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Sometimes I just don't understand. Have you people forgotten what black people had to go through in America? Oh, my bad. You probably never learned that, did you?

Read about Dr. King and see what America was like for us and you might learn why there are separate events for us. We weren't allowed to participate in the mainstream ones! We couldn't eat in the same places, go to the same schools, even walk down the sidewalk at the same time. If a brutha looked at a white woman, he got killed - Emmitt Till? Name ring a bell?

In order to have any pride in ourselves, we had to stage our own events- we were banned from the majority ones. Things are better, but we still have a long way to go to be considered equal. I don't think we ever will truthfully.

Stop crying about the NAACP and Miss Black America, etc. Good grief! I thought years ago things would get better, but because people don't know history, things are worse.

And for heaven's sake, check your spelling!!!

2007-01-16 08:41:51 · 20 answers · asked by rittstuff 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

20 answers

Quite frankly, the reason why Blacks got a month at all to celebrate their heritage is not due to the sheer breadth of their contributions, as much as it is their uncanny ability to whine incessantly about their subjugated status in history. I think it behooves black people to not whine about the fact that they got the shortest month out of the year. They should be glad they even got this much. Like many instances where blacks like to cry foul and racism, the fact that Blacks got the shortest month out of the year to celebrate their heritage is not the result of bigotry, but probably has a lot to do with the fact that Abraham Lincoln’s birthday happens to be in February. Lincoln is the President associated with the emancipation of the slaves, and therefore logically a month devoted to the adulation of a race will naturally fall on a month of a person’s birth who is most closely associated with their liberation. Simple.

Blacks should be thankful for even getting an entire month to commemorate their struggles and contributions. Asians and Latin Americans, both of whom have a rich history, and a great record of giving much to this nation don’t get anything at all. So what if millions of blacks were enslaved and discriminated against? So what? Show me one ethnicity in history, that at one time or another did not have to endure oppression. Do you see other races, who had their freedom stolen from them, ask for an entire month to glorify their exploits? No! Do the Jews, who just over 60 years ago where slaughtered wholesale, ask for an entire month in Germany to perpetually remind others of their plight and their achievements? No!

It is interesting that Blacks insist on reminding the world of their downtrodden station in the annals our history for an entire month, but where has this pestering of the Western world got them? The majority of them still make up the lower portion of our economy in the US, they have a disproportionate number in prison in relation to other ethnic groups, they have the highest illegitimacy percentage of any minority in America, and their home continent of Africa is by far the most impoverished and backward of all the continents.

Its interesting that the Latin Americans, Jews, Chinese, and the Indians (from India not Native Americans) all endured centuries of oppression and outright genocide and it is these people who far surpass the Blacks in every standard of success. Yet, ironically these people don’t make such a fuss about the historical injustices they had to endure anywhere near as much as the Blacks do. I think African Americans can learn a lot from this. Its okay to remember the past, but don’t let the past dictate to you who you are. Learn to rise above whatever inequities were foisted upon your people in history. Constantly harping on about it ad nauseam only means that you have a chip on your shoulder. From my experience, people who have a chip on their shoulder normally don’t go anywhere.

2007-01-16 11:35:58 · answer #1 · answered by Lawrence Louis 7 · 1 2

I'm not black, but I know what you mean. Some white people complain about having this month dedicated to black history, and I just don't understand it. In fact, I don't think that just a month is really fair. In all of the history books children and teens read in school black history in america is only vaguely mentioned. If I was black I'd be complaining about white people getting unofficial white history months 11 out of the 12 months of the year. You don't hear complaints from black people on the subject often at all though. To all of the whiny white people: you'll get over it. Their history is just as important as any other ethnicity's in this country.

2007-01-16 08:51:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

i agree a lot, i dont care about how many blacks should be on tv, i care about the lame stereotypes a lot of us have. we are portrayed in negative light, i wuold rather them show other people how africa isnt a big place with naked people runnin around, there are different cultures and languages there, and etc i want people to know that created things and not just grills or somehting lame like that

i dont like how some white people complain about how come they dont have a white history month, you guys dont need it, turn to the history channel i see nothing but white people most of the time, what do we learn about it school white people. i juist wish sometimes white people would look at what they have instead of what they dont have.

i think the next time i hear a white person complain about not having a history month im gonna say ok how about we switch places u get a history month while i have the whole ****** history channel and most of the school books with info about me!!!!

2007-01-16 08:49:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

We whine about liberals and democrats protecting segregation alive, and also you do not even understand it. Black heritage, Hispanic/Asian historic previous, Affirmative action, NAACP....those are all businesses that save races separated, or segregated. If that weren't real, would not or not that is logical also that White heritage Month, or an NAAWP organisation would not be racist? yet that is equivalent, and that is exceptional. Me, as with each conservative do no longer see absolutely everyone as a hyphenated-American.....we are all in common words human beings. what's the liberal view? Oh yeah, save the learning and races separated and adverse to at least one yet another. it truly is how they win their votes. And it somewhat works. Minorities are exceeded a carrot with authorities subsidies and incentives....and the libs suck them right in. And save them in verify, in poverty and depending on authorities so as they could save handing out scraps, in basic terms adequate to save them from revolting. no longer even understanding they are vote casting for his or her own despotism.

2016-10-15 07:56:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree. ALL Americans regardless of race should be honoured evenly BUT the USA is nortorious for skewing the truth and even using lies.

We need Chinese History, Japenese History, Northern European History, Latin History, and Women's history.

ONly the WASPs of America are discussed in History classes. And they are glorified and lied about (Thomas Jefferson never had slave children...remember that lie).

The ONLY way to get rid of black history month is to for the USA to finally TELL THE TRUTH about its history and realize MANY people made her great even when she was trying to stangle them!!!!!

2007-01-16 09:11:28 · answer #5 · answered by Lotus Phoenix 6 · 4 0

I don't know, but I have never heard of White History Month, so what month would you suggest we have it in? I suggest December for White History Month because that's when Christmas is, and there is already a song called White Christmas, so the rest of December would be great for White History Month. Lets see if we can get it going!

2007-01-16 16:44:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

ok, here i go again. Have YOU forgotten that everyone no matter what race or religion or whatever has gone through things that were just as bad? No one banned anyone from any holidays. What was banned was religion from scools, prayer in schools, etc. This is 2007...get over what happened in the past. Were you ever enslaved (besides your job, of course)? i know that my parents nor any of my family for that matter owned slaves. I am trying to prove to my parents that all races are created equal, yet there is still racism in all races. It saddens me that my children (who are biracial) still must grow up thinking that neither side of their heritage is any good. Grow up and welcome to the 21st century. Stop trying to teach everyone hate. In the end, you are the one that is going to suffer because the ones you love the most are going to resent you for pushing your beliefs on them. I for one have nothing but love for anyone out there. Stop thinking that just becasue I am white it means that I'm whining about that stuff. My mind is on more important things, like raising my kids to know both sides of their heritage. How can I do that when there are people like you and my parents who bad mouth both sides??

2007-01-16 09:12:58 · answer #7 · answered by trisha_r_c 3 · 0 2

Because It's a joke. To the best of my knowledge Sub-Saharan blacks never came up with a written language like every other race in history did. The only "history" blacks can claim is what other cultures wrote for them.

And where is Arab History Month, Irish History Month, Italian History Month, or Asian History Month? ALL of those groups were discriminated against in this country. The Chinese slaves built much of our railroad system. Should they get a Chinese History Month? What makes blacks so special? As far as I can tell, blacks just whine the most, and when they don't get their own way they simply loot and burn their own neighborhoods and blame whitey.

You may not like my answer but this is the way many white, Asian, Latin and Arab people think. look at the statistics or even the local news and tell me there's no truth in what I say.

2007-01-16 09:08:24 · answer #8 · answered by cheetah 2 · 1 4

exactly i truly don't understand what white people suffered i understand most and many minorities had alot of suffering and changes but white always want it to be about them and what they don't have i truly believe they are so ungrateful in this world America has created the most ungrateful people ever and i hate that white people complain about what blacks gain I'm proud we have all these opportunities for African Americans and other minorities it's time for white people to get their heads out of the 1950s and move on from the past

2007-01-16 09:32:48 · answer #9 · answered by USAF1 3 · 1 2

im totally confused.. are you FOR black history month or not?

personally, i am more tired of people blaming the past for the problems of today. black people dont need "whitey" to hold them back.. they do a good enough job on their own. example.. ghost riding the whip.. if ever there was a better example of doing something that is clearly stupid and reckless its hopping out of your car while running, to dance on the hood. yeah.. that sounds like a guy i would want working at my bank. speaking of banks... when was the last time you felt comfortable lending or borrowing money from a guy that AXE's you a question..

the past sucks, and blacks were repressed by whites and you are right, you may never be equal.. but today, thats because blacks, an an attempt to differentiate themselves from whites, are constantly portraying themselves as thugs and N$ggers...

look at Charlton on fresh prince of bel air... a well educated, well rounded black guy who is constantly being made fun of for not being black enough.. not black enough? ohh... being educated, well read and dare i say it? with ambitions to make lots of money outside of crime, sports, and rap videos.. yeah.. damn you charlton for not being black enough and for holding our race back from the image we are so desperately trying to use to gain our equality.

some say its being white.. that he is an uncle tom.. its not about being "white"... its about being educated enough to know that if you truly want to be successful in life and have a good future, you cant act like an idiot with gold plated teeth...and thats YOUR choice to dress and act that way. rap artists might make a lot of money because people respond to them.. but not everyone can be a rap artist or athlete and that behaviour doesnt bode well in the real world.

2007-01-16 08:58:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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