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They want to turn the US into a religious theocracy, outlaw porn, divorce, abortion, persecute gays, and flood the public sphere with their God, but they just can't rise to the level of success that the Taliban had.

2007-01-16 12:51:28 · 6 answers · asked by I'll Take That One! 4 in Politics & Government Politics

6 answers

Excuse me, I'm a Christian conservative but:
1. Not jealous of radical Muslims in the least bit. I don't NEED to be a "martyr", nor am I going to hurry into being one.
2. I don't have any desire to outlaw pornography. People should watch what they want to.
3. I don't have any desire to outlaw divorce, but I do wish that couples would try a little harder to make their marriage work. In my opinion, there are only a few good reasons for divorce: abuse (be it physical, mental, emotional, or sexual, whether towards one's spouse or children), sudden development of a REALLY bad habit (like if my husband, who doesn't do drugs, suddenly became a crack addict, and started selling everything and/or stealing to support his habit), if one's spouse became a criminal (my husband would have every right to divorce me if I suddenly decided to start robbing banks or murdering people), OR in cases of infidelity. "Losing feelings" for someone, or "falling out of love" is NOT a good enough reason. EVERY couple faces problems like that, no matter who they are.
4. I don't wish to illegalize abortion. Restrict it, sure, but that has NOTHING to do with my religion. I haven't always been a Christian, and even when I wasn't, I was STILL against abortion. Why? Because it's a LIFE. That unborn baby has a beating heart, brain waves, DNA, and his or her own blood type.
5. I have no issues with homosexuals as people. I disagree with their lifestyle, but I see no reason to persecute them. I have homosexual and bisexual friends that will tell you that I love them just as much as any of my heterosexual friends!
6. "Flood the public sphere" with my God? How so? Because I see no issue with posting the Ten Commandments, which are guidelines that nearly EVERYONE can agree with (besides perhaps the first four), in public places? I didn't even have an issue with it when I wasn't a Christian. The phrase in the Constitution is freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. If a city is predominantly Christian, they should be able to post the Ten Commandments wherever they want.
As for creationism being taught in schools, I couldn't care less. I just don't want my children (when I have them) treated with derision for their beliefs (if they share mine) in the classroom. I don't want things shoved down their throat. BUT, I'll make sure to keep the lines of communication open at home, so we can discuss what they're learning at school. Or NOT learning, as the case will probably be.
Oh, and I'm AGAINST organized prayer in school. How about that.

I know this was a long answer, and I know people will thumbs-down it without even reading it, but that's fine. Hey, the asker of the question probably won't even read it. That's fine too.
Quit being so judgemental, and making assumptions about conservative Christians! Have any other judgements you'd like to clear up? Feel free to take it up with me on Messenger or through email.
I feel I have said more than enough.

2007-01-16 13:10:40 · answer #1 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 1 0

They are nothing like them. The Muslim leaders always denounce acts of violence, anti-Americanism and the extremists. The radical religious Right are just the same as Muslim extremists; the radical religious Right would give it all up for God anytime, just ask them.

2016-03-29 00:52:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes. Muslims, like those in Saudi Arabia, have achieved what fundie Christians only have wet dreams about!

Oh, don't forget birth control! Birth control is illegal in Muslim theocracies, too. Can't get plan B in Saudi Arabia!!

The only thing is, Christians will never have the balls to blow themselves up. They use sniper rifles and hide pipe bombs in women's clinics instead.

2007-01-16 12:56:41 · answer #3 · answered by neooxyconservative 3 · 1 3

Only in your crack-induced imagination.

2007-01-16 13:08:10 · answer #4 · answered by ddey65 4 · 1 0

Your name is spelled wrong. Should be 'bigoty man'.

2007-01-16 12:55:47 · answer #5 · answered by mystery_me 4 · 2 0

Maybe when they start strapping bombs to their waist you'll take them more serious?

2007-01-16 12:54:57 · answer #6 · answered by Shaddup Libs 5 · 2 1

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