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i think im a nice person, 22, i love animals and i try to treat people nicely and be respectful, people say im pretty. but i can't even lift my head up when i walk out in public. I feel worthless, like i mean nothing. I have zero self confidence ,and people pick up on that and don't talk to me. I dont have any friends. The only person i talk to is my sister. i can't do things that normal people do, like shop at the mall, go to parties, have get to-gethers or anything like that. i avoid social functions at all costs because i feel so nervous and inadequate. i think i have social anxiety really bad but i can't afford to get treatment, i called and it was $115 an hour so im going to a free counselor at school but i dont know if that's going to work. why do i feel so bad about myself all the time? When i do go out, i see girls that are prettier, smilier, and younger than me, and it seems they all have boyfriends, and i feel like a piece of junk. how can i feel better about myself?

2007-01-16 06:29:29 · 14 answers · asked by Jae Lynn 4 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

14 answers

I used to feel the same way until I found something that I could do very well and that I enjoyed doing,my hobby is dancing.and before any one gives you any wrong advice look around there are more reasonably priced counselors available out there. have you checked into M.H.M.R. I am sure they are in your local area,that program is nation wide,and they base your treatment on your income,so they are affordable,and they can help you.I went threw what your going threw for different reasons,I was abused as a child and my biological father had destroyed my self esteem,and it took me 39 years to build it back up.just remember that it didn't happen over night and your going to have a long road ahead of you but just hang in there and every thing will get better. resources, my own life.

2007-01-16 07:46:58 · answer #1 · answered by LaRie c 2 · 0 0

Wow, well, it's probably is social anxiety. Or something else. Look, it's ok to be a loner or a solo person. SOme people enjoy spending time by themselves. First off, quit comparing yourself to others. When you see happy people on the street, understand that they too have good and bad moments. You might catching them during their good moments. I guess what I am trying to say is that everyone goes through happy and sad times. You should pick up a hobby, like cooking, drawing, or other artistic exercises. There are a lot of ways to interact with people other then going to the mall or partying. I've party out, I've been to so many of them that it annoys me when my friends want to go out on saturday. I've picked up other hobbies, like going to Jaz clubs, where everything moves a lot slower and it isn't all about meeting people. I'm 26, but I prefer hanging out with the adults. So you see, you have to see where you fit in. Try exercising, and don't be so auick to get prescription drugs, they'll mess you up in the long run. Look, it's ok to be sad, moody, solo, if that's what you want to be, just make sure you get sh*t done. You can also watch funny TV shows, like Family Guy, or do what I do when I'm bored, bug and irritate people on Yahoo! answers.

Keep your head up, I got a sister like this. She's doing better. All she had to do was believe in herself. It really is easy.

2007-01-16 06:43:41 · answer #2 · answered by Petarded 1 · 0 0

Read the book "A purpose driven Life". It will help you a whole lot. And remember, It is the inner beauty of one that sustains a real meaning relationship. No matter what kind of relationship. Friend, Boyfriend, Job, etc.
One thing that never changes in this world is everything always changes. When one door closes the other opens. It is all about the choices you make . Good luck. And you are somebody or God would not have created you.

2007-01-16 06:39:23 · answer #3 · answered by DAVID T 3 · 0 0

There are myriad factors that can contribute to the distorted image you have of yourself. It could have been your social upbringing, a romantic encounter gone wrong, a negative comment you overheard, etc. Regardless of the causing factor or factors you can come out of it without having to pay a lot of money. Seeing your counselor at school can be an excellent place to start your recuperation. You have to have a more positive attitude towards getting better. Be optimistic!

2007-01-16 06:54:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you're in High school you should have some insurance through your parents?? A HS counselor isn't your answer. You need a doctor. I think you have social anxiety and some medication could help. Can you see a family doctor?

2007-01-16 06:34:30 · answer #5 · answered by momsam49 1 · 0 0

I used to feel the same...until my big brother forced me to do something social so I enrolled in a dance class. At first I was scared out of my mind, but then people were so nice introducing theirselves I couldnt help but be social. I was sooo glad I did it, you just need to place yourself around other people, it is very uncomfortable at first but you get used to it I promise. Its hard I know, but eventually you will feel better about yourself. So get into an activity that will place you around other people

2007-01-16 06:35:41 · answer #6 · answered by saraikyon 2 · 0 0

:) it's ok.. did u know that "beautiful" people also feel that way sometimes?? trust me, i know this woman who is soo pretty and her husband told me that she has those days she feels so blah, complains about her body (it's Awesome, esp after 2 kids!), etc. so first of all , don't beat urself up for that. everyone has those days~~

next, u gotta work on ur confidence. no matter how beautiful u are, no matter how many People tell u that, u will never believe it until YOU feel it urself first!

also i completely understand how u feel. i was really shy up until after COLLEGE.. til i was like 24 years old. i did have good friends and was very talkative w/ family and friends, but in social settings i felt So ugly, So awkward, i felt that nobody would want to hear what i had to say... so i just felt horribly about myself. then i decided that i didnt' want to be this way, and the catalyst was when i dated this one guy and he turned out to be a total JERK and i realized that i cannot be this naive, unconfident, scared person who lets others walk all over me.

so here's my advice (from experience too! :D) to you~

first, work on ur Appearance: work out, exercise, take care of ur skin and body. try on new hair and makeup until u feel u look really pretty :). get some new clothes that are Flattering to you.

next, work on ur Mind: read more, learn more, keep an Open Mind always~ if u are in school, study hard, get to know other students and teachers. if u have a job, try to do well, excel, learn the ins and outs of the business. develop ur hobbies and interests.. if u like art, take art classes. put urself around people who are knowledgable and ask questions (open mind!!!) :)

finally, work on ur Relationships: first w/ family and friends, then friends of friends....eventually Strangers!!! remember, ur working on ur looks and ur mind, so u have LESS to be embarrassed about. and u have more things to talk about, u have more interests and knowledge to discuss w/ others!!

if u continue to do this, i think u will realize that u were scared of a lot of things that are actually not scary at all. i lived my life this way, and now i am way more confident. and i know , it all starts w/ appearance, but that's wehre Confidence gets its basis from i think.... after that, looks only go so far.. u start doubting ur smarts, u start feeling judged. always try to remain Open minded, don't judge others, don't get upset too much. just continue to work on urself to be a Good Person~

remember to seek Positive, Healthy and Happy things, and i think u will always go towards a good path. if anyone or anything makes u feel negative, depressed, lonely, or judged, keep ur distance from them. :) good luck always~

2007-01-16 06:43:02 · answer #7 · answered by sasmallworld 6 · 1 0

it would want to take it sluggish to really study this, yet what others imagine of you is NONE of your corporation and vice versa. The irony is, once you provide up annoying about it, they provide up holding it. the different ingredient is, there is continually someone extra useful than you, and worse off than you. assessment is futile in the lengthy time period. ultimately, as you're a instantly A pupil, there is likely slightly bit jealousy between those human beings who placed you down. I mean, efficient academically AND sturdy-searching? it truly is be a fluke, ideal?

2016-11-24 21:30:32 · answer #8 · answered by fuchser 4 · 0 0

You need to work on your self esteem. Start telling yourself everyday when you wake up that you are worth it and you deserve happiness. Start working on yourself and you will feel better. I don't believe in taking medication for anxiety. You do need to talk to your close friend or counselor so they can help you with this.

2007-01-16 06:39:53 · answer #9 · answered by Melissa 4 · 0 0

girl i have the same problem i always feel like that and i do the same things. i am always jealous of other girls and wat they have but i have come to realize that if there is something u dont like about you change it urself. try and talk to other people and make new friends. counsling might help on the inside but on the outside is up to you. your are a gr8 person and people are jealous of that so they make you feel like that. prove them worng and be the best you that you can be. dont let them bring you down. if you ever wanna someone to talk to and stuff i will give you my email address and you can write me any time ok. its emsgurl1987@yahoo.com and i wuld be hapy to talk to you bec i am going through the same thing and i kno how it feels ok. so good luck girl

2007-01-16 06:35:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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