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34,452 Iraq civilians said killed in '06 By HURST, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Twin car bombs tore through a leading Baghdad university as students left classes Tuesday in the deadliest attack in Iraq in nearly two months, and the United Nations reported 34,452 civilians were slain last year, nearly three times more than the United States government reported.

A total of 142 Iraqis were killed or found dead Tuesday, in what appeared to be a renewed campaign of Sunni insurgent violence against Shiite targets. The sharp uptick in deadly attacks coincided with the release of U.N. figures that showed an average of 94 civilians died each day in sectarian bloodshed in 2006. This proves the United States is going down like Vietnam. This is very shameful.

2007-01-16 18:05:30 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

23 answers

I'm so proud of the American soldiers who fight and protect us.

2007-01-16 19:54:37 · answer #1 · answered by RunSueRun 5 · 3 2

I am ashamed that fellow Americans actually believe the BOOB TUBE aka the TV.

Have your forgotten what "programming" means?? Do some reasearch people.....the TV is the leading edge of all propaganda.

Even the other night I watched a History Channel show about Jesus and the Bible and they had it all twisted around. Why...cause the larger picture they would like to remove Jesus and all forms of God. And they slowly do things over time. Not hours, not days, not weeks....but months and years.

Perfects example....George H.W. Bush speaks on Sept 11, 1991 in front of Congress and states "a new world order". Then you read the books about the New World Order and they all say that they will need another Pearl Harbor to get it started. Then exactly 10 yrs to the very day of that speech.....his son, George W. Bush is in office as planes just happen to strike the Twin Towers.

Then you can get into facts of President Bush's grandfather was Prescot Bush. A known and documented funder and backer to the 3rd Reigh and to Hitler himself. Then from history we all know that Argentina allowed many Nazi's to escape to that country. Then just last year you hear of the Bush family buying 2000 acres in Argentina. hmmmmm

Oh and don't forget George H.W.Bush's statement in 1992...quote " If the American people even knew what the Bush family has done....they would chase us through the streets and lynch us ".

Think the Bush family got some land in a safe country.....just in case since the polls haven't looked good for a while?

Come on America....forget American Idol, forget what you are gonna wear this weekend, forget who did or did not get a plasma TV or who has the new Wii or not. That is what they want you to do....be to busy to see anything else that is going on around you in PLAIN SIGHT.

Plain sight....now where have we heard that recentlly....oh yea...the news.....those 2 boys that were in Missouri with that freak.....how were they hiding? IN PLAIN SIGHT.

2007-01-16 18:19:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I am not ashamed of anything the US has done. Remember one thing, if you are 18 vote. If you don't like who is elected, vote them out.

Our government knows much more than you or what the papers are allowed to release. Stories from snoopy reporters only getting half the story are the biggest problem with attitudes against government.

War is war. Have you already forgotten 911? What a shame. I for one would like to keep the war over there, not here on my turf. You should feel lucky to live here where you can sleep at night. Where you don't have to worry about car bombs as you walk by them. Forget what you hear on the news which are usually glorified reports to get you to watch. Get to know your representatives and senators. Find out what is really going on.

2007-01-16 18:39:12 · answer #3 · answered by danielle Z 7 · 4 0

Umm...no. I would probably be ashamed if you had stated some facts in your mock question instead of your opinions. No country is perfect and the U.S has certainly made it's fair share of mistakes but, by and large, this is a great country.

If you want to bash the States, go for it. That's the great thing...free speech. You should have some respect for the servicemen overseas protecting your butt and fighting in a war you obviously know little about. The Vietnam comparion is getting very very old. Dust off another chestnut already.

2007-01-16 18:32:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I like how you mixed your opinion in with a news story to make it look "more authentic".

So, let me see if I understand this correctly.

Iraqis are killing other Iraqis and this is the United States' fault. Is that what you're saying?

The UN reports a number of "civilian" deaths that far exceeds the US's reports, and this surprises you why? Is it because the US doesn't count someone as "civilian" if they happened to be shooting at coalition forces when they died? According to the UN, if the person isn't wearing a ski mask or a uniform, he's arbitrarily a "civilian".

If you're going to post a bunch of numbers up from a lopsided story with your personal comments added for flavor, then take an extra few minutes and research how many of those "civilian deaths" were actually committed by Iraqi insurgents (or, as the UN calls them, "undocumented soldiers").

2007-01-16 18:15:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Why must the US be ashame of themselves when they did'nt do anything after the war was over in planet of apes.
Try and ask those in Iraq why are they clubbing one another who is living human kind like themselves in planet of apes.
The ghostly stories from the graveyards were suppose to guide them fo the advancement of themselves but the seemed to be moving backward with time in planet of apes.
Look around at the mess in Iraq as a living examples on the blunders and slip-ups with human errors blindly following the Piped Piper who were still primitive living human kind hanging upsides blind as a bat still living in caves in planet of apes.
Do you understand what is the way forward?
Do you want the same living example going backward like those in Iraq?

2007-01-16 19:08:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Does it matter how many people are killed when it is the terrorists doing the killing? If Amercians were running around shooting innocent people all day long then we have a problem. The Nazis in WW2 killed millions of people. Was it shameful to try to stop them? Why is everything America's fault?

2007-01-17 02:18:07 · answer #7 · answered by Dave D 2 · 0 0

i became in jap ramadi from the top of might want to 06 to previous due october 06. the city is termed tammim, its a provence or ramadi. its like brooklyn to nyc. theres no longer something to sense embarrassment about. that city is the most violent city in iraq next to baghdad. the insurgents use females and toddlers to undercover agent, plant ieds, conceal guns and do different dirty issues. the city is all sunni and all and diverse is conscious of even as something is going down there, each so often there are casualitys there that are threat free human beings. its no longer americas fault or the terrorists fault. it in basic terms takes position. our colonel by probability called in a bombing raid on a relations party interior the line killing and wounding all sorts of human beings. body elements everywhere. stuff takes position, thats in basic terms how that is

2016-10-15 08:30:51 · answer #8 · answered by falls 4 · 0 0

I'm Canadian and I'm not ashamed of my brothers down south!! It may be ugly, if may not sound right, and it may cost more then the rest of us were willing to pay, but thank god the Americans have the guts to go over there and knock of the crap with Saddam!! Oh my god their where no weapons of mass destruction, only mass weapons of destruction!!! I don't care if bush lied or not, he was willing to put his name on the line to do what he thought he had to do, and i will back him up!!! And i apologize to you Americans, I'm sorry our army hasn't backed you up as much as maybe you hoped, but you already have more troops in Iraq, then we have at all!!! Were only 60,000 strong and spread thin for some peace keeping stuff.

2007-01-16 19:06:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Just how many of these were actually killed by anyone from the U.S.? The greatest portion of those killed in Iraq are killed by either Iraqi, Syrian or Iranian militants. I am ashamed that idiots like you blame the U.S. for every bomb that goes off and your opinion is protected by the same forces you would spit on if you had the guts. If those cowards want the U.S. troops out, let them attack the troops. But you see that is where they show how truly cowardly they are. They attack innocent civilians and you attack those protecting you. Ever thought of moving out of the U.S. for good?

2007-01-16 18:15:10 · answer #10 · answered by bamafannfl 3 · 4 2

Yet another FABRICATION placed into a copyrighted article, by the habitual liar who calls himself Erudite. This Tokyo Rose of Yahoo Answers, AKA a Anti-American propaganda machine, continually adds these lies and fabrications to atricles in a feeble attempt to try and fool people into believing his warped little agenda.

As always, I will continue to point out these lies and fabrications, and proving the link to the UNALTERED article.

As for the fabrication in this article, of course it is:
"This proves the United States is going down like Vietnam. This is very shameful."

You are still quite dispicable, Erudite...

2007-01-17 06:13:14 · answer #11 · answered by DiamondDave 5 · 0 1

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