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18 answers

Yes, no and maybe. The UK is supposedly a democracy and in a democratic country it's meant to be the will of the majority that prevails. If that were to be the case then Scotland would be granted independence as this is what the majority of Scots want. So far the nearest thing to a referendum has been the vote for a devolved parliament and in this respect, Scotland, like Wales, voted in favour. The result of which was a Scottish Parliament and a Welsh Assembly - both of which have limited powers, the key areas such as defence and finance still being fully controlled by Westminster.

In the areas in which Scotland has does control of it's own policies then it's done extremely well. Take education for example. Unlike in England, this is now free at all levels, the primary schools are now the best in the world, secondary schools are the sixth best and a higher proportion of the population graduate from university than anywhere other than the US. On this basis Scotland is the second highest educated country in the world and if you watched 'Test The Nation - The National IQ Test' on ITV it was Scotland that was the UK's top region.

From a financial perspective Scotland would be the out and out winner if it were to separate. For 33 years North Sea oil has kept the UK economy afloat, without it the UK would have gone bankrupt a long time ago. The majority of UK oil reserves are in the waters off the coast of Scotland and if these were ceded back to Scotland it would become an extremely wealthy country and the English economy would be struck a massive financial blow. To put it into context, assuming any gains or losses were equally divided between the population, every household in Scotland would benefit to the tune of about half a million pounds whereas in England every household would have to pay an extra five thousand pounds a year to make up for the shortfall.

The government and media are very much biased against Scotland and are quick to point out the large subsidies paid each year to Scotland. They're very reluctant to make mention of the significantly larger subsidies paid to London or to mention the huge subsidies received from Scotland. It's not particularly impartial or accurate to say England subsidises Scotland to the tune of 10 billion a year without also mentioning that Scotland subsidises England to the tune of 80 billion a year.

England relies on Scotland for it's basic utilities - gas, water and electricity. Water is pumped down from Scotland to England, without it there would be even greater shortages in England. There's a shortage of electricity produced in England but this is compensated for by the extra which Scotland generates. And as with oil, most gas is found in the north sea off the coast of Scotland. If Scotland were to become a truly independent nation it could effectively hold England to ransom by withholding gas, electricity and water (look at Russia and the Ukraine).

Scotland plays a vitally important role in the Union and without it the rest of the Union would suffer tremendously.

I think what's needed is for Scotland's importance to be acknowledged and for the country to be portrayed in a much more positive light by the government and media.

Government and media policies and attitudes have created cracks in the Union - many Scots want independence because they don't want to keep subsidising England whilst at the same time many English would welcome separation as they've been led to believe it's them that's subsidising Scotland.

It's only the English that the Scots want to be separated from. The bond between Scots and Welsh and between Scots and Irish is a very strong and healthy one. With a change of attitudes and policies there's no reason why England and Scotland shouldn't have a mutual relationship which benefits all concerned.

2007-01-16 10:28:42 · answer #1 · answered by Trevor 7 · 2 0

United Kingdom (full name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) consists of four countries: * Wales * England * Scotland * Northern Ireland Great Britain has only three countries: * Wales * England * Scotland In US we have states with their own constitutions. US is a group of states. UK is a group of countries.

2016-05-25 01:33:23 · answer #2 · answered by Beverly 3 · 0 0

A passport would not be necessary, there would be no border control or passport rules. Both countries would be in the E U therefore both would have freedom to work and live in each country just as now.
As an Englishman living in scotland I would love to see the results of scotland getting their Independence. Wonder who they would then blame when everything goes pear-shaped?

2007-01-16 06:39:48 · answer #3 · answered by Raymo 6 · 1 1

I'll be honest, I really don't think so.

Both countries (?) benifit hugely from the other, so setting them apart would only cause trouble. For example businesses that work on both sides of the Border would get huge fees, and just imagine the poor company's paying Import tax?

Also, who really wants to have to take their passport just to go to Scotland/England - Really isn't all that great.

I just feel this wouldn't be a smart move.

2007-01-16 06:15:06 · answer #4 · answered by Danltn 4 · 2 1

I would hope not, as nationalism only breeds discrimination hatred and suspicion, just remember the break up of Yugoslavia.
In my own Family I had an English grandfather and a Scottish grandfather, where would the break up of the act of union leave people like myself who regard themselves as British; but disinherited and nation-less.
As for rebel rousers like Sean Connery, how can he be a true Scot when he's spent more of his life in America than in his native land.
Britain has had many enemies but nothing cuts deeper than the traitors in one own ranks.
Scotland is no longer the brave but a fool hearty and petty nation of self serving nationalists.
I do not speak in terms of my religion, but a very wounded and confused British Citizen.
Truly my Scottish grandfather would turn in his grave, a grave I might add that resides in England.

2007-01-16 06:40:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Sure if that is what the people want. The Scots will get their freedom and their oil, which will make them all very happy indeed. And the English will be really happy knowing that they can finally get a parliament of their very own - run without a single Scottish person in sight. It's a win-win situation. What are they waiting for? lol ;-)

2007-01-16 06:42:00 · answer #6 · answered by Butterscotch 7 · 1 0

So far only the minority of people want this to happen.

Most Scottish people don't want to be apart from England, but the SNP are going mad and getting people like Sean Connery (who lives where?) to spread their propaganda and make Scots feel like it will be the best thing when it won't.

Britain would not be Britain - I do agree that Scots MP's shouldn't get to vote on English issues as it stands at the moment.

2007-01-16 07:11:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes, the scottish people are a drain on my country,they keep papping about how great scotland is,yet loads of them live in England and sponge off the d.s.s.,they are the hidden immigrants!

2007-01-16 08:33:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

i keep hearing Scottish oil and gas,but hold on a minuet who paid for the drilling and excavation of these comoties,wasn't it the British economy, and isn't England 85 per cent of the union and don't the English pay more tax in to the British economy,but get less back than what the Scots get,but getting back to your question,if they want to go it alone then that's down to them,but if it goes **** up,then they will have to go and join the euro and be ruled by Germany and France.

2007-01-16 08:21:43 · answer #9 · answered by BD M 2 · 1 1

No, if we were to let Scotland go then they would keep all the North Sea oil and gas and we would end up having to import even more fuel to keep our bums warm which would cost us a lot more. And if they were to get their freedom, and be a successful nation it would prove we were telling a load of lies about them jocks not being able to run Scotland themselves

2007-01-16 06:16:51 · answer #10 · answered by BobC 4 · 2 3

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