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Our country was founded on Christian values, Christian values won out in the slavery issue, Christian values is winning in the racial equality arena, why not Christian values to settle abortion, immigration and economic equality?

This should fry the circuits of the neo-libs, but when the smoke clear, I expect some will 'try' to answer it.

Good luck!

2007-01-16 02:35:30 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

28 answers

For me there is absolutely nothing wrong with instilling Judeo-Christian Values here in the USA. Many neolibs forget the other part of the 1st amendment which also states "..nor prohibit the free exercise thereof". The do like to use the first part of it, but leave out the free exercise clause.

Ultimately this is a spiritual battle against "Powers & principalites". The anti-christ will have a 7yr regin of terror, & then after that Jesus Christ will make his return to set things straight. Neolibs can run all kinds of smack, but ultimately it is a spritual battle that is taking place for the heart & soul of America!

2007-01-16 03:04:34 · answer #1 · answered by Phil P 4 · 1 7

this is a charged issue I can tell. First off, I just want to say that I am an atheist, and an amateur historian. So, here's what I think. Most of the 10 Commandments are just rules for good clean living. Don't lie, cheat, or steal. Don't murder (and don't argue me on that, 'murder' is the translation from the Hebrew) and so forth. Nothing wrong with those.
NOW, here's the history part. Historians have inferred for years that Thomas Jefferson was an atheist. He probably put these "Christian values" in the founding documents of our country to A. hide his atheism and B. create something most everyone else would go along with.
As for slavery, economic necessity would have solved the problem if Abraham Lincoln (One of the worst presidents in history in my opinion) had just butted out. Advancements in farm machinery (probably delayed by the Civil War) would have quickly rendered slaves expensive and obsolete.
SO...the current issues. First, abortion. It's no one's business. How about we let everyone's "Christian values" (or lack thereof) guide THEIR OWN actions. Like, personal responsibility?
Second, immigration. There's nothing to say. Let them in. Let's get rid of all these foolish laws.
Economic Equality: If the government weren't so intrusive with all its regulation, taxing, and licensing, maybe economic equality would be more possible.
Oh, and call me a neo-lib at your own peril: There are very few "liberals" that would say that they are for small government. My politics are straight up Jeffersonian.

2007-01-16 03:10:28 · answer #2 · answered by wrathinif 3 · 1 1

Is the below set of values "bad"?



support democracy and human rights

insist that personal liberty must be combined with social responsibility.

value artistic creativity and imagination and recognise the transforming power of art.

aim for the maximum possible fulfilment through the cultivation of ethical and creative living"

That is a set of values for Humanism. Maybe if we had used those values, we wouldn't have had slavery at all, no Jim Crow laws, and the 3000 lynchings may have been avoided.

Why do you presume that Christianity has the moral high ground over all other beliefs?

It is that type of arrogance that has caused the backlash against Christianity.

I'll give you an example of what your prostelysizing does for America. My mother, a good Methodist slammed the door on some Jehovah's Witnesses this weekend. Why? Because she didn't want to be preached to by them. Why do you think JW's feel they need to push their version of Christianity on others? Because they are the moral compass.

Who's right? Doesn't matter because if we this country to be a theocracy, we all lose.

By the way, the founding fathers were deists, not Christian. So those were deist values we were founded on if anything.

2007-01-16 03:00:43 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 2 3

The country was not founded on Christian values. They were founded on universal, humanist principles that neither exclude Christian values nor were exclusive to Christians.

The entire premise is flawed. Where the two intersect, fine, give credit to the Christians if that's where you are from, but don't pretend you have a monopoly. The problem arrises when Christian doctrine conflicts with universal human values, which it sometimes does - or at least a particular sects interpretation of Christian values.

2007-01-16 03:27:03 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 3 1

This question has the earmarks of Ted Haggard Style Churcheanity.

Let's examine your multifaceted question. "What is wrong with good old fashion Christian values for the US?" That's vague and hiding personalized opinions of the Word of God with the "Good old Fashion"

God is not old fashioned He is the Beginning and the Ending. Eternal without change. Remember immutable from the New Testament.

If God changed like you suggest it would make salvation and truth subject to fashion trends or God's mood.

Then your list of social ill's healed by your Fashionable Church values. Nice thought but it does not meet the standard of truth set forth by the Bible. Jesus the quentisential giver of liberal values In no place suggested Building evangelical Empires in his name. He sent his diciples forth to heal the sick feed the hungry and relieve the afflicted. No 8 million followers for Ted Haggard was mentioned. Only basic simple love thy neighbor style liberal humanitarian works of faith.

Now we come to settling issues. The Word of God clearly says it won't happen. You might recall "evil men and seducers will wax worse" And the famous War and roumers of War" a time worse than any time before. The Bible only promises that life will get worse not better. Remember All those that live rightiously in Christ Jesus shall suffer persacution.

Christ's values do not offer a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. No cure all no magic pill like Alice took.

Go big Red Go

2007-01-16 03:40:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i believe in that stuff too, yet you should comprehend our u . s . a . had those values as aims, not realities. The founding fathers were slaveholders, maximum of them. maximum of those freedoms were purely accessible to the wealthy. It changed into the wealthy who all started our authorities and it is been that way ever when you consider that and continues to be like that. that's why it would not paintings because it is in accordance with textile benefit somewhat than genuine human values. that's a dogfight basically to have good healthcare for all a lifeless ringer for various better humane international places contained in the international.

2016-12-02 09:02:51 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Why not Islamic values? Why not Buddhist values? Why not Wiccan values? Who is to say that your (Christian) values are better than any other viewpoints'? Yes, this country was founded on basic Christian values. But at the time, the people who had immigrated here didn't know any other viewpoint. There werent' that many (if any) Muslims or Hindus living in what became the US in the late 1700's. Now, there is a much more varied population with differing beliefs and one of the foundations of this country is freedom of religion and separation of church and state. To continue to use only one religion's values as the basis for law when 1/2 the citizens do not recognize that religion is preposterous.
Reverse your outlook and answer this question: If we used Jewish values as the basis for law in this country, would you expect everyone to stop eating pork? I hope you wouldn't because that is a part of their (Jews) religion and shouldn't be expected to pertain to people who are not Jewish.
As for your statements supporting the good things Christian values have brought to this country, take another look at your history and you will see that it was the liberals of their time that abolished slavery and pushed for racial equality. You think Lincoln and Frederick Douglas were conservatives? You think Rosa Parks and Dr King, and Jesse Jackson weren't liberals?
It is impossible to make a law in this country based soley on the fact that it is supported in the Bible. If you did that, millions would and could be exempt from the law simply because they do not believe the Bible to be the Word. And they have every right to believe that. It says so in the Constitution.

2007-01-16 02:52:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

Christians were collectively responsible for the Slave Trade with the help of the Jewish Ship owners..... The USA is a secular country and you fundamentalist Christian right better get used to it.

I could ask you what's wrong with the USA being an Islamic country, after all Islam is a peaceful religion, whilst professed Christians are responsible for the deaths of up to a million people in Iraq in the name of LIberation.

2007-01-16 05:55:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Christian values change over time (historical fact) and always mimic a slightly to extremely more conservative view than the morality of the land.. and they aren't always right.. or have you burned a witch today? gone on a crusade to kill the pagans, Muslims and heathens? Science is as close to benign as you can get and it's still a little skewed.. so the true morality is most likely somewhere between science and Christian. Just let Christians walk their religious side and scientists walk their side for progress and we will keep progressing in the right direction.

2007-01-16 02:53:12 · answer #9 · answered by pip 7 · 2 2

The obvious answer is that America is made up of all different types of people, many of which are not Christian. The values of one person may not be the values of another. Who decides what are "Christian" values? It is too broad of a term. Two people can both be Christian and have different values.

2007-01-16 02:46:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

You have to posses them first. The Internet discloses the Christian values of Neocons, they are just Neocons trying to act righteous. No values Jesus had and shared. True Christians zone right in on this situation, and avoid it like the plague Jesus warned us about.

2007-01-16 03:01:58 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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