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Please give a solid(and if possible long) reason for your answer especially if you agree. Thanks a lot.

2007-01-16 08:13:05 · 20 answers · asked by petra_sweety 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I'm not having one ok? I have a projeect to do on it and i have trouble of thinking why they should or shouldn't. If you gine get on stupid about it DON'T ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!

2007-01-16 08:32:02 · update #1

20 answers

No, no one has the "right" to kill another innocent human being, and every abortion kills an innocent human being. For more information, see:

Photos and Video of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:

Information on All Aspects of Abortion:

Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:

Pain Perception in the Unborn:

Abortion Stories:

Abortion Risks:

Abortion Deaths:

Rape and Abortion:

Is Abortion Ever Necessary to Save the Life of the Mother?

2007-01-16 10:59:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

well i agree with abortion to a certain extent. if a woman or young girl is raped i think she has the right to an abortion. if a woman or young girl has sex without thinking of the consequences of her actions then no i dont think abortion is right. thats the chicken s*it way out. if you have sex then u better know the consequences. abortion should not be an easy out for some one. i dont care how old a female is. if you have sex, there are certain consequences. i personally get angry at those who have an abortion just because they dont wanna be pregnant. that gives woman and young mothers a bad name. my best friend had an abortion 3 years ago. she still to this day cant sleep. were no longer friends, not cause she had an abortion but after she had an abortion she thought it was ok to be a slut! she thought " its ok if i sleep around, if i get pregnant i have a way out!" and she told me that her self. i am a young mother of a precious baby girl. shell be 2 in may. i am 20 yrs old. i got married at 18 right when i found out i was pregnant. yes its hard. and yes somedays i feel like i wanna hide. but i would never , by the grace of god, get an abortion. if a woman gets one thats on her and her conscious.

2007-01-16 16:28:41 · answer #2 · answered by jrs wife! 3 · 0 1

I am Pro-Life with limitations. I believe that in the event that the mother's & child's life are in danger, (keeping in mind there is ALWAYS risk with pregnancy even with "advanced technology") or in the case of a 12 yr old rape victim and/or incest that if deemed neccessary that it should happen. Now that being said I, think it is absoultly sickening that people, use abortion or the abortion pill (which is now under law-suits for possibly causing deaths, blood clots, etc) for birth control on a regular basis. People with the mindset "I had willingly had unprotected sex and now I don't want to deal with the consequences, even if it means taking a life." I am not going to tell others what to do ex: "Your evil if you have an abortion." My philopshy is not religious based just morally based. If someone has an abortion, it's their choice true, BUT I don't understand how someone could willingly choose to end a life that hasn't had a chance to live because they didn't want to be responsible and deal with the consquences of their actions. I couldn't live with myself. What I ask to pro-choicers is, when is something "alive", when it's out of the womb. Or when it can breathe or see or move or feel or when it's heart beats (all while in the mother's womb), or when it can cry it's little helpless tiny cry? I was a "unexpected surpise" when she found out when I was 6 months along, my mother didn't think she could have anymore since she had a miscarriage and was going through early menopause and she is pro-choice but she never considered aborting me even though she knew she had no man, a 18yr old daughter and (at the time) a 11mon old grandchild to take care of. I grew up loved and wanted. I realize not everyone is so lucky. My mother wanted to adopt more children since I was four (1992), she had her tubes tied when I was 2 and she said she regrets it, but they told her she was "too old" to adopt, she was only 41 and in perfect health but divorced/single.
When a person, WILLINGLY has sex I do expect them to own up to their actions. Their are many people, myself included who want children but for various reasons can't have them. For those of you who debate that a being isn't alive intill it can be separted from their mother and surivive without aid, so premature babies (my sister included) aren't alive? A fetus can hear at 20 wks and feel pain at 28wks. Is abortion okay before then, no I don't think so. Taking a life, or what is soon to be a life is wrong, their is no way around it. I am aware some girls don't have a choice ex: their parents force them to, and if that's the case they shouldn't feel guilt. BUT girls/women who use abortion as birth control are just sick. Ex: OH NO I knowingly had unprotected sex, lets abort it so we don't have to "deal" If your that way you should just go get fixed or die.

2007-01-16 16:21:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I believe that women do have the right to choose, BUT I also believe that the men have a right to choose also. For example: if a woman told her boyfriend that she is pregnant, but doesn't want the baby for some reason or another and the boyfriend tells her that he does want the baby, then she shouldn't have an abortion. In that case, she should have the baby and give up all rights to it and let the boyfriend take care of it. Provided they go through all legal procedures, of course. But, on the other hand, if neither parent feels that they can handle a baby, I think they should have the right to choose what they want to do.

2007-01-16 16:22:54 · answer #4 · answered by ticktock 7 · 1 1

If a woman was tired of taking care of her one year old, would it be her right to cut his throat and dump his body in the trash? Why not?

What difference does it make that she is doing that when he is only a few months younger than that?

Here is another test.

Let's say a pregnant woman is assaulted by a crazed psychopath who wants to kill children. He beats her abdomen with a tire iron, killing her baby. Should that man be charged with murder (for which he will go to prison for decades) or simply battery (for which he will get a few months or even nothing at all)? Which is the appropriate sentence? How is it any different if the woman kills her own baby instead?

Killing a child is a heinously evil act....one for which no civilized society accepts any excuse for. What exactly is the reason to make an exception for abortion? There is none. None that is legitimate, that is..

Further, those responsible for this farce, have, over the decades, been revealed to be sinister people with an evil agenda. Their goal all along was to turn our society into one that is not civilized. That is the whole point of abortion.

Under the circumstances, it really should be made illegal.

2007-01-16 16:22:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Yes, I think it is okay. I do not understand how people feel its their duty and right to take over another individuals body. Should women be ridiculed for piercing their noses? Yes, I understand the thought that this is a human soul being killed - but what about the babies that are miscarried or still born? Should those women be punished by society? I feel that yes, a fetus, is a soul ... an angel, but if it is aborted I feel the soul returns back to Heaven. With welfare how it is today why in the world do people think its okay for women, who can not afford their children, have anymore? In the long run we all loose at the battle.

2007-01-16 16:22:13 · answer #6 · answered by auburnc 3 · 1 1

I tend to be on the fence in this issue. I do believe that the rights should be limited to specific situations. I don't think that you should be able to terminate your pregnancy just because you failed to use protection and you got yourself into an unwanted situation. I think you should only be allowed to do so if there is some kind of danger that could result in death of the mother or to the child in the long run. Simply because you don't want a child is not a good enough reason. I tend to be on the fence about rape victims who become pregnant, while I don't think its right to abort, I honestly think you should just go through with the pregnancy and put the baby up for adoption, I do see where that could be a reason for termination.

2007-01-16 16:21:11 · answer #7 · answered by WhyBother919 2 · 1 1

NO!!!!! why have sex if you know there's a chance of getting pregnant! If your thinking about an abortion, don't do it!! Put the baby up for adoption if anything, I mean for Christs sake, are you worried about getting that big belly to you. If you know your pregnant your baby possibly already has a heartbeat. Give the child a chance. He didn't do anything to you. God planned this for a reason, and I sure in Hell don't think it was for you to kill this unborn child. Its a cruel and un-human thing to do. Its sad, it really is to think people do this because they're more worried about themselves. How selfish can anyone in their right mind be!!!

(This wasn't directed towards you in anyway, just figuratively speaking)

2007-01-16 16:25:13 · answer #8 · answered by militarychick03 2 · 1 1

The answer doesn't have to be long to make the point. It's my body and NO ONE has the right to tell me what to do with it. If I get raped, you can bet I'd have one in a heartbeat. If the government takes away that right, then we will regress back to the days of the back door abortions that killed so many women. Keep it clean and legal.

2007-01-16 16:18:13 · answer #9 · answered by FireBug 5 · 5 0

I fell that an Abortion should be given only under circumstances of Incest or Rape. (Don't get me wrong!). There are women out there who don't want to have children right now,which is why she should use some form of "Birth Control". Having the right to an Abortion varies from State-to-State. If the Laws of your State outlaw Abortion,you can have it done somewhere else. (Think about this:). 2 consenting adults have unprotected sex,knowing of the possibilities,of pregnancy (not to mention STD's). (Now!) She gets pregnant,and wants an Abortion (or maybe he wants her to have one). There's an innocent creation growing inside,who does'nt have the power to determine if it lives or dies.
If a woman has not been Raped,or a product of Incest,then to prevent unwanted pregnancies,"USE BIRTH CONTROL".

2007-01-16 16:36:16 · answer #10 · answered by Squeakers 6 · 0 2

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