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Which would you choose?
This is my first child

2007-01-16 16:20:41 · 21 answers · asked by STARS 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy


2007-01-16 16:39:50 · update #1

21 answers

I had this situation 3 months ago. 3 weeks before my due date I was told I was measuring larger than my dates. They even did an ultrasound an predicted a 10 lb baby (she was barely 8). Two days later my water broke. I still had the pitosin since you only have 24 hours and it was my first baby. I am going to add sites for you to read but in my honest opinion, get induced. Go in with the right frame of mind, bring some relaxation tapes and a good night sleep and ask for an epidural (which you would get with a c-section anyway). The pit keeps things moving and the epidural will help you relax. The goal is a healthy baby. Pros of vaginal birth are little chance of something surgical, easier to bond with baby without a cut in your middle, easier to breastfeed and take care of baby and yourself. Also you will not likely have to stay in the hospital very long after a vaginal birth. Believe me, hospital living gets very old.

2007-01-16 16:57:33 · answer #1 · answered by raysangel1973 2 · 2 0

I would opt for the pitocin, because that's the closest option to a natural birth. You should always choose vaginal over cesarean because they are much better for your body.

With my son, he went a week overdue, so my dr decided to schedule an induction. It was a monday, and the induction was scheduled for a friday morning. Thursday night I went to the hospital (that was their routine, so they could start the pitocin at the crack of dawn), but they never started the pitocin because when they did a last-minute ultrasound, they found he was frank breech.

The doctor said it was too dangerous to deliver him like that, so I have a c-section, and even though the no-contractions was nice, the healing afterwards was much worse, and I feel sort of... depressed? That's not exactly the right word, but I feel badly in some way because I didn't deliver my son like I expected too.

So, if I were you, I would go with the pitocin as my first choice.

Good luck and congratulations!

2007-01-16 17:00:37 · answer #2 · answered by Queen Queso 6 · 0 1

After my first and only experience I would say induction w/pitocin all the way. It was sooo easy. I got an epidural early (at 3cm) because you don't have to wait as in regular labor. (Pitocin induced labor will not stall when an epidural is given.) I had a great experience. Talked to my husband and watched television, listened to music and chatted with my nurse with no pain, even through pushing all I felt was some pressure. Easy recovery - was walking around without pain in a few hours and only required two or so doses of pain medication. I did not even fill my prescription for pain med on the way home because I didn't need it. Everyone says, though that you forget any pain almost immediately. I still would choose not having to forget anything. Congrats and good luck!

2007-01-16 16:40:01 · answer #3 · answered by C.D.N. 3 · 0 1

I would have to know more information to give the best answer to your question. It would depend on the reason for the induction or C-section.

If it is possible for you to avoid both, that would be your best option in my opinion, but if you absolutely have to choose between the two, I would choose induction. Cesareans are major surgery, and you don't want to do that unless you absolutely have to.

Labors that are induced with Pitocin tend to be much more painful. You would also be bedridden during your labor, which can slow down progression of labor, make it more uncomfortable, and increase your chances of having other interventions.

If you can avoid induction and let your labor start naturally, you would probably be much better off, but I would need to know more about your situation to tell you more.

2007-01-16 16:42:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

induction (only make sure you get an epidural too, because the contractions with pitocin come on hard and fast, you won't know what hit you). A c-secton is a much longer and harder recovery, why go through it if you don't have to? Plus, depending on how many kids you want to have, once you have a c-section it's much more difficult to have a vaginal birth later, and you can only have so many c-sections (I think it's about 4).

By the way, my son was 9 1/2 pounds when he was born and I delivered vaginally with pitocin and never would have guessed he was so big. So don't worry about it. Just be really careful about the types of foods you eat between now and then.

2007-01-16 16:25:47 · answer #5 · answered by A W 4 · 2 2

When I was pregnant with my first child I was very over due and I was induced. I was in labor for 24 hours before we realized that the baby wasn’t going to come out on her own, and I had a c-section anyway. Being induced has its bad points as far as your blood pressure could get very high which will stress out the baby, but the hospital staff will be looking after those types of things. I would say that if you’re over due then try to be induced. That way when or if you decide to get pregnant again you can still go into labor on your own and deliver vaginally.

If you choose to have a c-section then all of your future pregnancies will be c-section (most likely). I personally don’t mind that I had to have a c-section with my first daughter because I was so sick of being in labor. :) Also, c-sections are very fast, lasting approximately 45 minutes, with the birth only being 5 or 10 minutes of that. I was okay with having a c-section for the reason that, when I became pregnant with my second daughter, I was able to pick out a date and time for the procedure. That was nice since I didn’t have to be miserably fat pregnant and just waiting to finally meet my new baby. There are pros and cons to both, but if your doctor thinks its ok for you to be induced then I would. Some women have to have c-sections because their birth canal is too narrow for the baby, and you’re doctor should tell you if that is a possibility concerning your birth.

2007-01-16 16:56:24 · answer #6 · answered by dawnariel 1 · 0 1

Get a second opinion. There are other options. You do not have to have a Cesarean or induction unless your placenta is failing, and in that case, you would have to have the baby now. Unless there are details you are leaving out, from what you've said, there is no reason why you can't go into labor on your own.

Your body is designed to give birth naturally and without induction, pain medication, and other interventions, regardless of the baby's size. I gave birth to a ten and a half pound baby. Your vagina is made to stretch to the size of your baby's head, even if it is large.

Going for a natural birth that allows you to walk around and use different positions during labor will minimize your risk of tearing, and it will also speed up your labor. Induction by Pitocin will make your labor more painful, causing you to want an epidural, which, in turn, will likely slow down your labor, and confine you to your bed.

See if you can get in touch with a midwife or OB that will give you other options.

2007-01-16 16:51:52 · answer #7 · answered by Smurfy Keeps Going and Going 6 · 3 1

i had the pitocin and like maybe 9 hours into it theyre like well time to do a c section they never wanna wait and its annoying but i stayed in their so if they induce you move around and remember change positions it DOES help move the baby down but yeah im happy i did it than get a huge scar the potocin isnt bad at all and if u are planning to go fully natural good luck, i had them give me stadol they give u half the dose and the other half later it helps the contractions by alot until near the end dont worry i just had my first baby its nothing anyone says the pain is due to the contractions and pressure but once the babies out you feel soooooooooooo much better so whatever you do im sure youll be fine but my expirence with pitocin and everyone else i know who has had no complaints

2007-01-16 16:31:44 · answer #8 · answered by tabetha m 2 · 0 1

I had 2 c-sections, the first after being induced with pitocin, having my water broken by doc then not progressing. Second was scheduled because I'd already had one. My first suggestion is something you didn't mention--waiting for natural onset of labor. To choose just between induction and c-section, try the pitocin first with the knowledge that it raises your chances of having a c-section.

2007-01-16 16:31:02 · answer #9 · answered by Heather Y 7 · 1 1

I would be induced with pitocin. I have 3 children, and never had a c-section. I just prefer the 'natural' way of childbirth (but if I had to have a c-section for a medical reason I would).

2007-01-16 16:25:03 · answer #10 · answered by J M 1 · 1 0

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