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

I knew I was gay when I finally had sex with a guy - age 19. I thought I was gay in Jr. high..say 12-13?

Why I thought I was gay? Because I thought about having sex with a guy. Age 15-16.

What kind of sex did I have at age 19 ? Very quick!

2007-01-16 19:57:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Wow!! I'm usually a smart @ss when it comes to topics like these,but I love the kids so my advice would be to just simply sit down and talk to him and find out what he likes, I know you will always love him because he is your nephew, I have a 3 year old son and I love him more than I love myself and always will,no matter what, but by no means would I want him to be gay but I would want him to be happy, good luck with your situation!!

2007-01-16 19:29:29 · answer #10 · answered by Hi 7 · 5 0

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