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Why is it that when I watch the news its mostly black people who are getting in fights or going to jail or living in the slums? Or if they are white people its normally white people who act black. I don't knock what Martin Luther King did, but I feel like whenever his day comes around a lot of blacks use it as an excuse to throw the race card around. Its crazy how many lawsuits come out for racism around MLK day? They hate when a white person used the N word yet they use it ALL THE TIME! I think that in order for the world to be better the black people need to take hold of the other blacks who are getting into trouble and using the N word and start going off on them for it. Teach the kids that it’s not ok for ANYONE to use the N word. Don't just get mad when a white person says it get mad when ANYONE says it. I truly believe that racism is not as bad as people make it out to be. Why do blacks have such a high crime rate? I just don't understand it.

2007-01-16 13:49:12 · 15 answers · asked by dohm84 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

The reason I ask this question is because I was watching the news and I seen a video of 3 13 and 14 year old black girls beating up a 14 year old white girl. And the thing is, when I was in school I seen this all the time. Why not come together and change that instead of just looking for an easy excuse (like racism)?

2007-01-16 13:49:22 · update #1

This is not just stuff I see in the news. I've seen it every place I've ever lived. Its in movies and in music videos....

2007-01-16 13:56:28 · update #2

baby- I'm 22 years old and I've lived in a few places. I lived in Biloxi Mississippi and I know what the people where like. I moved to Okinawa Japan a week before Katrena hit. My old house was gone with the storm. People where I live now in Japan are so nice. You would not belave it if you saw it. And I beleave its because they don't say whats on there minds. They have respect for everyone! I grow up in Michigan City Indiana. And over the past couple of years its gotten so bad. And its always the bad side of town that people get shot and killed and beat (and its the part of the town that all the blacks live in, why is that?)

2007-01-16 13:59:59 · update #3

You all are putting blame on the media... This is what I mean, I've seen thsi stuff FIRST HAND!!! So why do you feel like you have to keep defending it? I wish someone would step up the the mic and be honest!

2007-01-16 14:03:03 · update #4

Gee, this world raelly is a sad place. I don't hate black people I hate all stupid people. I don't care what color they are. It's sad that nobody really gave me a good answer....it just goes to show that you all are scared to be honest with yorurself. Stand up and be different.

2007-01-16 14:07:47 · update #5

You all have opend my eyes...its not just some black people who are dumb its MOST people!!! WOW I'm happy I live overseas now and not in the USA....It will be a sad day when I have to move back.

2007-01-16 16:41:31 · update #6

15 answers

well i understand were your coming from to a certain extent ...and just to let you know I'm actually and African American who wants to be something in life and i actually have goals i want to reach and i know i have to work for them and i don't expect ANYONE to just hand me a thing!! As for the -N-
word i agree with you all the way on that issue and I'm a African American that doesn't use that word. I also believe that your a product of your society take me for example i was raised around a majority of Mexicans and Asians so basically i don't act like "the norm for black people"??? i speak properly i don't like rap music.. and I'm told i act white too.. i think most of the black people you describe are that way because they don't know any better... and usually they don't have anyone to teach them anything better... and they were raised in that type of society or a society were people act just like them and have the same mentality so how do you expect them to act any better and most of the people who make it out the ghetto and make something of themselves have had a seed planted by someone...that showed them that there was more to life then the cards they've been dealt so those people get lucky and strive for more..

2007-01-17 16:10:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You are just looking for an excuse to justify your racist feelings, crime isn't committed just for blacks, What color Timothy McVeigh was? What color was the guy who shot down the little girl in the Amish school few months ago? What color were the guys that shot down few students and a teacher in a school few years ago? For your information all of them were white. So you most analyze the news you were watching before generalize a concept that is wrong. What's that white people acting like black? That's make no sense, those white people were acting like them ,white that's all. You have a big mess in your brain that you should work with and stop judging people because of the color, people should be judge by their actions. I hope isn't too late for you to open your eyes and don't become part of the people how make problems worse and are part of the problem, but part of the ones who look for the solution of the problems being proactive instead.

2007-01-16 14:04:24 · answer #2 · answered by Javy 7 · 1 3

I understand what you are trying to say, but unfortunately the media is half responsible for misrepresentation of blacks and as you are aware, the media is ran by the white man and this is one of the tools they use to discredit anyone who does not look like them. Have you noticed that the media will not show any white kids shooting up or beating up a black person?....because like I mentioned before the media is controlled by whites. You can sit there and watch a news clip of only black kids doing wrong & then come to the conclusion that ALL blacks are criminals. That is not right.

2007-01-16 13:59:17 · answer #3 · answered by sunny4life 4 · 1 2

Hate is a powerful thing. The "well-meaning" people that believe that gayness is wrong use hate as a way to "shame" people so that they will "stop" being gay. The more gay a person is the more they become a target of the hate. Then another reason is that people get twisted ideas about what gay people do and then use it against gay people. It's the twisted ideas that really bother them not the actual gay people but an idea just sits there so they "attack" a person believing that that will alleviate the twisted ideas.

2016-03-29 00:55:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Questions like this are not really allowed in the American culture....

P.S....The real truth is...it is permisable for blacks to hate whites or who ever they want (because after all....)....but it is not permisable for whites to hate blacks or to hate anyone or that would be intolerant. Why? Because the world has become intolerant to whites. Sort of like...the world is on this hate Christians train (and it is considered acceptable)....but it is not acceptable for Christians to disapprove of any other culture (because that is intolerant)....where really really...it is the world that is intolerant of Christians....

I find it a little hard to believe the media has it in for blacks....but on the other hand...the media is mostly liberals....so I do know it has been biased against Christians (or right wing Republicans as they call them)...so I guess it is possible....but as there are many black people in the media themself...I still lean to not buying that...Most liberals embrace all cultures...all colors...all views...because they have no loyalty to something such as the bible or to anything...they pretty much go, that all things are acceptable....so I really can't buy the media being biased against blacks....

I personally think there are wonderful black people who are trying to lead successful moral lives...but of course they are not the ones we tend to hear about...but this goes for any color group...it is the bad that we hear about on the news, no matter who. But I do believe there are those that are black that are trapped in a cycle that is not of their making...they are born in a family that have not evolved past the slave thing...they are raised to not trust whites...they are raised to hate whites...and they are raised that the black community is still owed...So being a product of their environment....the cycle continues....
But having said that, their are other cultures that are trapped in the same hate cycle (not being limited to any one color)...
I feel empathy for the honest, hard working black community that does not live in that cycle of hate...but is trying to make a better future for their black brothers and sisters and for all Americans....but it is a difficult place to be....to be loyal to their black sisters and brothers no matter what...and to be loyal to the truth (that forgiveness, love and acceptance) is truly the thing that is going to set their people free....
So in the end...we can not judge a whole race, no matter the color, because there are those that deserve to be judged individually....they can not be thrown in to the hate mongers pile....so we have to seek each persons truth....and judge no one as a group. Be Free....

2007-01-16 13:57:41 · answer #5 · answered by ticklemeblue 5 · 2 2

How old are you? Where have you been? The "media" is quick to show a clip of a black doing anything illegal, but that doesn't mean that we are the only people that do. Like during hurricane Katrina the media described whites as "searching for food and water" while the blacks were looting. Come on now, do you believe everything you see on TV? Time to turn it back to the cartoon network then huh?

2007-01-16 13:56:26 · answer #6 · answered by Baby 3 · 3 4

Hey man, I'm From Bay St. Louis-Geaux Saints!-- The crime has to do with socioeconomic status. Whites do the same thing. As for the N word-I think it's about context. Because I normally don't speak in "ebonics", I don't have a reason to say it; unless to use it in a derogatory manner.

2007-01-17 05:33:40 · answer #7 · answered by lkrhtr70 4 · 1 2

we are applying color to the wrong things that we do.

you have seen wrong thing done by black girls some one see that white have done some thing else to black. leave the wrong things that they do any one who have done wrong is punishable

the one they fight the dont that they are humans why we should talk about them when it comes to you tell me you punish the wrong one or you look for black or white. there the real change start.

2007-01-16 14:09:00 · answer #8 · answered by The Prince of Egypt 5 · 0 1

Please try and read this all the way through.

You're obviously feeling anger for whatever reason, you appear to be too young to fully understand the truth but I'l try and help you with the basics. I am from England and I am white. Actually I'm very white :D.

YOUR COUNTRY the US OF @SS is run by Fascist Nazis who are scared of being overthrown by the masses. A large minority in the US of @ss is the Black community. They wish to repress these people and stop them unifying. They don't only do it to black people they also do it to working class people in general. They then use the black people to put fear into other racist white people in order to control their minds (I imagine you won't understand that yet).

I'd like to help you understand something while I'm here though. black people and white people are the SAME and if anything Black people are more advanced than white people and I'l explain.

In evolutionary history THREE WAVES of humanoids left Africa to explore the world and settled in different parts of the world (Neanderthals for instance) BUT and here's the important part....the first two waves that left Africa were beaten by the guys who stayed BEHIND in Africa...they were taller and faster and smarter than say the Neanderthals who were very good in their cold northern climate but couldn't adapt and became SPECIALISED in only one field of survival....

So you see the African Guys who stayed BEHIND in Africa are who WE ALL come from...and if anything and history is anything to go by...they STILL ARE more evolved than us.

Please don't be angry anymore. You live in a very controlled country that tells you that you are all free but you aren't. Your Mum and Dad are only allowed to have 2 weeks holiday a year you know? where can you go in the world in that time? They want to keep most people in the country and not look OUTSIDE. 92% of americans do not have a passport you know? that's a lot really. Your mum and dad have to work ALL the time 'cos if they don't then you can;t have HEALTHCARE for when you get ill. In England you get that stuff for free...but they tell people like your mum and dad if that happens then you are less free.

Most americans don't like LIBERALS that means FREEDOM...and stuff. So do you see that doesn't make sense? Don't watch those TV shows that make you feel bad about other people...just remember that you live in a place that tells lies.


2007-01-16 13:58:37 · answer #9 · answered by Stevie G 2 · 5 5

The funny thing is you are racist and you dont even know it. I have a question for you have you always been ignorant or did it take some time for it to evolve in your head?

2007-01-16 15:22:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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