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9 answers

Religion was created to govern the larger population of mankind - Each sector with its own religion. This is what happens when you take ancient tools of allegorical teaching and use it for control of power. All religions carry the same lessons. When you structure a society based on fabrication and use fear of the unknown to instill your will, you set the downfall for the civilization. As in the past with other religions, we too will see that our modern religions are bastardized versions of lessons long told. We too will understand that we’ve been dupped. Just as Zeus and the Greek Gods faded, our kiddie stories will go. The lesson is always there, but it is never taught. Religion has been a thorn in humanities backside for ages. It has claimed more lives than all natural disasters combined to date. The only thing that is holy about the “HOLY LAND” are the bullets wedged inside of the buildings. It’s a crying shame that people are still running externally to find redemption – I pity the fools.

2007-01-16 18:32:48 · answer #1 · answered by Venom Spartan 3 · 0 0

Religions were not invented the day before yesterday. They have co existed for atleast 2006 years if not more! If we analise the origin of religions we find that great thinkers , around many parts of this globe had similar thoughts on the creator and the universe and postulated theories suited to their circumstances. They exchanged ideas and evolved consensus.

Though there was no such religion as Hindu religion , there wass this Indian Way of Life. other religions like Budhism , Jainsm, Sikhism evolved from these Indian thoughts only.

The problem came about only when the religious fanatics claimed their God to be either better or the only god. Even now people seem to fight in the name of the religion but , actually, it is not. There are many other considerations like , economic dependence , culture , social factors which are being defended IN the name of the religion.

Europe, America China japan , have no religious problems . It is actually between countries/nations rather than between one religion and the other.

Possibly , the( impossible) way to solve this is for the two religions ... chistianity and Islam and two most populous countries , India and China sit together and draw up a plan of co existence in the name of peace. This cannot happen but atleast we can think of it!

2007-01-16 19:12:22 · answer #2 · answered by YD 5 · 0 0

Religions become a threat when they lose integrity. Religions lose integrity when the original doctrine is altered for political, personal, or social gain. Once people begin interpreting scripture to suit their own agenda, all "hell" breaks loose. The text will contradict itself, will have to be re-interpreted again to reflect the new direction, and conflict arises between the followers of the original texts and the new texts. Eventually, the truth is hidden or lost, and no one knows what to believe, so they invent even more interpretations to try to bridge the gaps. Some people will become fanatical in their attempt to hang on to the version they prefer, other people will discard it altogether. This also creates division. Instead of having a society of people with similar beliefs, traditions, and customs, there is a society which mistrusts, disregards, and abuses the other members. It creates a vicious circle, with almost no solutions.

2007-01-16 18:30:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The media would like you to believe that religions are the greatest threat to mankind. However, you have to separate the religion from the believers in the religion to find the true answer to this question. Religion is the source of a lot of good charity in this world. A lot of religions are based on principles of peace, wisdom, and goodwill. The problem is that there are "believers" among every religion that misconstrue the facts and principles and decide that war with believers of other religions are supported by the religion they believe in.

2007-01-16 18:13:14 · answer #4 · answered by Craig B 2 · 1 1

perhaps it's the misconceptions on religions that bring about the real threat. sometimes, with the varying practices brought about by different religions, the contrast in opinion about those kinds of traditions bring about the feud.

example: in one religion, a certain practice is part of the norms/code. in another religion, it may be considered a detestable act. the varying of people's perspectives brought about by the varying beliefs of their religions may may seemingly cause a lot of contradiction. however, that contradiction is still a result of the misconception.

i guess the problem is that people keep on pointing out the differences in their religions. what they don't see are the common factors that may correlate the varying types of religions with each other. also, because of their negative perspectives, they shed religions in bad light. as people feel that religions dictate their beliefs and actions, they forget to have open minds. thus, they soon forget to respect the differences.

2007-01-17 00:28:50 · answer #5 · answered by changing_sky 2 · 0 0

The key to mankind's survival has been the ability to ADAPT. Religions, however well meaning, tend to fixate on one particular way of life as "good" with all others being "wrong".

An inflexible set of rules may last a few years, or even centuries. But EVENTUALLY they have to be revised in order to remain relevant.

2007-01-16 18:14:22 · answer #6 · answered by Alan 6 · 0 0

Not religions but only one religion and you know very well what I mean. But let me add , it is not that all the people of this religion make trouble.........but they are misguided and brain washed.........only proper education can solve this problem. It is is very long way to go.......very difficult task........we can only hope for the better.........

2007-01-16 18:38:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because they tell you how to think instead of nurturing the idea that we should search inside and discover how it is we really fit in to the whole scheme.

2007-01-16 18:28:37 · answer #8 · answered by lisa l 3 · 0 0

The religions of money, power, and greed.

2007-01-16 18:25:28 · answer #9 · answered by HOTSAM329 2 · 0 0

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