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And what are the benifits of this any ways (high vibrations). If a person has high vibrations can they be dulled by anything like drugs? Some one was talking to me about this subject and it intrested me.

2007-01-16 17:19:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

3 answers

if your hyper u hav a hiey vibe man.

2007-01-17 11:20:25 · answer #1 · answered by Jay-V-Dub 3 · 0 0

Vibratory signatures create the circumstances and situation that are gravitated to your life.
When you vibrate on a high frequency, it is because you have come to understand not just more about the external world, but more about yourself. The principle of GOD resides within each of us and the closer we move towards it, the higher the frequency of energy.When I say GOD, I am not referring to religion. Groups of a certain kind of people vibrate on the same frequency; therefore they will always hang around each other like a moth to a flame - the knucklehead with the knuckleheads and the artist with the artist. When you’ve found that it is difficult to associate yourself from those around you, things will begin coming to light for you. When you find that the people that you once hung out with are no longer entertaining or of any interest to you, know that you’ve grown. When you begin asking questions about existence, life and purpose and are no longer asking surface questions like, who won American Idol or which celebrity married which – understand that you have increased your vibratory signature and are moving away from this limited tangible reality. The world will begin looking different to you. All of the things that matter most to the general population is no longer any interest to you. You’re in search of substance, in search of self. If a question is never posed, then an answer is never revealed. I have written this with confidence because it is the path that I have taken, it is my summarized history. Because you have placed this question into the universe, observe that you will end up in predicaments that will provide you with things on a higher vibratory signature. I am not just speaking about on Yahoo Answers, but in your daily life.

If a person has high vibrations can they be dulled by anything like drugs?

Yes… We are not the body… It is only a vessel that sustains us here in 3rd density. An Astronaut needs a spacesuit and a Deep Sea Explorer needs a vehicle, we need a body to sustain us under our atmosphere of 16,000 pounds of square inch of pressure. Do not be fooled, we are the energy that resides within the body. We have our very own pharmacy within our body. It is what the body does, it only heals itself, but it is us that choose to bring harm to the body with the madness that we do to it. Drugs are dead, they do not have consciousness, so if you took a pill for the heart, it doesn’t know to go to the heart and take care of the problem. It is going to hit everything, the Heart, Lungs, Kidney, Bladder etc… It will effect everything else, even the healthy organs will suffer, this is what’s called SIDE EFFECTS. Dead drugs do not work on the body, it’s dead, it is the body that works on the dead drugs. You feel the effects of the body attempting to remove the poison that you have introduced to it.

2007-01-16 17:59:54 · answer #2 · answered by Venom Spartan 3 · 0 0

A feeling of lightness is a clear sign that you are vibrating at a higher frequency.

Higher frequency simply means a lightness of being and an abundance of love energy as that is what creates us at an atomic level.

More light simply means more love, as true light-ness is the light of love.

And that is easy to spot in ourselves or any other being as we all are beings of light.

When we instantly like a person it means that our frequencies have resonated with one another or in simpler term we vibe well.

Sometimes when we meet a person who is at present vibrating at with lower frequency, our own frequency naturally experiences a damping effect. For example when we meet a person who is either unwell or feeling low, we might come out feeling drained. This is also experienced when interacting with a very needy or attention grabbing person.

Opposite is the effect when we meet a person with a higher frequency, no wonder we are all so attracted to radiant people and beyond all to the Source itself.

Food and drinks with high vibration can have an equally enhancing effect on our vibrations. As all food when digest turns into energy, so food that has lightness in it, will naturally add to our own light.

Simple test: Do I feel light after eating this stuff? Or does it make me feel dowdy? And that can be wonderful guide to help us decide what should we eat, drink or even while deciding whom should we keep as a company and whom should we avoid at all costs; as we also get energy from our relationships through the words we exchange and the thoughts we hold within, as they create the energy within.

While some people might have harsh energies and make us feel rattled because they are giving us a totally opposite frequency, compared to ours. Some other people might be so drastic that our first instinct might be to avoid them. That usually is good guide for creating loving and fruitful relationship, one that enhances our frequency in the long run.

If we stay plugged in to our self and stay relaxed, energies of higher frequency will keep flowing into us, and we shall never feel low or depleted that happens only when we disconnect with the source within, under stress, or confusion. Both clear signs and causes of disconnection from the spirit within.

The quickest way to raise frequency is to relax and bring our focus back to our breath so that the self can reconnect automatically, also expanding our aura through an intent helps.

Preparing for a tense situation we must ensure that we are already expanded when we go in, so that when the contraction occurs is it is natural to us in some us, we do not contract so much that we actually disconnect from the source itself.

Finally, we must stay aware at all times, that is the only way we can keep a vigil on our connection. Awareness is not just the key to higher frequency but also an easy life, as with connection every experience is received and experienced in its true light, of gratitude and humility.

2007-01-16 17:58:14 · answer #3 · answered by Abhishek Joshi 5 · 1 0

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