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Will she even understand at this age or should I wait until she's a little older?

2007-01-16 13:09:29 · 27 answers · asked by mz_jamaya 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

27 answers

Distraction is the best method at this age. No she won't totally understand. If you state firmly "We don't do this." Then show her the proper behavior, she will understand this. If you curb the negative behavior by doing this she will learn the right way of behaving. It helps to know what the behavior is too.

Edited to add: I would stay clear of the word "no" unless you want this to be your child's favorite response to you whether you've asked a question or given a directive.

Discipline is not a bad thing. I think people look at this word as a negative. Punishment is bad. Discipline is teaching the correct behavior. Waiting only teaches your child that Mommy or Daddy doesn't really care what I do.

2007-01-16 13:14:30 · answer #1 · answered by Kalypso 2 · 5 0

You don't discipline, you teach. At this age they are still learning about the world and experimenting, the last thing you want to do is teach them that they 1) can't trust you and 2) that they shouldn't learn anything, because they'll get disciplined. At this age it is about providing a safe environment to learn.

If they do things you don't think are acceptable, then you gently redirect and show them what they can do instead. If they want to pull out all the pots and pans, give them one to play with, or help them find a box of toy pots and pans. If they grab at the houseplants, give them a feather duster or something else fun to play with. Be prepared to baby proof your house, don't use breakables to teach a lesson. And know that children this age need LOTS of one-on-one attention. A older lady once told me that there is MATH to how much attention your children need. When they are newborn, they need you 24 hours a day. At one year of age, they need you 24 minus one hour. At two years, 22 hours, get used to it....that's a long time to go. Once they hit teenage years, it drops dramatically, but you get the point. ;-)

Good luck, this is such a sweet time. By building a good relationship now, being positive and not saying NO all the time, you won't even have the terrible twos that everyone is talking about. I have seven kids, and I've seen that with my last three. Wish I would have learned it earlier.

2007-01-16 13:20:24 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 3 0

Is this a touchy subject no matter the age! I have a 13 mos. old who is let me say spirited. I tell her stop she say it right back. I think at this age you should definitely say no or stop in a firm voice and after a year or so maybe tap there hand (MY OP ION) sorry if you don't agree. You asked if they will understand. Maybe not entirely. they will learn the consistency through the years and who the parent is. The firm voice will teach them to instantly stop so you could perhaps keep them from hurting themselves. I will say though it is very important to set rule and boundary from a young age. It only get harder to correct the older they get. It's hard to discipline and its so sad when they pucker there little lip, but you will enjoy them, and have more fun times with them the better they behave.

2007-01-16 13:23:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It is of my opinion that an 11 month old baby has not developed the cognitive abilities to understand right from wrong. It is still beyond your child's abilities to understand deceit and what the meaning of the implications of doing wrong is all about. For example, that would be like expecting a month old puppy to not go to the bathroom in the house. Your young one has more than likely developed the ability to speak simple words and remember them and that in itself is a lot to take in for your babies brain. I am unsure if I would condone punishing any child under the age of two and even then they are still learning.

2007-01-16 13:21:50 · answer #4 · answered by Shellback 6 · 1 0

There really isn't a way to dicipline an 11 month old child because she will not be able to comprehend. I would wait until she is around 18 months or whenever she gets a larger vocabulary. I wish you the best!

2007-01-16 13:13:07 · answer #5 · answered by 1tuffcookie 3 · 0 0

I don't think you should discipline a 11 month old but when they are doing something they are not suppose to, take them away from the area, or remove their hand and say no, no touching. I wouldn't necessarily discipline them by putting them in time out or spank them, but saying no and taking them away from it shows its not something they should do, and they will eventually learn that no means no. My mom raised her godson and when he touched stuff, she always said no, and removed his hand, and yes its very repetitive cause they don't learn that fast, but he eventually caught on and learnt. At a year old, he knew that he had to drink his juice in the kitchen (at the table area), as he drank from a cup, and this way he wouldn't spill it on the carpets or furniture and he learnt that, and whenever he wanted a drink, he would go in the kitchen and sit by the table, as he couldn't get on a chair alone. It depends on how patient you are, but it works. You shouldn't discipline children that young, they just don't understand.

2007-01-16 14:36:59 · answer #6 · answered by Proud Mother 3 · 0 0


My youngest is 19 months old and when she would do things that were really bad I would pop the top of her hand. For minor things I agree with the other members post to remove the child from the area that is causing the problem. Change their mind onto something else, like playing with a doll, blocks or reading a book.
Eventually she will look to you for approval as to if she should do this or that and if you see a hesitation then praise her, because she will be using her self-control.
I use this development information from the link below and find it very helpful, good luck. :)

2007-01-16 13:16:04 · answer #7 · answered by LS 4 · 0 1

You can't discipline an 11 month old. They are too young to understand, and they aren't yet capable of self-control. If they're creating a problem in a certain situation, just remove them from that situation.

2007-01-16 13:13:49 · answer #8 · answered by Jess H 7 · 3 0

Say no and move what she is getting into away.You need to start now making her understand what no means.When my children were growing up it was no 1 time then no 2 time 3 time a small pop on the hand nothing to hurt just get there attention it worked my oldest is 36 years old.

2007-01-16 13:16:02 · answer #9 · answered by Douglas R 4 · 1 0

There never is a too young age to start discipline....at this age the most you can do is take her away from a situation and be consistant and even at her young age she will learn that if she does something and you take her away everytime, that she should not do it.

2007-01-16 13:13:08 · answer #10 · answered by jule9104 3 · 1 0

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