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38 answers

wow !

I can't believe some of the answers given to this question. obviously there are a LOT of uneducated people here on Yahoo Answers, not many if any people here with there Masters Degree and definetly no PhD candidates either.

2007-01-16 19:52:00 · answer #1 · answered by lv_consultant 7 · 0 2

if i had a daughter id probably be a bit overprotective without regard to skin color.
if she's moved out on her own in the world. finished school or close to it and involvement with men will not sidetrek her interests. I would prefer a boyfriend ask for her hand from me personally in an honorable fashion before proposing to her.
this is all a lot to ask or hope for of an independant woman. If such were to occur, I would be proud and happy. Just that the fellow also has something going on or is capable of demonstrating some sort of competence to fill the role of husband. I dont see why color would be such an issue. Genuine people alone are hard enough to come by. Why complicate things any more than necessary?

2007-01-16 13:21:20 · answer #2 · answered by jorluke 4 · 3 1

Times are changing, and although I would have no problem with whomever my daughter chose as her mate, there are many people in the world who would, as evidenced by some of the answers here. This is something I would want both of them to seriously consider before taking the plunge into marriage. If they had thought it through and seriously considered whether they were able to handle the bigotry that will be focused on them should they choose to continue, I would be behind them all the way. The final choice would be theirs, not mine. As stated above, I would only have a problem if he treated her shabbily.

2007-01-16 13:22:18 · answer #3 · answered by Slimsmom 6 · 6 1

It wouldn't bother me at all! I believe mixed marriages r beautiful. It shows that they love each other no matter what and that they can look past the color of someone's skin.

But either way, I really wouldn't care what color the guy is. As long as he's a good person, supports her, and makes her happy.

2007-01-16 15:28:31 · answer #4 · answered by angeltori1432 4 · 2 1

I'll answer this hypothetically, since I don't have children. Fine. Nothing wrong with whites marrying blacks. :-) In fact, race is a social construct. The genome project has proven that, if it wasn't proven already. There is only ONE human subspecies and thats Homo Sapiens Sapiens. There used to be another subspecies, but those were the Homo Sapiens Idaltu, which haven't been around for over 150,000 years.[1] So, all Homo Sapiens Sapiens, black, white, Asian, etc. are not only all one species but all one subspecies. Moreover, from the genome project, we know that we can't really divide human beings, at least biologically, into categories like "black" and "white". Many so-called "blacks" actually have "white" geneology and many so-called "whites" probably have all sorts of non-white geneology in us.

First, when blond haired, blue eyed, "pure" Caucasians migrated across Europe (this happened over several millenia), they intermarried with non-white people who lived there first (the Old Europeans). So, any "white" person who isn't blond haired / blue eyed or red haired / blue eyed probably has some Old European genes. Moreover, there was the Moorish invasion during the Dark Ages, so many people in Southeastern Europe were interbred with Moors (blacks) anyway. That's true particularly of many people in Spain.

Now, certainly race is a social issue. It's difficult to talk about white suppremicist groups in Alabama oppressing the black vote with disinformation in the 2004 elections if we're color blind.

However, when I got my BA in Classics (Greco-Roman studies), I was amazed to find that ancient white people actually DO seem to have been more or less color blind. Ancient Greco-Roman authors almost never mention skin color. The Greeks were anamored of both the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians (ancient Middle Easterners) and often praised those civilizations, never once noting the difference in skin color. They seemed much more aware of nationality and cultural / linguistic units. In other words, they recognized that there were people who could be said to be Greek, because they spoke Greek and followed Greek customs, but didn't even seem to define being Greek in terms of skin color. If the ancient Greeks could have been said to be "racist" against any group, it would, ironically, have been the Celts, whom they looked down on as uncivilized barbarians. And, of course, the Celts were also white, but the Greeks didn't seem to notice much similarity.

The Romans actually had not only dark skinned citizens, but even dark skinned emperors. However, these people were always firmly Roman culturally and, of course, spoke Latin. So, "barbarians" were defined culturally and linguistically rather than racially.

That's not to say that ancient white people were free of any problems. They were certainly xenophobic (as many people have been throughout history - the Chinese and Japanese are both prime examples - the Chinese thought that all non-Chinese people, including other Asians were subhuman barbarians).

Racism in Europe began after two major changes in the Roman Empire. One was its Christianization. The other was the split between the West and East Empires. The East Roman Empire was very mixed, racially speaking, because it included both the Middle East and Egypt, but the West Empire was ONLY in Europe. The first time we see any derrogatory language about skin color was during the invasion of Attilla the Hun of the West Roman Empire.

What happened was that people in the West Roman Empire came to conflate Christianity, European and whiteness. The Gauls, Britains and many of the Germans had already been converted. Even the German tribes that had not been converted seemed likely to be and they lived at what they perceived to be the extreme north end of the world anyway. But, West Roman historians described Attilla and the Huns as worse than barbarians and described their yellow skin in contrast to the white skin that even "barbarians" had. So, they conflated that yellowish skin with being non-Christian (since German barbarians were already kind of half-Christian to their minds). That may well be the origin of real racism in Europe.

So... long winded answer, I know =D, but all that to say that people of different geneologies marrying one another is a long standing tradition in humanity. Trying to arbitrarily divide people down and then say people can't marry accross that boundary just seems ridiculous to me. that's why I wouldn't have any problem with a child of mine marrying a "non-white" person. Apart from societal definitions, what's "white" and "black" anyway?

2007-01-16 13:53:04 · answer #5 · answered by Ivan 2 · 4 1

My husband is a Puerto Rican of African descent/appearance. My parents never even brought the race thing up other than to ask what boxes to check for race for my son at the doctors office. But they're not like some of these hard core WASPs'. It depends on the parents.

2007-01-16 13:14:58 · answer #6 · answered by ☺☻☺☻☺☻ 6 · 5 3

That would not happen with my daughter. As a good parent I would early on teach her the wrongness of race mixing, and would not even allow her to date a non-White let alone marry one

2007-01-16 18:43:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Are we that bad a race we have to ask over and over again the same questions about race. You can't help who you fall in love with and would you feel differently if it were a white chinese guy, probably not. Do you tell your kids as they are growing up not to hang around the blacks, probably not. How would you feel if your daughter was gone tomorrow, would you think about how happy this man made her? You need to stop stressing their are far more important things going on in the world.

2007-01-16 13:14:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 7 4

i am not caucasiasian but i would like to say thats like an african american saying how would you feel if your son became engaged to a white female. let them do what they want its there choice. also i don't mind if you don't read this i am only 13 and i have a lot on my mind.

2007-01-16 13:21:21 · answer #9 · answered by yazzie 1 · 7 1

I would not be happy. Black guys treat their ladies like dogs. All I ever see is a white girl with a black baby who has been dumped. For that matter, all I ever see is black girls with a baby...and they have been dumped too. Frankly, these days I would be ashamed to be a black guy.
Before everyone screams "racist"....I am white but my daughters are not...yes, they appear black to the world. I EXPECT them to marry white. I want what is best for them and black guys do not cut it. My wife say the same thing too. Yes, I KNOW there are exceptions..those guys get snapped up in a second. It that vast majority of the rest of them that are not worth a nickle.
My girls do not trust black guys; they have noticed in the past that when a black guy finds out they are mixed, they are more desirable. One of my daughters, in talking about this very thing, summed it up pretty well.
She said "all the black guys at school want to show off with a white girl. If they can't get one, then I am second best". I liked what she said after that..."I am NOT second best for anybody!" As her Father, I agree.

2007-01-16 14:41:37 · answer #10 · answered by prowling_1 1 · 0 6

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