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They act like they just want to bring the trooops home, because they are concerned for the troops safety. Yet everyone knows that any safety gained will be temporary, and leaving now would just mean that in 5 to 10 years we would be at the mercy of even more organized terror groups. Barbara Boxer won't pay that price, because she'll be so old she won't care, but her grandchildren will. The Liberal Democrats in power do not care about freedom of religion, or freedom of speech, the press, or the right to bear arms, yet they constantly complain about this administration attacking the Constitution. Is the public so sheep like that they can't see? The Democrats have done nothing for black Americans except to make them believe they can't succeed without their intervention... which is too little and of the wrong type. Do the people who vote Democrat really not see the bigger picture on issues?

2007-01-16 03:11:11 · 17 answers · asked by Linea 3 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

DFireFox - One of my relatives is walking around the minefields of Iraq, and I realize that terrorists are everywhere, but the fundamental Islamic terrorists are almost all coming out of the Middle East, and economic and educational progress can change that, but we need a place in the Middle East that can jumpstart that change.

2007-01-16 03:31:40 · update #1

And yes, I do know that all Democrats aren't Liberals. I was speaking more of the Democratic leadership. I didn't mean for this to be quite so partisan sounding. I am more alarmed that we may be putting our future in danger by not seeing the big picture now, and wondering how we can educate the public better, or if the public is willfully blind. I picked on the Democrats because they appear weaker with regard to foriegn policy, as in going to have tea with the Syrians.

2007-01-16 03:54:27 · update #2

I G - Neocon is a contradictory term. Conservative menas "traditional" and "Neo" means new, so the word "neocon" which is almost an epithet these days, is meaningless. But no, you were very polite, and did not insult me. Disappointed is more what I feel.

2007-01-16 04:52:45 · update #3

17 answers

I know what you mean about "the big picture". Our role as the sole super power is at risk, as well as our credibility as an ally. If we were to leave, every two-bit dictator in the Middle East or South America will want to push us.

And no, I do not think that most Americans, Democrat or Republican are seeing the big picture. In fact, I don't really believe most of our allies in Europe and Canada see it, and if they do, they are as divided as we are.

The president has meant well, and I believe he sees the big picture, but does not know how to communicate it to the world. He also is trying to make up for the days when he was "cowboying it", by trying too hard to get along with everybody. It isn't his way, and it doesn't look good on him and it doesn't work. He was better off in his "dead or alive" way of dealing with foreign policy. We voted him in as a plain-spoken, hard fighting leader, and he has let us down by caving under the political opposition's onslaught of scandal-mongering.

I'm hoping that he is getting his second wind, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that one.

2007-01-16 03:27:01 · answer #1 · answered by Meri 2 · 4 1

It is really just a matter the lesser evil. I will not even get into the current administration and just how disgraceful that has been. I think that the main reason that people vote for Democrats, at least the reason why I have voted almost straight Democrat in every election since I turned 18. Is that even though there are corrupt Democrats, they are still way more likely to do what is best for all of the people in the country instead of just a few. I do think that once upon a time there were probably decent Republicans, but they were most likely destroyed by the neo-cons.

As for the war, I can not think of one realistic idea to end it well for all sides. Of course the best thing would have been to not invade another country for the wrong reasons.
However, that was then and this is now.(I really hate that saying!)
and we have to think of a solution. Throwing more troops into the fire is not the solution. Working with Iraq's neighboring countries would be a start.

As for organized terror groups - The actions that we are taking now are doing nothing but encourage these groups. Ask yourself honestly - If you saw your entire family blown up by American bombs- what would you do? A normal human being would be bent on revenge.
Think of this also, every culture, religion etc. has its radicals. Most of the people of the population see the radicals for what they are, so they are basically harmless. Then, something bad happens. For Muslims in the Middle East, that would be the United States invading Iraq against the wishes for the UN and the majority of the free world. So this gives power to radicals, leaders of terror groups. The people of their countries say, "All of this time we said that so and so was crazy, and now our homes are destroyed. Life as we knew it has ceased to exist. Maybe so and so knows what he is talking about."
Just think about what happened in the United States after 9/11. It was a horrible thing, but it is nothing compared to what the people of Iraq face every day. Now, the majority of Americans lost their freaking minds. All rationality and good sense flew swiftly out the door. All the Bush Administration had to do was mention weapons of mass destruction, and the people were behind them. Now, the American people are starting to wake up and realize that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. So we are starting to see change. Does that mean everyone can just sit back, relax and say now the day is saved! No, it is the duty of the American people to stay on top of what is going on not only in our own country, but in the rest of the world also. I am hoping that with all of its scandals the Republican Party will cleanse itself so that in future elections I will not have to just choose the best Democrat, but the best person for the job. As for the public being sheep, I have worried about that for the past seven years. If anyone sees the bigger picture, it is Democrats. I am just going to take a wild guess and say that you are a Republican. Hopefully not a neo-con. Please know that I am not trying to offend you, I probably should have put this at the beginning of my answer. I will hope that you are still reading this. The important thing for Americans to remember, is to not let the politicians divide us, and turn us against each other.

2007-01-16 04:20:33 · answer #2 · answered by iga k 3 · 1 2

He used to be an terrible chief. However Saddam's Iraq used to be a well counterbalance in opposition to the Islamic Republic of Iran. They fought a vicious ten 12 months struggle, and such a lot of Iran's army assets have been tied down protecting the border. Taking a militarily robust Iraq out of the image has given Iran a far freer hand.

2016-09-08 02:01:59 · answer #3 · answered by huenke 4 · 0 0

I agree with what you're saying, but not the way you're saying it.

I agree that most Americans do not see the big picture, but you do know that all Democrats are not Liberal?

The current administration did nothing to fight corruption within its ranks, and therefore allowed the Democrats to take control. I know that what you are saying is that people like Pelosi and Reid really know that to leave Iraq would be bad, but they will go with what they think is popular, right?

If that's what you are saying, you're right, because the average American, Democrat or Republican does not WANT to see the big picture. In fact, I believe they avoid it at all costs. They just want to go on as we are with a decent economy, living our lives without the fear of attack, so its easier to ignore than deal with. Nuclear Iran? Everyone thinks that is Israel's problem. That's what Europe thinks, and Europe will be the first to suffer.

The president is the only one who could have gotten that point across to the American public, but he either chose not to, or just failed miserably.

2007-01-16 03:46:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

That is a funny statement when the Republicans had the whole Country hemmed up with a Bush Dictatorship and one-sided rule. Americans aren't ignorant people, November elections voiced the American dislike for Neocons. You must be un-educated or not able to vote to not understand the difference over the 300 plus Bush signing statements imposed on the American Constitution and Bill of Rights.

2007-01-16 03:18:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

America's intervention in another nations future is WRONG,and that is why we need to step aside from this debacle called the "Iraqi Conflict".
The terrorist are not soley in Iraq,and for us to be in the middle of a country trying to start a democratic nation is wrong,and we should not be meddling in another nations internal affairs.
I don't think that by bringing the troops home from Iraq will stop the U.S. from protecting this country against terrorist.
You have to look at the big picture,and your view is slightly distorted with War mongering rhetoric.
I think you would feel differently if one of your own relatives was walking around the minefields of Iraq right now.

2007-01-16 03:19:31 · answer #6 · answered by Dfirefox 6 · 2 2

Man what a fur head!

"Why can't American Democrats see that party leaders are all about power?"

Did you think that a person of any United Statesian party gets to hold a position of power because he is not interested in power? lol we've got a real fur head on our hands!

"They act like they just want to bring the trooops home, because they are concerned for the troops safety. Yet everyone knows that any safety gained will be temporary, and leaving now would just mean that in 5 to 10 years we would be at the mercy of even more organized terror groups."

Haven't you even read the news? do you just repeat nonsense without giving it a second thought? The Democrats have stated many times that NOBODY is for withdrawing the troops unilaterally, they want to IMPLEMENT the RECOMMENDATIONS of the bipartisan Iraq group. geez

"The Liberal Democrats in power do not care about freedom of religion, or freedom of speech, the press, or the right to bear arms, yet they constantly complain about this administration attacking the Constitution."

You state they don't care about one thing yet they complain about something completely unrelated.... what does that mean?

"The Democrats have done nothing for black Americans except to make them believe they can't succeed without their intervention... which is too little and of the wrong type. Do the people who vote Democrat really not see the bigger picture on issues?"

Did you fail in all you history lessons? the vast majority of the civil rights granted to blacks was done by Democrats in the United Statesian Congress.

2007-01-16 03:16:33 · answer #7 · answered by r1b1c* 7 · 3 4

Very good point! partisan politics sickens me our enemy's thrive on our lack of unity it is a fact our enemy's in Iraq/Iran continue to take heavy losses as they hope we withdraw due to political pressure.The main goal is to keep nuclear armaments out of the hands of dictators and terrorist and God willing everyone else eventually gets rid of their nuclear arms, it is a very dangerous world we live in these days and yes I do strongly agree we need to look a lot further down the road in regards to national security..the bigger picture is sadly not realized by many Democrats or worse yet many Americans are apathetic about global issues history proves isolationism does not work neither does pacifism, example being the appeasement policy in the 1930s that promoted the Nazis rise to power...will history repeat itself? The Iranian government is a huge threat.

2007-01-16 03:27:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Girl ain't that the truth. That's why I never vote. Both republicans and democrats work for the same thing. Nobody looks out for the people. I believe its all for show. Think about who is really benefiting from those who are selected to run our country. Not us.

2007-01-16 03:22:56 · answer #9 · answered by sexy 1 · 4 1

Every word shows you are un informed on the issues and un educated on the issues. Are you saying Republicans are not about power? What a contradiction that is. We are in occupation of Iraq, do you not understand that? Congress approved the removal of Saddam, they also approved the search for WMds. Congress has never approved the "occupation" of Iraq. Bush was told he needed a exit plan for Iraq by Powel, Bush ignored that advice. You blame Democrats for Bush's lack of a exit plan in his policy? We are not in a war for our freedom, our arms and even people with average intelligence know that... If anyone put our service men at risk based on lies, it was Bush. Those 3019 dead are on Bush not Democrats.

2007-01-16 03:28:44 · answer #10 · answered by jl_jack09 6 · 1 4

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