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Barack Obama wants to change the government so that it can be the way it was fifty years ago: Republicans and Democrats able to set aside their differences and resolve problems. Instead today we have both sides so polarized that they are constantly deadlocked in many situations and are not doing anything to help the country.

Do you believe in Obama's ideas and why? I definitely do. We cannot advance as a country unless politicians are willing to sacrifice some of their ideas and swallow their pride to negotiate and resolve issues with the other side.

2007-01-16 18:09:26 · 10 answers · asked by CDRun87 2 in Politics & Government Government

10 answers

i agree wholeheartedly with the idea. but i fear that though it makes a wonderful theory and a great political platform, it is not a very realistic likelihood. the 2 sides are polarized more firmly now than ever before. just listen to some of the questions and answers here; people are not even able to agree to disagree. they attack one another with a viciousness that is surprising. there's no healthy debate, just a thoughtless barrage of personal slurs and slams. i wish him the very best of luck if he is willing to try to make it work. but it just seems as if there are way to many special interest groups these days, each with its own dogmatic, unbending, self-serving agenda and an extremely militant way of communicating. and when you take into account all the celebrities in politics; media power; spin doctors; political correctness to the nth degree; and the nazi-like lobbyists with politicians in their pockets...............well it just doesnt seem like we currently have the most condocive atmosphere for this kind of philosophy to take root. we citizens of the 21st century have really forgotten the fine art of compromise and fairness that are neccessary to make a democracy truly work.

2007-01-16 18:22:06 · answer #1 · answered by mickey 5 · 1 0

I don't believe in Obama's ideas because he does not have any. If your solution is "Come on guys, let's work together and heal this great nation" you are not an idea man, you are a politician.

But, having said that, he will be the next Vice President under Hillary Rodham Clinton...the Media has already decided that it is going to happen, so their political pundits will calmly steer the brainwashing rails in that direction as the creation of a draft and the open borders issue forces the closure of hospitals comes to a head...in early 08.

Unfortunately, swallowing pride has nothing to do with the integrity of their ideals. Negotiation is unnecessary anyway at this point. The Republican train has split apart between Neoconservative Commies and Conservative Catholics...kinda sad really. So, with the split of that party, the Fascisti Democrats will have the reigns through 2012...enjoy your time until 12/21/12 at 11:11 am...the end of days as we know it.

2007-01-16 19:18:01 · answer #2 · answered by Hammerhead 2 · 1 1

I hate to be a fly in the ointment but, Obama is gonna look real good on Osama's wall as a trophy, changing Presidents is not gonna change the attitude people have about America. especially that which was way before Bush....

Only the Americans can do that UNITED! and between Republicans and Democrats I don't see that happening anyway!

2007-01-16 18:25:46 · answer #3 · answered by snickers 3 · 0 0

If Obama was more seasoned in years of service, he would get my vote. If the children of politicians were "at risk" of having to serve in the military, would wars be an option? He has an uphill battle in trying to appease both parties. "There isn't a penny's difference between a Democrat and a Republican."

2007-01-16 18:24:25 · answer #4 · answered by J W 4 · 0 0

Obama has one strike, his name is very close to Osama and AMERICAN'S today are still bantering and ridding of anything that relates to middle eastern descent. But with that all said, his ideals remind me of LENNON, great beauty and poetry, but sadly short-lived and cut short.

We all agree that we need to put aside our differences, but that would have to admit that someone is right and someone is wrong. For BUSH and PELOSI to even make nice, BUSH would have to let IRAQ go and chalk up that he made the biggest FOREIGN POLICY FAUX PAUX, not happening.

Its not just a matter of setting aside differences, its about letting the past go and believe you me, YANKS AND REDS are not READY to give up the past; because that past sadly is what makes AMERICA the place that it is.

To swallow pride, you have to be willing to listen and compel the other side to listen, politicians don't listen, they assail, and they try to pick apart their enemies to see who has the "bigger" country.

If OBAMA wants to win PRESIDENCY, he's got one thing going for him, everyone wants REPS out. The only thing he has against him his HILARY and America. Many would put Hilary in before a black man, its just the nature of how we think as a people. Its an understated truth, that I think even OBAMA knows, but he wants to see where it will lead.

2007-01-16 18:45:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Great idea but not gonna fly....this country has always been two sided.....never going to change...too many people like to believe they are right and the other is wrong....

2007-01-17 18:30:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would love to see this. U.S. politics are unfortunately no longer really about ideals, however. Most of our politicians are puppets to those holding all the cash and leverage. Very, very sad.

Something must change, but the people have grown complacent.

2007-01-16 18:16:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yes. I think that Obama will be able to change American politics for the better. He is so charasmatic and so intelligent, and i think politicians will eventually realize that we have to negotiate across the aisle and we need both parties in order to really accomplish important measures....we need to have more bipartisinship. Obama is Omazing...he's great. I think he will help to change the world. He reminds me a lot of JFK...young, youthful, vibrant, and very intelligent.

2007-01-16 18:13:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Not a chance..
Democrats will sell the nation for their personal gain...

2007-01-16 18:16:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

obama's is the might just be the worlds savour.

but before or after world war 3?

2007-01-16 18:19:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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