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Who will hang Mr Bush for causing more than 10 million deaths of innocent Iraqis since invasion and supporting the biggest terrorist on the earth ,as quoted by senior American journalist, Israel's Mr Ariel Sharon?? I wonder whether he's fighting against terrorism or creating it??

2007-01-16 18:31:36 · 19 answers · asked by Dr.Waugh 1 in News & Events Current Events

19 answers

You cannot kill someone to tell people that killing people is wrong.

There is no retribution either way. Perhaps they'll both burn in hell.

2007-01-16 20:17:32 · answer #1 · answered by quay_grl 5 · 1 1

First off, you do realize that Saddam was hanged on ONE charge. There were many more that he could have been tried on adding up to hundreds of thousands of deaths. But you can only hang a person once.

Second, There is a big difference between lining innocent people up and shooting them...and worse...versus leading a country into war where there will inevitably be deaths...especially since the vast majority of Iraqi deaths are being perpetrated by civilian Muslim combattants on other Muslims.

Your attempt at trying to place some sort of moral equivalency on the two just doesn't work, my friend.

2007-01-17 01:05:45 · answer #2 · answered by kathy_is_a_nurse 7 · 1 0

I hate to defend Dubya on...well, pretty much anything, but he doesn't create terrorism. He creates business. Trading arms with other nations is a practice leaders have been doing for centuries. We give weapons to allies to help them with a (usually) common enemy, they give us money and help fund our own country's inner workings. It's a good way to make money during a time of peace, when our arms do little more than collect dust.

The downside, of course, is when a former ally decides they don't like us anymore, and the deal kind of bites us all in the butt. However, especially now when direct combat is far less bloody than some historical battles (considered people used to die by the hundreds or thousands in every single battle), this is a calculated risk taken by many nations, not just our own, to increase our treasury and help keep things working.

As for your main question, no one's going to hang President Bush, simply because he's in one of the most powerful positions on Earth. Say what you will about the war or the military, but we've had very few attacks actually land on our shores in the past century (all of which technically occurred when we were officially at peace). The odds of an outside force coming in and kicking our *** like we did with Saddam's forces is rather unlikely. I think, save for another surprise terrorist attack (one which Bush would definitely NOT fund, by the way) or a bloody revolution from within, the U.S. president is probably going to be in office until '08, during which time he will thankfully be permanently booted out of office. And since he has no sons and our country's not likely to elect a female president for some time, I think this'll be the end of the Bush dynasty for awhile.

2007-01-16 19:46:38 · answer #3 · answered by vfaulkon 2 · 0 0

That is the biggest load of bull**** i have ever heard. You should be ashamed of yourself. Iraq was killing innocent people long before we got here. It is sad that so many people don't get to see the looks on these people faces when they see us. They are a very miserable people because they are not able to protect themselves from the terrorist attacks that happen everyday. I am appauled anyone would ever even think this way. I have never felt so much disrespect. I am over here right now fighting for this country and our country and all you can say is that we are killing innocent Iraqis and that our President should be hanged. You are the lowest of the low.

2007-01-16 18:47:47 · answer #4 · answered by shortyfive0 3 · 3 0

Reported by what senior journalist? Are you saying Ariel Sharon, the prime minister of Israel, the guy in a coma is actually a journalist and wrote a story? dude... lay off the pipe for five minutes.

dude seriously look for real news not just crap you get off the web sites dedicated to hating Bush and the United States.

can you provide any proof what so ever to you statements that comes from a legitimate source and that has factual evidence not heresy and conjecture?

I could say that radioactive monkeys run the world bank and live on the international space station. But unless there is real Proof and not just crap on the Internet anyone can make up, then you cant call it proof, evidence or fact.

Present facts!

until then shut the hell up with this asinine, baseless and biased crap.

2007-01-16 18:42:35 · answer #5 · answered by Stone K 6 · 5 1

Have you heard of the Kurdish people and how they were gassed with mustard gas and nerve gas? Entire villages were eradicated.

How about the war with Iran? The invasion of Kuwait?

The UN says that the just under 35,000 killed in Iraq since 2003. That includes the many people killed by bombs put in schools or market areas, and not by Americans.

You can quote as many journalists as you'd like, but not one of them has ever written or signed a peace pact.

Are you aware that Israel has been sending hints of doing a land trade with Syria or Jordan or Lebanon to get the peace process moving again? That was in a Lebanese news story today.

2007-01-16 18:52:14 · answer #6 · answered by Susan M 7 · 0 0

finding on the countless previous solutions jogs my memory that people who shout loudest have the least to declare and the main to conceal. The Iraqis that Saddam killed have been often killed with the conivance and appoval of england and u.s., not that Britain has had an self sufficient voice for years, and we killed many with the sanctions we imposed on Iraq, which the politicians knew and probably was hoping may be the case, so that they might portray what were their murderous tyrant as now an self sufficient murderous tyrant. attempt finding in the back of the headlines, a number of you.

2016-10-31 08:21:14 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

let us establish a few points. the current president of the "united states" will account for his actions that have (directly or indirectly) caused tens of thousands of casualties and already a full blown civil war. No one is above judgement.
that being said let us take take a quick look at these two scenarios. put aside all biases and really assess which is the greater of the evils or the lesser of the goods.
1. the "tyrant sadam hussein is IN POWER and the streets of Iraq are in calm
2. the "peacemaker bush is IN POWER and there is turmoil, car bombings, bloodbaths, moms and sisters being raped.
honestly think about it
WHAT can possibly justify the deaths of thousands of innocent people. "saddam hussein the dictator is ousted" and held to account?
what kind of a man was he? at last check iraq was doing well and going about their affairs under his rule. then they will say what about the countless people he massacred? a terrible atrocity indeed but I ask in return when did this take place? what has been the state of iraq for the last 10 years prior to the war in 03?
So in essense the justification (or rather the commander in chief's justification) for the war in iraq was and still is the ouster of hussein. one single man . ONE single man is so cruel and twisted in nature, that his demise in itself justifies the killings of thousands of civilians????
one single man
One man can only detract from and account for another.
you simply CANNOT value one persons life at the exchange rate of 2 others or in this case 50,000+ others.
this is really a sad tragedy and alone gives credence to the fact that there is the Ultimate Judge and Every person will undergo judgement.

2007-01-16 19:29:25 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Not you. You're too busy sitting on your computer making up total lies to get attention. Bush will not be hanged for murders he didn't commit. The next time you attempt ask a question, throw some facts in there. You might actually win over some people next time. Not a guarantee but, it might surprise you!

2007-01-16 18:58:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That's like someone getting jailed for buying low price goods that are made in foreign country that exploit child labors and cause other suffering, inhumane treatments. May be you should be hanged for buying Nikes and iPods.

Bush never gave orders to kill Iraqis civilians. Its Iraqis killing each other.

2007-01-16 20:27:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Wow...that's a new one. Everyday someone has a new figure for casualities. Anyhoo, Saddam actually killed & tortured people for his own personal reasons (genocide, my dear). The President never killed anyone for his own personal reasons whether you think the war was his own personal agenda or not. If an American President was killed because there was a war during his administration, we wouldn't have gotten past George Washington.

2007-01-16 18:41:25 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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