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My 10 month old has been having diarrhea lately. I called the pediatrician and was told it was pretty normal during teething. So I didn't worry about it. He has also been having some diaper rash that I put Bordeaux (sp?) butt paste on. Every diaper I change has been that way. But tonight when I changed it it was REALLY bad.. I mean red every where and there are spots that were swollen. Almost like hives. I am definately taking him to the doctor first thing in the morning but I was wondering if anyone had this happen before? Or do you know of a way that I can soothe him? I tried a warm bath and he screamed bloody murder and refused to sit down. He won't sit without the diaper to pad ? Any suggestions... I feel awful for him..

2007-01-16 13:17:37 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

17 answers

Use petrolium jelly until you can get him to the doctor, it lasts longer. Oh and try not to wipe too hard....or use a soft warm wash cloth instead of a wipe. My lil man had that before and his doc gave him a script for diaper rash ointment....I love that stuff sooo much, it works so quick.

2007-01-16 13:22:34 · answer #1 · answered by jule9104 3 · 1 0

Poor little man. It's it awful when they look so sad. :(

Something like this happened to my son. It started out as an average diaper rash and developed into what you described above, due to diarrhea. I ended up taking him to the doctor. He had a yeast infection (yes, boys can get these too). They prescribed him some cream and it was gone in 3 days (he was much happier within 24 hours.)

As food soothing him, try a very thick layer of diaper cream and if he walks, let him wander around diaperless for a while (to get some air).

The pediatrician will be able to tell you right away if it's just a rash or something more and get your little guy some needed relief.

Good luck.

2007-01-16 14:31:28 · answer #2 · answered by Dawn D 2 · 0 0

I would give him some time without his diaper on, if at all possible. The air will be good for it. When you diaper him make sure to put a good barrier cream/ointment on him. I prefer the original desitin because it's thick and it stays put better than a lot of other ointment's available now. It has a strong odor from the cod liver oil... but my sons bottom always looks better the morning after using this stuff. Also... before you diaper him or put the ointment on... make sure to pat his bottom dry.

I would discontinue the Bordeaux Butt Paste for the time being in case he's reacting to it.

I know that it might sound unsual but if you're beastfeeding you can put a little breastmilk on his bottom and it works like a miracle!!

2007-01-16 14:02:25 · answer #3 · answered by Haulie 2 · 0 0

My favorite is destine for a diaper rash. They reason for diaper rash is usually irritation from something. Have you changed diapers brands recently? Or the bottom is sitting in to much moisture. This seems more likely to be the problem. Hence the diarrhea. I would try and leave the diaper off to let the air dry it up. Trough the night make sure and wake up to change him a few times. If it is diaper rash the doctor might prescribe something but until the diarrhea passes you will just have to try and keep his little bottom as dry a possible.
I pray you have peaceful night along with the little guy

2007-01-16 13:40:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This sounds like it could be a yeast infection due to the swollen spots you've described. You should call the doctor to prescribe an ointment if it is a yeast infection. They are common and nothing to worry about. Try to leave the baby's bottom dry and aired out as much as possible before your doc's visit & use a washcloth to wipe the area, rather than wet wipes.

2007-01-16 13:41:48 · answer #5 · answered by Reenie 3 · 0 0

Try a cool bath. Not too cold with baking soda in the water.

Also try putting antacid on his bum. IE Milk of Magnesia, Mylanta, yogurt (with active bacteria), you can crush antacid tablets and mix with vaseline. Note Pepto bismal is not advisable to give to babies so I wouldn't put it on the skin either it contains an aspirin like substance.

Breastmilk is always good if you happen to be breastfeeding.

Or some people swear by this but I have never tried it: beat an egg white until it is foamy, put on the bum and allow to dry before putting on a diaper.

2007-01-16 13:37:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

go to walmart or target and get either pure lan or lansinoh lanolin for breast feeding mothers . Put this on his butt and you will see the differance in the morning . Do this till it is cleared up . This works better then any diaper oitment . You could use bag balm to but for some reason it dosne't work as well . good luck .

2007-01-16 13:22:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Okay, this will sound weird but if you are breastfeeding, squirt some milk on it. Also, don't use disposable baby wipes, those will irritate it even worse. Use a warm washcloth or if that grosses you out use a wet papertowel. Try to air his bum out, if you are using disposable diapers sometimes they have chemicals (that gelly stuff) inside that will irritate it even more. Good luck! Try some cornstarch too.

2007-01-16 13:25:56 · answer #8 · answered by me 4 · 0 0

Did you try just putting him in like shorts (with out the diaper) or something so may be he'll try to sit w/o the padding....or try a cooler bath. And if it really is that bad seriously let him sleep with out a diaper on tonight...line his bed with towels or something and just keep a good eye on him tonight if you try it..so he dosen't have to sleep in his potty mess.

2007-01-16 13:25:28 · answer #9 · answered by Amber- Colton's Mommy! 2 · 1 0

Is it possible he is having an allergic reaction to the Butt Paste? I have heard its very good, but dont recall what is in it. Have you used it on him before? I agree about lanolin paste (unless a history of allergies to wool exists in the family) or plain Vaseline for the overnight, then corn starch and leave him naked as long as possible during the day tomorrow.

2007-01-16 13:24:59 · answer #10 · answered by motherhendoulas 4 · 1 0

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