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Do you agree with him sending 21000 more troops to Iraq?

2007-01-16 13:21:49 · 18 answers · asked by [Aaliyah] 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Why or Why Not

2007-01-16 13:22:18 · update #1

18 answers

Without going into a political debate about liberals and conservatives... liberals are only adaptable because they flip-flop on their issues and contradict themselves daily.... Baghdad is the hot spot. I was there for a while... a long while. The troops need reinforcements to stabilize it. 75% of the trouble in Iraq is happening in Baghdad. Send in a massive force to secure it and clean it out and then we can begin to withdraw the rest of our forces.

Either way... we won the war. We defeated the Iraqi army, removed Saddam Hussein, and allowed the people to elect their own government. We won. They won. Now it's time to make sure they can stay winning on their own and then pull out.

Also, he is our president. You will address him as President Bush... not Mr. Bush. If you haven't served in the military or done anything of sorts to help your country then SHUT UP!! I'm tired of you back seat politicians. What have you done for your country? The only thing that makes most of you Americans is coming out of your mother in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Why don't you try supporting those of us that have sacrificed their lives and times to serve our country? If you can't then just be quiet. You're pathetic!!!

2007-01-16 13:30:20 · answer #1 · answered by BrewMan 5 · 1 2

We need to be honest with admitting that our President was under enormous political and public pressure(9-11), especially, when reporters showed him reading a book to kids in a Elementary School. Now, he reacted, he made mistakes(although it is made through advisors, i.e. intelligence), we are there, we created a bigger scenario, and now have no choice but to finish what is done. Hopefully, we will all see a better situation turn out soon for the Iraqi people. Would you rather have Iran, Syria, or Venezuela, take our place, and become even more hostile to the US and our Mid East allies?

2007-01-16 13:32:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe that president has done the right thing in the war in Iraq, though he did like about weapon of mass destruction, he did have a reason for invading, alot of people do not remember, but before we as a country went to invade, we gave Suddam two chances to disarm and to let inspectors search, he did allow inspectors in, but hid evidance and moslty led them in circles, also, in my own personal belief, i feel that the war in Iraq is drawing the focal point of attacks away from U.S. Soil. Many people are quick to speak up agaisnt it, but we as a county have become lazy and forgotten 9/11, and what would we do if a school bus with children was blown up, or another plane driven into another building. Where i disagree with President bush is his handling of the problems back at home such as economy. As for sending more troops to Iraq, well I alittle in the middle because I feel that we have done the right thing in liberating Iraq, but I feel after the exicution of Suddam and having democracy established, its time we start slowly withdrawing troops and starting to let them run their own country

2007-01-16 13:37:20 · answer #3 · answered by boondock saint 1 · 1 1

Most people do not realize how specialized our troops have become. Many are trained to help as engineers, doctors, teachers, Police, food service/logistics Etc.Etc..
What is about to be redeployed are assault troops and Security experts along with more Medical staff unfortunately!

By embedding our troops with the Iraqi units we are in effect becoming the Internal Affairs officers that until now did not seem to exist! We are also being given a green light to attack militias rather than have our crack troops sniped off-the reason we are having to RE-deploy them-if they can't attack, they have no reason to be there!

So yes, all of you backseat driving experts, I do agree with what is being done! But, what do I know?!!

2007-01-16 14:05:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

No sure don't.

If I were the prez. I would dissolve Iraq as a independent nation and move all US troops into the new country created by the Kurds in Northern Iraq. From our bases in there, I would launch the necessary air strikes agains the bufoon Shias and Sunnis.

The President's current plan is to station up to 800 US troops at various Police Stations in Baghdad to help control the night. At last count over 40,000 Iraqi policemen have been killed by the insurgents. Imagine one concentrated attack on a police station that results in tens of US deaths in one strike. Imagine that tactic multiplied and suddenly the wisdom of the Prez's plan is clearly flawed.

Now if in fact you are going to send in 21,000 combat troops, then send them as one force complete with every available military asset in theater and wax Al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army. I mean kill every last one of them and anybody else who hasn't left Sadr City after our 30 minute warning.

But no, this President doesn't really want to fight a war, instead he's going to divide our forces and make them nice bite size morsels for our enemy.

Just whose side is he on anyway.....

2007-01-16 13:56:37 · answer #5 · answered by KERMIT M 6 · 0 3

No way. Not now after we withdraw some of our troops and then see what they do? We will always kick their butts if we want to what is this staged television war about? Why the rush? I will tell you why? He wants to escalate to vote himself into another 4 year term after he declares this War is a necessity and he has the right to do that too. Maybe Bush should take his Dad and him over there and pop down in parachutes and fight the war they caused by themselve and may the best thief, liar and murderer win?

2007-01-16 13:32:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Overall NO I do not agree with him on anything. BUT as far as the troops go I will keep my mouth shut. OUR troops that are there need the help. And If we are NOT pulling out then lets get them the help they need.

2007-01-16 13:26:21 · answer #7 · answered by GRUMPY 7 · 3 1

I agree with him in that something must be done to bring about a change in the insurgency killings. He's doing the best he can with what has turned out to be a very tough war.

2007-01-16 15:34:16 · answer #8 · answered by tcbtoday123 5 · 1 1

No No NO, terrible mistake, the worst pres., in us history, lowest approval ratings,conflict of interest, his family is in the oil industry, gas is at an all time high, we are fighting his war not the peoples war, every country in the world now hates us, unemployment is skyrocketing, all our family members are getting tortured and killed fighting a war that they are forced to fight, amnesty to illegals, world war 3 has begun, only a few stubborn rednecks still like him, because they cant admit that they made a mistake by voting in their redneck king!!! he sucks

2007-01-16 13:30:04 · answer #9 · answered by waterboy 4 · 1 2

Well him saying that we should trust him to see how it works, only works if all his other plans worked. Staying the course was horrible is should be adabt to change. Thats why I like liberals, they adapt to change, unlike conservatives who just try to wait out the same postion for as long as possible ie: civil rights, slavery, the revolutionary war (loyalist). In time conservatives always fail.

2007-01-16 13:25:19 · answer #10 · answered by slickny8111 3 · 3 1

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