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Im only 14 years old and black,i looked at the BNP website the other day and i agree with what they are saying.they never mention color in there BNPTV other than the archbishop of york standing up for the cristians,of whitch i am.People say that they are racist.well i cant see any evedence of this.its the left-wing loonies spread these myths to try to get people not to vote for them.Nick Griffen seems like a genuine man.those who disagre with this please tell me the facts that you know,NOT fiction

2007-01-16 08:37:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics


2007-01-16 09:20:33 · update #1

18 answers

The BNP arent racist.The fact is they dont care one way or the other.What they do care about is ,britain and the british.A black person or muslim cant really be british.If people whop arent british returned to their country of origin then there wouldnt be any ill feeling toward these ppl.
The ethnic minorites who have poured over our borders by the million,who have tried to change our laws,who have killed our innocents,who scrounge welfare,who commit crimes at 10 times the national average.....these ppl have created the question and the concerned public have created the answer...the BNP.Without supporters and voters they couldnt exist,by criticising the BNP ,one is criticising the wisdom of the nation.

2007-01-16 08:57:34 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 4 9

I have to admit, after reading your piece I took a look at the BNP's website myself.

In the past I have openly criticised the BNP for it's views and stance on certain subjects. I have to admit I might have been wrong. But there is still a pretty big "might".

And that is this line taken from the website that explains why

"those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question."

This I simply cannot agree with. I find it fundamentally unjust and reading between the lines it does have a smell of scenes from 30's Germany. They also carry on about cutting ties with the EU and cementing ties with countries such the United States, Canada and Australia. Which are all former colonies. I can't even call them white supremecist as they are rejecting ties with Europe.

All that said they do present some very convincing arguments when it comes to politics not concerning race. I find more pleasing reading in their manifesto regarding education, pension schemes, defence, the environment, health, transport and industry than in any of the other three major parties.

But the price is too high for me and many others. However looking at the pathetic state of the other parties and the state of the country. You and I and others will be asking some serious questions.

2007-01-16 17:20:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

The BNP used to be a fairly openly racist party. Nick Griffin is a fairly wily customer, and to try to get a more acceptable face (and more votes) has banned racist comments from the literature, and some of the policies sound decent and common sense (although I'm not going to go to the website to look them up). However, the members and activists are pretty much the same people as they were before, and they have often pretty unpleasant personal thoughts towards non-whites - many have related convictions. Many of those who haven't have been caught on secret camera at rallies and the like expressing their views - I think Nick Griffin has recently been found not guilty of inciting racial hatred over something similar.
If you are interested, do plenty of research, and I think you will find not pleasant background. It is certainly not wrong to be proud to be British, English etc, but there are better ways to express this than the BNP, in my opinion.

Edit: And I think the message above mine proves this - the key thing says that 'A black or Muslim person cannot be British' is where we disagree. The racist part comes below with the stuff about the killing of the innocents etc. This is the message of the BNP, so please take more notice of the mail above than mine.

2007-01-16 17:00:18 · answer #3 · answered by andy m 2 · 3 2

Here's some info about Nick Griffin and some of the things he has recently said.

NICK GRIFFIN, 47, married, four children. Cambridge law graduate. Attended his first National Front meeting aged 15. Became NF vice-chairman. Joined BNP in 1995

Received nine-month suspended prison sentence at Harrow Crown Court in May 1998 for inciting racial hatred in his magazine, The Rune. Elected leader of BNP in 1999

ON RACE “Without the White race, nothing matters. [Other right-wing parties] believe that the answer to the race question is integration and a futile attempt to create “Black Britons”, while we affirm that non-Whites have no place here at all and will not rest until every last one has left our land”

ON THE HOLOCAUST “The ‘extermination’ tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie and latter witch-hysteria”

ON POWER “When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate. We have to have a body of trained young men capable of defending our organisation. If people come to crack our heads we will break theirs”

Does the phrase "Turkeys voting for Christmas" mean anything to you?

2007-01-16 18:55:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Rest assured kid its people like you they hate. It is just illegal to write that down as a mission statement. Unfortunately if you do join you will be treated with much contempt till someone decides to bash your head in. The devil is in the detail that they DID NOT GIVE. And for a black person, you got no clue. You gotta understand that the white people of the west treat anyone with a lighter skin better than blacks. so these Lebanese are "better" than you. And remember, although you live here and your mindset thinks you are part of it.

You really are not part of it because you will never be accepted. So next time you see things like " Foreigners are taking our jobs" keep your mouth shut or you will look like an idiot. And sometimes when they want to be racist when you are there the use terms like Paki and Gypo and Ive seen this but they really mean you.

2007-01-16 17:17:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

i am not 100 sure on this but as far as i know they have many black and asian supporters. what the bnp says is british born should be the ones we look after first then what left have a look at so if that is the case most black and asians would have nothing to fear if this was the case is the big question

2007-01-16 16:45:29 · answer #6 · answered by phillip b 3 · 1 1

of course the BNP wewbsite isnt going to say they are a bunch of racist bigots! The site would get shut down under race hate laws for starters.

You only have to look at their campaign methods to see how evil they are, using bullying and intimidation in the community, running into pubs in multicultural areas, scattering their hate filled leaflets then running away before anyone can take issue with them. They run a website called redwatch which is a gallery of people who oppose their views using such word as "faggots, pakis, niggers and commie scum"

These are not the actions of a party interested in a fair and open debate as they claim (if you look at the voting patterns of the few BNP councellors then you will see that the mechanics of democracy are not their strong point.)

If the BNP came to power, the first thing they would do would be to deport anybody who does not fit their ideal of what a british person is, be that Black, Asian, Gay, trade unionist. When they run out of these targets i dare say they will find a new victim (might be red heads for example.)

You are 14, you are the prime target of these biggots, they want you to believe their wicked lies, dont listen to them, research all the political parties and see what they have to offer, also look at the 2nd world war to see what happens when nazis take control.

2007-01-16 17:04:10 · answer #7 · answered by enigma_variation 4 · 4 3

I totally agree with david f on this one. Nick Griffen is a clever man that knows he cant come and out and spew out the racial hatred that he has running through him, but trust me it is underneath.

He has researched the ways the Nazis got into power and its even better if people who are black etc vote for him because it helps spread his propaganda, he plants paranoia that every immigrant is going to steal your job, tv and rape your daughter

2007-01-17 07:10:34 · answer #8 · answered by Lady Claire - Hates Bigotry 6 · 1 1

The nazis didn't get elected in 1930's Germany by saying that they would plunge Germany into a disastrous war and slaughter all the jews. The BNP would say they are Bob Marley's greatest fans if they thought it would get them elected. They can say what they like, but the BNP are nazis. They believe in Aryan superiority and National Socialism. They are racist, anti-semitic freedom hating thugs. Even if they put on a smiley face for the public. Trust them like you would a poisonous snake.

2007-01-16 16:52:37 · answer #9 · answered by david f 5 · 5 3

Racism isn't just about colour - it's about nationality as well. The BNP are opposed to a lot of immigration which is in a lot of cases good for our country because we have low levels of unemployment and lots of skilled jobs that are difficult to fill.

Looking at their website or TV broadcasts will only ever give you a glossy look at the good bits about them - same with all political parties that's how they get you to vote.

What happens behind the scenes however is often a very different story.

One of the reasons the BNP no longer advertise their views on black people is that it is not legal for them to do so.

At the age of 14 you are lucky to some degree not to be faced with such outwardly racist views as maybe your parents or grandparents did living in this country. The BNP have turned a lot of their attention to Asians - but this doesn't mean that it's right for you to support them just because they no longer seem to have it in for black people.

Please read the following and click on the links below and THEN make up your mind. Additionally, just read the sickening comments about 'private' where he states that black people aren't really british and should return to the 'country of origin'. it turns my stomach to think that people can still harbour such hatred for their fellow man. Private ought to bear in mind that it was actually Britain that brought a lot of West Indian families to the country in the first places with promises of a better life, plenty of work, and a warm welcome. Instead of hating black people we should be grateful that so many of those from the West Indies did come to our country and help us get back on our feet so quickly after the second world war.

Here are a few things that Phil Edwards said abou young black people - that includes young black people like YOU.

Phill Edwards, the BNP’s press officer had this to say about young black children:

“It’s not a question of whether we like or dislike them, it’s a question of whether they as a racial group are of any danger, shall we say, to the peace, stability and indigenous culture of Britain and we think that they are.”

“When you go to work and you pay taxes, imagine paying all that tax to give money to single parents in London who have got three or four black kids.

“The black kids are going to grow up dysfunctional, low IQ, low achievers that drain our welfare benefits and the prison system and probably go and mug you.”







PS! The fact that the individual wanting to be known as 'private' has a swastika in his emblem says it all. If you haven't already, you will soon study what the nazis did to ethnic minorites in the second world war. People who bear the swastika are saying out loud they support nazi values.

2007-01-16 17:11:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

clio asked for facts not fiction most of the answers he got was opinions from people no one could give him any facts only what they think because there are no facts to give on the BNP.

2007-01-16 19:48:22 · answer #11 · answered by Lions 2 · 0 2

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