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At 16 weeks pregnant my belly has really started to show and became harder. For the past few days though I have started to feel stretching and have felt the baby move quite a bit but my stomach doesn't look as big as it was and feels not quite as solid I dont think. Other than that I still feel great and am glowing, have developed sciatica again though over the past few days. I know it may sound silly but I am quite worried, would I know this far on if something was wrong?

2007-01-16 08:20:13 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

25 answers

I'm sure you would know if something was wrong...sounds like baby may have moved to another position and that is why things feel differently

2007-01-16 08:23:14 · answer #1 · answered by Cindi P 2 · 3 0

this is not a silly question at all. it sounds to me, a mother of four but been pregnant five times, that it is perfectly normal the uterus really starts to stretch once it tips over the pelvis around twelve weeks and can be quite painful the tummy changes shape alot and you could have just been bloated before if the baby is moving and you feel fine then i am sure everything is ok but there is no reason why you cant nip to the doctor or midwife and let them have a listen as its a good excuse to hear the babys heartbeat! have a great pregnancy go with your instincts and congratulations being a mum is fab! sciatica is horrid but usually comes and goes as the baby moves around

2007-01-16 08:33:24 · answer #2 · answered by DOMINIQUE S 1 · 0 0

At around 16 weeks your baby could be moving and even turning. If the baby turns so that his back is facing outwards your bump will feel harder than before as there is less fluid between your fingers and the baby.

We worried about everything when my wife was expecting our first child but there was never anything wrong. I would say that from my experience you should trust your instincts, if you are still glowing and feeling fine baby is probably fine!
Our Midwife was a great source of information, they have been through more pregnancies than hot dinners!!! Use them, they're a great help.

2007-01-16 08:27:19 · answer #3 · answered by evilted_2 2 · 0 0

sometimes baby can move into a different position and that leaves your tummy feeling stretched. your gonna feel this alot more from now on, a elbow poking here and i bum poking there, sometimes you can even tell what what is when you get further along. usually nothing to worry about but go by your own instincts and no other advice. If your worried see a doctor or your midwife. mum always knows best!!! hopeefully its nothing to worry about but follow what you think you should do!!!! your the over for your little one so you know if your baby is safe or in danger. maybe lie down on your back and relax with no music or tv on and count how many times you feel your baby move in an hour i think its spose to move something like 10-15 times. but im 100% sure!


2007-01-16 08:31:43 · answer #4 · answered by Female Raging Huggalot 2 · 0 0

I had the same concerns when i was about 16wks! LOL - i was convinced my stomach was smaller and therefore something must be wrong with baby!! Keep in mind fluid retention can cause bloating - and also eating. After eating my stomach does look a bit bigger than if i compared it to how i lookk first thing in the morning. The "solid" feeling could be the positioning of your baby.

Go to the doc if it will alleviate your fears. I went to mine at the time and he told me:

You can feel your baby move so you know baby is ok. If something were to happen expect pain and or cramping/bleeding. You are fine - baby is fine - i'll see you at your next check-up! lol

Don't feel silly though - we all worry about our baby's - its just part of being pregnant... i'm now 27wks and still have unfounded worries! lol.

Best of luck with the Bub!

2007-01-16 08:28:34 · answer #5 · answered by Smiley One 3 · 1 0

Fristly, congratulations on the pregnancy! I'm assuming it's your first because once you've been through it you tend not to worry so much as you've experienced it before. You don't say how old you are or what your natural body shape/weight is. I only say this because I first fell pregnant at 39 and turned 40 during it. I'm an outsize girl too. So I didn't really show till I was about 5 months! I first felt my baby move at 19 weeks though so I think you're going through a normal pregnancy whatever size and weight you are.
I'm glad you're glowing....that's a good sign. You sound as if you feel you're glowing. With me, people told me I did but I never felt it and was always waiting for the glow. I did feel really special though!
Hon, the best advice I can give is seek other experienced advice....not so much from your mum as she may be quite a bit older, but from other women of your own age who are already parents. Also, the internet has a huge network for pregnant mums, try out www.ivillage.co.uk/boards and choose the board that you fit in to. Your midwife (although you may not get to see her much, should also provide sound advice).
Lastly, NEVER EVER feel, if you feel that something's not right, put off seeking medical advice. Doctors/nurses are so used to first time mums that they may just brush it off as paranoia and a waste of their time, BUT , it does you the world of good to have it checked out. And you'd hate yourself it you didnt!
Developing sciatica is unfortunately one of the side effects and sacrifices to pregnancy...........just you wait till the memory loss and brain scattering kicks in too......and trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in when you're almost due.....

You're allowed to think yourself as being silly whilst you're pregnant cos your hormones are all over the place. When I was 3 weeks to go, I hadn't felt the baby move in about 24 hrs and was really worried. I was attending a pre-natal class at the hospital that day so as soon as that finished I just went to the maternity ward and told them of my concerns. They were really good, hooked me up to a monitor and I got even more worried when after 20 mins, they started shouting "wake up baby" to my exposed and gelled belly. It worked....apparantly as the baby gets bigger in there, it moves less and sleeps more. The monitor showed the heartbeat was fine. Although they still never really woke him up....he just responded heart beat wise (ie got quicker) then he nodded off again!
Just eat healthily, read up on what you should avoid and avoid it, find out all your support groups/people and USE THEM...that's what they're there for!
Most of all, enjoy your pregnancy....it really is a special time and for goodness sake, you need to enjoy it now cos when the baby comes............everything changes (for the better ultimately)!

Good luck.........

2007-01-16 08:35:56 · answer #6 · answered by nephtine 4 · 0 0

I cannot relate to being pregnant, but if you are going to your regularly scheduled OB/gyn appoinments, you should be discussing these things with your doctor.

And you should certainly discuss what type of exercises you should be doing to alleviate the sciatica, which may be caused by your trying to compensate for the position of the baby or a muscle imbalance.

Good Luck

PS. Be sure to use Palmer's Cocoa Butter to alleviate the stretching feeling and to prevent stretch marks.

2007-01-16 08:31:28 · answer #7 · answered by snvffy 7 · 0 0

Your body will do all kinds of weird things in pregnancy. One day the belly is hard, the next it's soft. One day your baby will tap dance on your kidneys all day, and the next it won't move once! I swear, pregnancy is a time to try to get you to freak out to prepare you to let things slide once the baby is actually out! If you're genuinely worried or think something is really wrong, call the doctor, but most likely your little bean is just fine.

Enjoy your pregnancy!

2007-01-16 08:25:00 · answer #8 · answered by Suliah 3 · 0 0

It could just be that if baby is now moving about more it has moved into a different position that isn't showing as much. As long as baby is active and you've had no spotting or fluid loss then everything should be ok. Call your midwife if you're still worried though, she'll put your mind at rest. good luck

2007-01-16 08:24:54 · answer #9 · answered by sundancer332003 4 · 1 0

you would know at anystage if something was wrong everything sounds fine from here (ive had 3 pregnancies) you are past the iffy stage at 16 weeks your doing great, if you have any queries though i would ask your midwife just so you will know whats happening to your body as well as putting your mind at rest, you should be due a scan in the next two weeks or so that should put your mind at ease too

2007-01-16 08:30:42 · answer #10 · answered by 0000 3 · 0 0

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