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Ice hockey players with thier paddings they are poofs they should try a real sport like football not the gay american kind where they wear padding but real football where they use foot. Football or Futbol not stupid NFL style football.
Ice hockey players are wimps for wearing paddings. Soccer players dont show acts of cowardness. Also Ice hockey like american football is a US only sport.

2007-01-16 14:29:41 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Hockey

24 answers

Ice hockey is NOT a US only sport. You shot your chances of anyone taking you seriously with that comment alone.

Who about goalie Clint Malarchuck taking a blade in jugular, leaving the ice under his own power, and then skating again two weeks later?

How about Chris Clark (WAS) taking a puck in the face, losing three teeth, but staying on the ice to clear the zone?

Those aren't wimps! I think you are mistaking skill and brains for wimpiness and plain stupidity for toughness.

2007-01-19 13:54:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you ever played hockey? I would say no. I have played hockey for years and can say that there are many areas of the body that are not covered. The back of the legs, the neck, the back of the arms,the stomach and often the face is not covered. I come home bruised almost every game. I have scars and stitches to prove it is a rough sport. All this and I only play pick up and old timers hockey. I am not a big fan of watching soccer(or golf or paint drying for that matter) but I did play it when I was younger and did not find it a rough sport. In answer to your comment about soccer players not showing acts of cowardness I only have to point out Zidane and his cowardly move last spring. There have been many reports of hockey players playing with broken bones and struggling through the pain. Stevie Y's performance in the Stanley Cup playoffs comes to mind as an act of bravery to help his team no matter what the cost to his body. I have watched many soccer matches before falling to sleep and whenever a player gets the slightest nudge or kick in the shins he rolls around the field as if being shot by a gun(I wonder if Hasek plays soccer?). The reason hockey players use padding is the risk of death of being hit by a solid rubber puck. No one has ever been killed by a soft soccer ball filled with hot air(like some soccer fans obviously). Did you say that ice hockey is a US only sport? I believe there would be over 20 million Canadians that would disagree with you. By the way, what does poofs mean? I would say that word has much more gay connotations than NFL football.

2007-01-16 15:06:17 · answer #2 · answered by mapleleafskickass 4 · 4 0

Hmmm, here is soccer in a nutshell, and why I have heard soccer players called "grass fairies":

Lets jog up the field a few yards and kick the ball high in the air, making sure that we stay about 30 yards from the goal for 88 of the 90 minutes of a game.

Oops, I made contact with someone, let's hope the ref doesn't give me a red card!

Oooohhhh, halftime. Ok time to rest from jogging a bit. I'm excited, I got to touch the ball twice.

Game starting again.

GOAL! It's 1-0, this is a high scoring display.

And the game is over.

Oh yeah, if padding makes you a poof, soccer players do wear shin guards, so I guess that makes them poofs.

2007-01-17 14:07:52 · answer #3 · answered by Kaotik29 4 · 0 1

I have an idea, lets have this guy stand in front of the net with no pads on and have Brendan Shanahan take a slapper from the slot. Then after he comes to, we put him in a field and let him get sacked by a 300+ lb line backer. Then we can ask him if he still thinks that Hockey and Football are "poofs sports." Whatever that means.

Just two more words:
Clint Malarchuk

I think this video might be a reason for the necessity of pads in the NHL.

2007-01-16 17:31:38 · answer #4 · answered by NYR3188 2 · 2 0

what the hell are you talking about. Hockey players are 100 times in better shape then your average football player and they wear the pads cause of a puck that is harder then a rock and when someone hits that puck it goes over 100 mph. not like the sissy football players that get a little grass burn and are out for a month or get a little tackle and are crying for a penalty which the refs usually give. the ONLY reason why football is number 1 sport in the world its only because its the cheapest sport to play.
and when i say football i mean soccer. come play hockey then will give you a reason to be on the injured list for a month not cause some little grass burn. hockey the 2nd biggest sport in the WORLD and the most expensive to play.

GO HABS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2007-01-17 02:01:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A survey came out a year or two ago showing that hockey fans are generally better educated and earn more money than fans of other sports. (Can't find a link to it, but it was within the past two years.) All the equipment you need to play hockey isn't cheap, either. So no, I would hardly consider it a hick sport.

2016-03-14 06:51:54 · answer #6 · answered by Elizabeth 4 · 0 0

Are you f***ing retarted? If yoiu don't wear pads in either of those sports you're pretty much guaranteed a ticket to the hospital. You get hit with pucks and hit to the ground or boards and it is most definteley not a sport for wimps. But soccer is, they are the biggest babies ever. They complain when someone touches them and they pretty much take acting school on the side. You are a f***ing retard you fag. And the reason football is only in the US is because it was invented there and only Americans are good at it. What country are you from?

2007-01-16 15:03:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It sounds like you have not played body checking hockey and have not een a game either. Well, don't knock it till you laced them up bud! A 12 year olds' hockey game would be rougher than your "futbol". I just don't know why there are soo many people in this world that would sit at a "futbol" to watch a game with one goal (if that sometimes) in the entire game. Can you say boooooring!! Any hockey player could "kick" a futbol player. Stay in the stands buttercup..

2007-01-16 16:03:24 · answer #8 · answered by unit663 2 · 0 0

Um, ice hockey players wear padding because there is a small frozen object that comes whipping at them at upwards of 30 miles per hour. Also, they wear these things called ice skates that tend to be kinda sharp. A hockey stick can literally stab a person's eye out in the space of less than a second without anyone even meaning to hurt anyone else. Really, what can happen in soccer? Concussions, broken bones and the like, right? Well, hockey players get those kinds of injuries, too, plus they get their teeth knocked out. Players who have broken their arms, noses, fingers, etc. go to the dressing room long enough to stop the bleeding (as per NHL rules), get a cortizone shot, and get back on the ice. Hockey is played on a hard surface, not wussy turf, and hockey injuries can be pretty gruesome, even with all the "poof" padding. One NHL player this season had all the tendons in his wrist severed when he got cut with a skate. Have you ever heard of a soccer player with that kind of injury? Hockey requires more skill than soccer because players have to be able to balance on skates, use a stick instead of their feet and hands, handle a much smaller object than a soccer ball, and also they have to be able to hold their own in a fist fight balancing on ice skates. Another thing, have you ever actually looked at any of the NHL rosters? Barely any Americans play hockey at all! Most players are French Canadian and Eastern European, with a few Americans sprinkled in here and there. Hockey isn't even an American sport! It's Canadian! Lastly, I'd love to see you tell all of your fine talk to any player in the NHL, especially someone like Donald Brashear or Andrew Peters or heck, I bet even old retired Rob Ray would love to hear this one! There's pretty good odds that your face will look slightly different afterward, whether you're one of those soccer players who doesn't "show acts of cowardness" or not. Get a life already and go someplace else to be disgruntled that North America doesn't think the sun rises and sets on David Beckham's a.ss.

2007-01-16 15:26:37 · answer #9 · answered by Cat Loves Her Sabres 6 · 2 2

I want to see you head an ice hockey puck! No helmet... Use your forhead, try to catch it right between the eyes! You lead the charge poster boy for ice hockey as a poofs sport.

2007-01-18 06:17:17 · answer #10 · answered by Todd Maz 4 · 0 0

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