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19 answers

Death is an illusion. When the Astronaut gets into space, he needs a space suit to sustain him in that environment. When a deep Sea Explorer goes under water, he needs a vehicle to sustain him in that environment. We live on a planet here in 3rd density, there is 16,000 pounds per sq. inch of pressure in the air. Our bodies happen to be the vehicle that keeps us here. The biggest misconception happens to be that we are our bodies. When the driver of a car is on the highway, the car is an extension of the driver, but it is not the driver. If the driver is intoxicated, the car will be in trouble. Our bodies happen to be our vehicle and we keep it in order by having a sound mind that does not feed into destructive habitual needs. The body will sustain itself, that is what it is programmed to do. Cut yourself and observe what happens. Next think about how much thought or energy you had to put into telling your body how to repair the damage. The body never destroys itself; it is only the person controlling it that inflicts the harm. We are the energy that resides within the body, and as we have all learnt, energy never dies; it is only transferred – like walking on your rug and shocking yourself on the doorknob. Energy transfers itself, where we go or what happens next would only be the imagination at work, but is there life after death? If energy never dies but the flesh decays… When do we ever die?

2007-01-16 17:31:44 · answer #1 · answered by Venom Spartan 3 · 2 0

Good question but only one that can be answered by what each individual believes. If we as humans knew what is to happen after death we really wouldn't be scared of dying or is just that we are scared of the unknown. If there is someone that can answer this question with a Definite YES or NO, How do they really know? Most near death experience or out of body experiences are only a few minutes. Life after death to me means DEAD forever no coming back...........I have never heard of anyone coming back after that long. So i believe there is something after death and I believe it is a good place for us to spent eternity.....so all i can say to you If YOU believe there is well no one can really prove otherwise. Good Luck with your answer be interested to hear some others.

2007-01-16 16:55:02 · answer #2 · answered by hollymolley 1 · 0 0

The body is actually the only thing of a human which can die, the person's soul is eternal and lives forever. With every life the human's soul lives it grows a personality but when the body dies the person's soul leaves the body to search throughout time for another body. The soul doesn't remember anything about the past life like who he was or how his personality was because he starts all over again when he is born again. If you don't live a life that God doesn't approve of when you're here on earth, he'll bring you back over and over until you get it right. This earth is a world of chaos, curroption, etc.; and that's why God made it hell which is why you live over and over.
There is life after death but it depends on if you've lived a life God will approve of, only then will God will meet with his elite team of angels and your spiritual overseer (who watches over your entire life) will they decide if you should be amongst them or live again in hell (earth). If he decides to approve you to be amongst him and his angels, he'll give you a different body fit for a different planet and a different plan in the afterlife.

2007-01-16 19:48:48 · answer #3 · answered by Dimples 6 · 0 0

The death of the body is not the end. We are not the body. According to the Bhagavad-Gita, as this embodied soul continues to pass in this life from boyhood, to man, to old age, upon the death of the body the soul takes another body. Sometimes it is the body of a human, sometimes that of an animal. At no time does the soul, having never been created, come to an end. The soul is indestructible, immutable, and eternal. Our purpose is to end the cycle of birth, death, disease, and old age, and transcend the body. Transcending the body, we obtain our original, spiritual existence.

2007-01-16 19:24:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No one really knows the answer to this question for certain. Some people claim to have passed over to the other side of death...they saw a bright white light drawing them to their deceased loved ones. But, they came back to tell the story, so it could be the brain has this mechanism to deal with near death experiences. One thing for sure, we are all going to die eventually. Then, we'll either know, or not know the answer. In the meantime, we are left with what we believe will happen. Not certainty.

2007-01-16 16:44:51 · answer #5 · answered by BuckBunt3 2 · 0 0

Each person possesses a soul, at the point of death you go to one of two places

Hell, a place of eternal damnation, and no your buddies wont be there welcoming you, total toture physically emotionally mentally and most likely in isolation, In the Bible Christ says the Rich man in hell could see Lazarus from across a chasm he begged for a drop of water on his lips and was denied. That should give u a good idea however..........

For those who accept and believe in Christ Jesus and have a personal relationship with him, is promised a life of eternal love and joy, and no, you dont become an angel when you die but it does state that at some point humans who dwell in heaven will be aboe the angels, meaning our heavenly status will be more greater and powerful than angels as we know today

Also your body will be resurrected with your soul once Christ returns.....

2007-01-16 16:44:59 · answer #6 · answered by Sweetheart 2 · 0 0

Without proof, its just fanciful thinking. Consider the following:

Fact: the human race has been around for hundreds of thousands of years.

Fact: the concepts of an afterlife, of gods, spirits, etc. have only been around for a few millenia.

Fact: these concepts were invented and promulgated by ignorant barbarians as an attempt to explain the world around them, before there was a such thing as science or epistemology.

Fact: most of the books of the bible were written by people who were never there, as second- or third-hand accounts decades or even centuries after the events they claim to tell about.

Fact: the books of the bible have been heavily edited over the centuries, with passages or even whole books being re-written or omitted to fit the theological and political climates of the time.

Fact: the books of the bible have also been subject to extensive errors, misinterpretations, and differences of opinion in interpretation as they are translated from one language to another and from that to yet another language.

While it might be nice to visit long dead relatives and to think we'll live a life of eternal peace, without proof, its just fanciful thinking............

2007-01-16 17:52:17 · answer #7 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 0

If there is life after the death of the body, (and I believe so) what continues living without dying with the body? It cannot be nothing. It cannot be any immaterial mass of matter. It must have a potential to live without physical material. And if so after the dissolution of the body, does it exist and live precedent to the organization of the physical body? (I believe so)

2007-01-17 08:54:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No dead man has come back till today to tell us , what happens after death so nobody really knows the truth. There are many beliefs about this, but not proved truth. Only after death we will know the truth.

2007-01-16 17:36:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

After Death Nothing in the World For that what ever u want to do do it now . Do good things . if u do good things in the world u r remembered in the world after deth . if u do bad things then also u r remembered and that time all are curse u . if u do good things all r bless u and they want to see u back . For that After deth is no end the insects eat ur body and they also live it not end.

2007-01-16 17:31:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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