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My problem is I live in an apartment and I don't want him crying and screaming and bothering the neighbors. Some nights he falls asleep at a good time, some nights he doesn't. I just want to get him to bed at a decent time every night because it's killing me . . . any suggestions?

2007-01-16 18:50:38 · 17 answers · asked by KatyScarlett 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

And NO my son is not a secret tenant, and I have never heard of an apartment complex that banned kids . . .

2007-01-16 19:06:06 · update #1

17 answers

Consistency is the answer.

I used to have problems with little J when he was tiny, he would get so wound up that he would be over tired and would have to cry for a few minutes until he fell asleep.
That problem stopped as soon as we became consistent.

I recommend a bed time ritual. a nice warm bath with soothing music, no bright lights after the bath, a nice story in bed or just talking to him as he falls asleep.
It would helps also that before the ritual that he gets some exercise and then a calm down period before dinner adn the bath.
A nice warm bottle of formula at the end of it all also helps.

Find what works for you from these peaceful solutions

Sometimes baby Mozart or baby Bach helps them to fall asleep. The twins used to nod off to it at nap time when they were little ( now 4 1/4) also helps to have a consistent bed time.
As for bothering the neighbors with crying, sometimes the neighbors just have to deal with it for a little bit until he finds his sleep groove.
It also used to help little J when I would sit next to his crib and just pat his back in a slow rhythm.
Good Luck.

And oh, Sahara. WHen a 1 year old is crying sometimes the neighbors do have to just deal with it.
We are civilized humans, but a one year old kid is a different story. a week of crying adn the routine should kick right in.
PS the police will really not bother you for disturbing the peace because your child is crying. Good thing I don't live next door to you, you would probably blame all your problems on me.

2007-01-16 19:03:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Get a copy of the "No-Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. Talk to your neighbors and explain that you are developing a new nighttime routine with your baby and you will try to have him quiet at a resonable hour. Most adults are still awake at 9 pm right? So try to start the routine; bath, snack or nurse, tooth brushing, song or story then rocking or patting or cuddling, at 7:30 or so and have him asleep by 8:30.

Or, you could just have him sleep with you;-) That's what my kids did.

2007-01-16 19:19:29 · answer #2 · answered by Terrible Threes 6 · 2 0

Stick to a schedule in everything you do. Little ones...even the more challenging ones, will do much better with routine. Make sure you give them lots of physical activity even at that age. Focus on a filling evening dinner and then settle into a nightly routine of quiet play time followed by 15-20 minutes of reading to them. It takes time but once you get into a groove this will seem easy.

2007-01-16 20:06:42 · answer #3 · answered by the matt 2 · 2 0

Fresh air always wears a kid out. That and a strict routine. For me its dinner at 6 snack at 8, bath at 8:30-9:00 depending on how long snack time takes, then its in bed. I read to them for half an hour, sing a song, kiss them goodnight, tell them I love them. That's it. it takes a while for a routine to kick in to the child but once a routine is in place it makes it a lot easier. My routine might not work for everyone, its just whats affective for me. You have to find what works for you and stick to it. Its the same when they get up in the morning. I wake them at the same time each day.

2007-01-16 20:05:34 · answer #4 · answered by Shaz T 2 · 2 0

Routine routine routine.

Every night, at the same time, do the same things. A couple of hours before bedtime, cut out TV and the playing and music and other stimuli that will keep him stirred up. Start doing quieter things that will help him start to calm down and end his day. Then have bath time, then cuddling with mommy with a book, then nursing or a bottle rocking and cuddling until he's ready to fall asleep.

Children are creatures of habit. They thrive on it and grow from it. Give him a framework with consistency and he'll behave with more consistency.

2007-01-16 19:14:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

i have a really loud and sometimes violent lil nephew that's super active at night and he drives my sis nuts... i recommend tiring him out during the afternoon.. try playing with him! active games... or better yet, take him out for a nice stroll around the park or something.. the key is to tire him out so he'd get to sleep earlier at night... and if he takes naps in the afternoon, make it as short as possible bcos it's gonna take its toll at nigh (he's gonna be wide awake by then)..
also, my sis let's her son watch barney on tv.. hahaha.. w/c doesn't exactly put the lil kid to sleep, but it sure does make him a lot more quiet and behaved.. so, no noise!
good luck! :D

2007-01-16 19:15:16 · answer #6 · answered by mel 2 · 1 0

That is average. My daughter demands approximately eleven hours of sleep as good. Sounds alot to us, however they're developing and particularly put on themselves out for the period of the day. My daughter handed out at the sofa as eight:30 final night time, after begging me to permit her keep up past due lol

2016-09-07 22:02:21 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Car rides always work. Also try not letting him have a nap to late in the day. Good Luck mama

2007-01-16 20:11:17 · answer #8 · answered by LSD 4 · 1 0

Hi.....Most upper Class buildings do ban children

Also,It is very good that you are considerate of the neighbors.

Most parents can become very selfish and forget that other people have their lives to live and nothing is worse than screaming,when you are trying to sleep.

Howm Grone J
You said.....As for bothering the neighbors with crying, sometimes the neighbors just have to deal with it


2007-01-16 19:12:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 6

get him up early in the morning. and make sure he has a lot of activity before bed.and a warm bath and try rocking him to sleep.

2007-01-16 18:56:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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