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since app, 80%of the people in America say they believe in the christian faith, and I thought in a democracy the majority ruled, that dosn't mean the majority can abuse or intimidate the minority , but it also means the minority can't can;t abuse the majority, contrary to what they try to preach this country was founded and built by christains who had a rifle on one shoulder and a bible under the other and a hostile behind every bush, yet they developed the strongest , freest, and best nation the world has ever had, with the best constitution, or else you idiots would not be able to do and say the things you do, any other country would have shot you before you could B,S, any other people into believing our forefathers were atheist , diest,etc, by taking words or sentences out of context, also , most of you claim to be tolerant, P,C, ???
so tell me what is so evil or wrong with christain teachings and god?? have they been bombing or killing other people ?

2007-01-16 15:01:35 · 25 answers · asked by james w 3 in Politics & Government Politics

just because they try to get you to see things their way and convert you, is because they care about you, and want to save you, even if you are not worth it, and don't pull this B,S they are forcing you, how many times have you been approached by some sales man or street shark who was one hell of a lot more persistant ,or are you wanting to get your minutes worth of fame ? so in my opinion if youdon't like our christain nation then get your a,, out go to Iran or some wher you
will like better

2007-01-16 15:08:07 · update #1

for those who say science says there is no god and other B,S, let it be known there are as many scientist who believe in god as there are who claim they don't even tho most will admit there is something but they are not sure what

2007-01-16 15:13:51 · update #2

I don';t deny we have some bad appples in our churches, but what other organization with milions of members don/t have, I do suspect there are much less of a % also do we believe in men or god , he said long ago there would be many among you who will not see heaven

2007-01-16 15:18:04 · update #3

Emma Idon't think you will see anwhere I said I was a christain , and I am not a hipocrite, are you?

ice, yousay your are a atheist, hummmmm then youare not much of any thinng else are you , christains in the past did do some bad, but we don't knnow the whole truth do we? religion could have and probable was the cataylst to gain influence.
since you nor I was there ??

Alex, as before I don't claim to be a christain but if you knew some one had AIDS would you wnat your children playing with them? same difference, not many people want their children subjected to homos, as they will certannly try to make them homos, also and gay marriage is pretty much saying it is o,k,it alwo destroys the sacred institution of the marriage vows

no body special, you are wrong youare special , maybe you don't realize it yet, and I can relate to what you said and the bible says those hipocrites will be punished the most severe,

2007-01-16 16:06:30 · update #4

heather, did you read the whole question ?
yes we have a nation with freedom of religion, so you can believe in any god you choose, but, the fact still remains christains built this great nation, read the whole question before you get excited. and my question is whydo so many people complain about christainty

2007-01-16 16:17:00 · update #5

25 answers

Some people just like to hate. There are militent secularists who despise all religion except extreme violent Islam. I'm not Christian but I have no problem with Christians celebrating their holidays. I say "Merry Christmas" to my Christian friends & I'm not offended when a sales clerk wishes me Merry Christmas.

2007-01-16 15:14:35 · answer #1 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 18 2

I think the biggest problem with Christianity is the way in which they manipulate things to make everyone see things their way. Look at the Conservative Christians; when polled a majority said they voted for George W. Bush because he would base his decisions on his Christan faith. They use their numbers to bypass the separation of church and state. Gay Marriage is a perfect example. There is nothing about Gay Marriage that hurts anyone or takes away anyones rights. The only problem the majority of Americans have with Gay Marriage has to do with their Christian faith. So they have used their numbers to try and push through a Constitutional Amendment banning Gay Marriage. I have no problem with people expressing their faith, but we live in a Country where all religions are to be treated equal. Majority Rules doesn't apply to religion as far as our Government is concerned.

2007-01-16 23:21:13 · answer #2 · answered by Alex 3 · 1 0

Well if you don't believe in Christianity you most likely don't know as much about the teachings of Christianity, but what you do know is what you see Christians do. If what you see Christians doing greatly contrasts with what you do know about Christianity and its teaches you will be likely to have a bad opinion of it.

I actually see Christians who are trying to prove that we have a Christian nation quoting bits and pieces of the context of material written of the founding fathers. Yes they were Christian, but they created a secular government. One of the main reasons for the colonization of America was to escape religious oppression and not continue the cycle. At the time the different religious sects might as well have been another religion all together rather than part of Christianity as a whole.

2007-01-16 23:20:23 · answer #3 · answered by Nobody Special 3 · 2 0

I think so many people complain about Christianity because they see people claiming to be christians when their only contribution is going to church. Jesus didn't just go to church, he was out helping people. He gave up his worldy goods and prayed with people that they may find their salvation. What did you ever do? Host a Mcfundraiser, maybe?

Many have been killed in Jesus' name, make absolutely no further mistake on that matter.

Also, the bible is not God's word. It is man's word. Jesus wanted you to think for yourself, hense the parables, not idolize the word Christianity.

Also, there was life before Jesus and it would be wise of so called Christians to remember that. There are many many many lessons which happened before 2006 years ago and as many other religions.

Lastly the countrymen built it up on the basis of freedom of religion.

Who's bullying who?

2007-01-16 23:43:50 · answer #4 · answered by Heather 2 · 1 0

Most Americans identify with Christianity out of tradition, not because they are religious fanatics (christian fanatics are in the minority). Our founding fathers had the foresight to separate the institutions of government and religion for good reasons (People left Europe for the "New World" because they were being persecuted by governments controlled by religion).......Thus, keep your religious dogma out of our government and you have no problem but as long as you keep trying to legislate your religion you better expect resistance...........By the way a democracy does not mean "majority rule". It means equal representation. The way our government is designed is to protect minority interests against the tyranny of the majority.

2007-01-16 23:14:58 · answer #5 · answered by az grande 2 · 2 0

In a true democracy every group has equal representation relative to their population. We live in a republic. In a republic the majority wins. Certain groups in this country exploit loop hole in the constitution to further their group’s political agenda by weakening strength of the majority. Civil libertarianism is a strain of political thought that emphasizes the supremacy of individual rights and personal freedoms over and against any kind of authority (this may refer to the government, a corporation, social norms imposed through peer pressure, etc). Civil libertarianism is not a complete ideology; rather, it is merely a collection of views on the specific issues of civil liberties and civil rights. Because of this, a civil libertarian outlook is compatible with many other political philosophies, and civil libertarianism is found on both the right and left of modern politics. The primary concern of the civil libertarian is the relationship of the government to the individual. The civil libertarian seeks, in theory, to restrict this relationship to an absolute minimum in which the state can function and provide basic services and securities without excessively interfering in the lives of its citizens. One key cause of civil libertarianism is upholding unlimited free speech. Specifically, civil libertarians oppose bans on pornography, hate speech, and obscenity. Although they may not personally condone behaviors associated with these issues, civil libertarians hold that the advantages of unfettered public discourse outweigh all disadvantages.

There is nothing evil with teaching god. But the underlying ethical tone of religion weakens their political position. Attacking God and Gods prevalence in our society will over time weaken the values of our society. The looser the value system the easier it is to push their agenda into the mainstream until it becomes part of the social norm.

2007-01-16 23:30:21 · answer #6 · answered by nick w 2 · 0 0

There is nothing wrong with people who follow the teachings of Jesus. Unfortunately, many of those who choose the label "Christian" for themselves have little in common with Jesus. They pick and choose the teachings they want to use to control others. Those who founded this country realized that religions could be a tool for attempting to control others, thus we have freedom of religion in our constitution. It is difficult for those of us who actually believe in the teachings of the Masters, be it Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, etc. to believe in the distorted versions that are propogated by those who most vocally call themselves Christians.

2007-01-16 23:13:59 · answer #7 · answered by someone's mom 3 · 3 0

I can tell you that you made a flaw in one of your statements. You deliberately called the people you are directing this message to idiots, which is one reason why Christianity is attacked. If Christians would actually read some moral teachings, there wouldn't be any need to question about this.

2007-01-16 23:05:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

It's unfortunate that religious leaders, such as Swaggart and Baker, as well as priest pedophiles, have engaged in hypocritical conduct and undermined the good deeds of other Christians which has lead to some doubt.

2007-01-16 23:33:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know why people here are down on us. I belong to Victory Outreach and it's a good organization. They run half way houses and have helped many people get off the streets and off drugs.

2007-01-16 23:13:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's not christians per se, its the the far right evangelicals and there influence on politics that are the ire of many people. They want and are passing the line that seperates Church and State. That's against the Constitution.

2007-01-16 23:09:31 · answer #11 · answered by Third Uncle 5 · 4 1

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