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Has anyone seen the underground movie 'Loose Change' and what are your views on it? Do you believe it is legitimate?

2007-01-16 12:10:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

8 answers

i thought that there were some very valid points thru the movie.. of course, it was one sided, of course most things were based on assumption. but isnt that the american way? the govt assumes that we arnt going to question them. they assume that we are stupid. so why doesnt this make sense? we may never know exactly what happened that day.. but what i do know is that someone is not telling the truth.

2007-01-17 01:35:48 · answer #1 · answered by kMac969 2 · 2 0

I saw the movie and I believe it.

The reason that I believe it is because I paid careful attention to news clips during 9/11 and I did notice something very interesting that caught my eye at the time (before Loose Change was filmed) that made me question the legitimacy of what we were being told.

First of all the news reports and videos showed a large crater/hole in the ground in a Pennsylvania field where flight 93 supposedly crashed.

Why are there no known pictures of the Flight 93 wreckage? The only pictures available of the crash site show rescue workers peering into a crater, but there is no wreckage to be seen.

Secondly, the hole on the side of the Pentagon where flight 77 supposedly crashed in is not big enough to accommodate a fuselage the size of the plane. Furthermore, there are no signs of wings or the tail section of the plane. Where are they?

In every plane wreck seen, there is always plane parts scattered here and there, but not in these two places. Why not?

The first time I viewed the film, I got a chance to meet the film makers, Dylan Avery and producer Korey Rowend they presented a very credible argument for believing their film.

2007-01-16 20:53:58 · answer #2 · answered by Beachcomber 1 · 3 2

I spent the 1hr 45min on it, I thought it made some very good points. Especially the part about the lack of entry holes for the Titanium engines of the Boeing 747 in the side of the Pentagon. And seriously, how many plane crashes have you seen on TV that had absolutely no debris like the crash in Penn.? And the fact that the Twin Towers were manufatured to resist just such an accident as a plane crashing into them. Plus it really did look like a controlled explosion. And wouldn't the top part of the towers have bowed down toward the entry points of the planes and then fallen sideways, instead of straight down? I mean, I'm no engineer, but in my experience, gravity makes weight move toward the weaker parts of a destablized structure... in this case, not straight down.

But it's always good to be sceptical, and we're never going to really know anyway. I still recommend that everyone watch it just to keep the gears turning in the ol' noggin.

But really, I'm such a sucker for conspiracy theories... I loved it! Imagine the fury of the American populous if it came out that it was true...

2007-01-16 20:32:17 · answer #3 · answered by Got rice? 3 · 4 2

Loose change has several errors in it. There are also several misquotes. That being said, the film makers make a good argument.

The one issue I have is that pulling off such a large scale conspiracy would require hundreds of people to be silenced forever. This means either paying them for silence, or removing them from society. Furthermore, we've never seen a collapse of a building that size under any circumstance, so can we scientifically rule out the "accepted answers"?

Loose change is already an older movie and doesn't address some of the newer findings into 9-11. THere are other newer videos that make very compelling arguments, including ones that counter the current findings of the 9-11 report.

You can find some good links at http://www.stoplying.ca

I would recommend watching all three parts to the movie "The Great Conspiracy" and In Plane Site.

I could rant on for hours, but I hope this answers your question.

2007-01-16 20:21:52 · answer #4 · answered by GermanPickle 2 · 5 4

Yes, I watched the video on Google Videos. Shocking and utterly terrifying are two adjectives that helped me assimilate the reality of the film. I for one do belief it. I knew that Bush and co. were involved from day one, but the connections made in the documentary are astounding. I say bravo to you for seeking out real truth from the pro-offered claptrap spewed out by CNN and the like. Spread the word, for the truth is that the US is losing its freedom faster than rats off a sinking ship.

2007-01-16 20:25:06 · answer #5 · answered by stormin 2 · 5 3

NO! There's absolutley NOTHING legitimate about it. It merely repeats the same old like that 9/11 conspiracy freaks have been saying for the past five years, all of which have been disproven.

Dylan Avery himself admitted he wanted to make a fictional 9/11 conspiracy theory movie, until some crackpot convinced him that it really WAS an inside job.

2007-01-16 20:33:38 · answer #6 · answered by ddey65 4 · 2 6

'Loose Change' is really a load of garbage for a few reasons...

1) The number of people that would have to be silenced would be monstrous. Its not even hundreds like one person before me said, it would be thousands, tens of thousands...and you just can't silence that many people with a bribe. In time, people talk no matter what they were given. And if they 'disappeared' after talking, it would just make their story seem more legitimate.

Saying the United States caused 9/11 is just ridiculous. I saw that movie and I just couldn't stop shaking my head. The claims it makes are ridiculous.

The one thing about the Pentagon hole not being big enough for a plane? The thing slid half a mile before hitting the building. It was reduced to scrap metal by the time it actually impacted. If it was a full-sized plane that hit the Pentagon from the air, the building would be gone.

The thing about people calling home on their cell phones on the planes but it being impossible to a signal at cruising altitude. Last I checked, its impossible to hit a building at cruising altitude. The planes were flying lower.

The thing about the fires in the WTC not being hot enough to melt steel frames. The fires didn't need to melt the steel, just weaken it...and at the temperatures the fires was at, it was estimated that the steel frames of the towers had lost 50% of their strength. And thats more then enough to bend down and collapse under the weight of the building.

Theres more reasons then that, but yeah, look it up. Loose Change is nothing more then a conspiracy theory thought up by people who can't handle what really happened.

What really happened was a group of Islamic extremists who despise us for our Western Culture and our ties with Israel hijacked planes on September 11 and used them to strike fear into every American. That is what happened. 3000 Americans lost their lives due to that act of extremist terrorism.

That is what happened.

2007-01-18 02:02:01 · answer #7 · answered by editor_andy 1 · 3 9

Let me introduce you to the truth.
He hurts, but is powerful.

Darling, that is by far the most amazing movie, and truest documentary, ever. Beleive it. Thanks to Bush, of course.
We need a lot of people to impeach that bastarddd.

2007-01-16 20:15:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 8

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