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2007-01-16 07:41:35 · 26 answers · asked by den1s_a 2 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

26 answers

Your partnership is an intense one, and you are likely to become very attached to, or obsessed with each other. If romantic attraction is even reasonably strong, this relationship could lead to marriage. First of all, both of you are very oriented towards marriage. Neither of you feels comfortable in light relationships and it is difficult for you to be "just dating" someone. You prefer to be wholeheartedly involved in a deep relationship or not at all.

Both of you are also prone to be possessive and very emotionally attached to anyone that you give your love to. Like most lasting, important relationships, yours will have its share of difficult times, and you both seem to thrive on passionate, tempestuous interactions. Stormy fights and sizzling reunions may typify your relationship. You both love intensely and you have with equal ferocity, so your relationship is likely to be either deeply satisfying or very destructive to you both; there is no middle ground for the two of you!

The two of you are likely to have a volatile, passionate relationship, and a deep attachment to one another as well.

You are both very intense inwardly, and yet many of your feelings are hidden except from those few which whom you are very intimate. You are wholehearted and often extreme in our emotional reactions; you love and hate, feel rage, triumph, fierce loyalty or complete loathing – all with equal fervor. You can simmer and brood over something for a long time without expressing or releasing your feelings, and you can build up tremendous resentment or guilt this way.

Both of you like to keep things hidden and need privacy; you enjoy having secrets. Because you are both suspicious and cautious about revealing yourselves, those you trust must prove themselves to you and you expect absolute faithfulness from them. You are sensitive to betrayal and can be intensely jealous.

Since you are both this way, you understand one another very well, but obviously when you clash, it can be quite explosive.

Both of you crave powerful emotional experiences and may seek this out in various ways, including engaging in challenging or dangerous physical activities, choosing a profession that involves you in life-and-death or intense crisis situations, reading or watching shocking or gruesome horror stories, or by creating emotional storms in your own personal lives.

Both of you are cautious about giving your hearts away, and Scorpio in particular may have inhibitions about loving freely and openly, or trusting people. But both of you are seeking depth and commitment in love, and you don't take love lightly or casually. Scorpio may help Scorpio heal some fears of love and intimacy, by being a constant, loyal, and true friend.

The two of you have a very strong psychic or telepathic link, and there is a great deal of sensitivity, empathy, and understanding between you. Idealism and devotion are important elements in your relationship and both of you may gladly give or sacrifice much for one another. Scorpio encourages Scorpio to be receptive and somewhat passive. Scorpio is easily swayed by Scorpio's emotions and moods, and this may be confusing or overwhelming, especially if Scorpio doesn't have a solid sense of self. Scorpio, on the other hand, idolises Scorpio, and may have a very inaccurate picture of Scorpio's true nature and needs. Also, both of you may be very indirect or subtle in your communications. Strive to be straightforward and clear with one another.

Together the two of you can realise an unusually beautiful, spiritual communion of souls. You'll develop a delicate and subtle sensitivity to one another's feelings, moods, and inner needs, an almost mystical understanding of one another. This unusual degree of empathy will enable you to feel extremely close to and compassionate toward one another. Telepathic or nonverbal communication takes place quite readily between you, and your psychic senses are evoked by being in one another's presence. For instance, you may begin to see auras or have accurate intuitions about distant events, especially if they involve one another.

You are generous with one another, always ready to help each other, and you have a great respect and appreciation for one another. You also allow one another a lot of freedom to develop other friendships, rather than clinging possessively to one another. You may also benefit from one another materially as well as emotionally.

Sexual attraction is very strong, but as with other things, one of you is likely to come on too strong to the other and this may be offensive to your partner. There is a driving, compelling, somewhat impersonal quality to your love-making at times.

Sexual expression is very deep and at times volatile. You may enjoy oral sex or other forms of sexual experimentation. What you see on the outside is very different to how you feel on the inside. You arouse easily and orgasm just as quickly. You throw your whole heart into sex.

Things are unlikely to become dull or predictable between you, as there is a strong current of intense change and constant renewal in your relationship. Your deepest desires for freedom and for new life and growth can be fulfilled in this relationship but will probably come about as a result of some radical decision and break from the past, a complete disruption of the status quo, especially for Scorpio. You may never quite feel like you are on stable ground together, and this can be very exciting or very uncomfortable, depending upon your individual temperaments.

2007-01-18 10:05:22 · answer #1 · answered by ♥skiperdee1979♥ 5 · 0 0

Scorpio + Scorpio

Water + Water = Deluge

A match between Scorpio and Scorpio can be either heaven or hell. On the heaven side, unbridled passion will attract you to each other. Initially, physical bonding is very strong — it will make both of you long for each other even from the outset.
In most cases, two Scorpios fall in love with each other very quickly, and soon realise that there’s a possibility of a lifelong commitment.
Another Scorpio instinctively understands your mind and heart, from the inside out. You can share your secrets with them. Often you won’t need to say a word to each other — a look will be enough for you to know what the other is feeling. You have a certain synchronicity, and you won’t need the endless discussions many relationships need. Their very presence is comforting.
Relationships between two Scorpios are not what other star signs would consider idyllic, because there are often tremendous upheavals and intense mood swings due to both sides’ inflexible position on many issues. If neither of you is capable of loving the other unconditionally, these problems will not be easy to overcome.
Because you love so deeply, you’re possessive, jealous and suspicious of each other. You both demand undivided loyalty, and this could eventually stifle you.
If neither of you rises to the occasion and allows the other some personal freedom, the relationship will turn into a battle of wills and a sticky web of emotional complexity. The only way out is to trust each other and not give way to your suspicions. This could be one of your most important karmic lessons.
Scorpios born between 24 October and 2 November are instantly attracted to you. Their sexual appeal will be heightened as a result. Once you become involved with them, you could find yourselves joined at the hip because there is such a close resemblance in personality.
Probably the best combination with another Scorpio will be with those born between 3 November and 12 November, who are partly ruled by Neptune and Pisces. These Scorpios provide you with pretty much everything you need to feel as if you’re in the perfect relationship. They’re idealistic, and believe that the most important thing in life is unconditional love.
You may have a gentler and more emotional relationship with Scorpios born between 13 November and 22 November. This is because the Moon and Cancer filter through their personalities and bring out the very emotional side of your nature. They are soft, caring, and very family oriented. If it’s family life you’re after, these Scorpios will be ideal for you.

2007-01-16 15:02:11 · answer #2 · answered by sweet_leaf 7 · 0 0

Scorpio With Scorpio:
Only time will tell whether these two have what it takes to have a lasting love. Be aware that you both have a strong need to control your partner. This is where potential problems could arise. Possessiveness is also another area that could create problems. You could learn fascinating things from this other Scorpio so think about keeping them as a friend if the romance doesn't work out. A real love or hate thing. It can work out very well, though, with each of you almost reading the other's mind. These two people who are so much alike understand each other very little. They are highly jealous and demanding. Both are sulky, brooding and possessive. Both are in a continual struggle to force the other to relinquish control.

Love & Blessings

2007-01-16 08:26:27 · answer #3 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 2 0

Can you say Whiz, Bang, Boom!?! That’s what you get when you pair up two You get a double dose when two Scorpios pair up in romance! Two Scorpios together are sure to equal fireworks – both the good kind and the bad. Scorpios are moody, secretive, obsessive and sometimes vengeful. They are also very passionate, natural born leaders and then never do anything “half” way. And romance is no exception! A double Scorpio relationship is like dynamite – it can either be either extremely exciting or it can blow up in each others face. 2 Stars

2016-03-29 00:26:52 · answer #4 · answered by Yesennia 4 · 0 0

I,m a king Scorpio and I have dated Scorpio women they are the best but for some reason it,s like as soon as we get together they want to get away from me and I think it,s because they want to leave be for I do I personally would never trust one and you can,t piss one of because they wont ever get over it my mother is a Scorpio and she and I can,t get alone for 4 hours at a time and I love her but I could never have a woman like her all scorpion women are very smart and the sax is the best in the world we live for it

2007-01-17 09:43:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, but.....each of you will have to try and get over the obsessive need to be right, then you will have to remember to fight fair. Learn that a relationship is each giving 100%. Remember to not be so unyielding and stubborn. Stay away from drugs and alcohol as it will be gasoline added to the fire!
Good luck.

2007-01-16 14:39:00 · answer #6 · answered by Slimsmom 6 · 0 0

It could be the best thing in the world or the destruction of both involved. Intense passion at first and then foolishly get obsesive torwards one another, causing a disolution of the whole thing.

2007-01-16 07:47:55 · answer #7 · answered by Broadsword 3 · 2 0

Sure, the classic relationship between two Scorpios is ex-husband / ex-wife (or sometimes murderer / victim).

2007-01-19 15:52:17 · answer #8 · answered by evilsteve299 3 · 0 0

If you both know your sign and "its" pros and cons then just be educated and the key to working everything out is communication. Never use "you" when explaining a problem..and sometimes its best just to write it all out on paper and communicate whatever through that.

2007-01-16 08:45:12 · answer #9 · answered by smartypants 1 · 0 0

yes, but one will probably drive the other crazy cause they BOTH want to be the dominant one in the relationship.......
depends on how much you or they want to give in....
any relationship should be 50/50.....give and take......balance and the most important thing is......COMMUNICATION....
get your charts done at www.astralab.com and see what your rising signs are and IF they are compatible also....makes a difference!

2007-01-16 07:50:57 · answer #10 · answered by STARZ 5 · 2 0

y not. me & my wife both r scorpio. v r still happy after 19 years of our marriage.

2007-01-19 20:30:39 · answer #11 · answered by gr8xperinced 2 · 0 0

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