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it made me smile...then after that worries and fears builds instantly on my mind...getting fat,getting ugly,husband might change, less time to spend together,feeling sensitive...im trying to be strong but it putting me down i dont like thinking this way...any help or good advices please....

2007-01-16 02:23:01 · 39 answers · asked by ToxoTes 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

39 answers

omg enjoy this wonderful time hun, you have no better gift to your hubby than a new baby, he will love you more and the baby will bring you closer together

2007-01-16 02:27:31 · answer #1 · answered by louise 5 · 1 0

I am seven months pregnant with my first and went through exactly the same as you ( I am 37 so we have got use to our childless lifestyle and was worried it would change it in a bad way. I use to listen to women at work who were pregnant or had children and just not understand the planet they were on).

But pleeeeease be reassured that soon it will seem the best thing that has ever happened to the two of you.

The first time you seem the baby on the scan with your husband and look at each other is amazing (and we are not very sentimental usually). It will bring you closer together in ways you won't realise. My husband talks to 'the bump' and is so protective to both of us. Also it is true that women glow in pregancy; you will look more beautiful than ever and unless you completely pig out you shouldn't put any except weight on except for around your bump. I look completely normal.

Hang on in there; your hormones will be all over the place for a while. I realised how much we wanted the baby after two months when I got cramps and suddently thought we may loose it.
Your feelings are completely natural too so maybe make an appointment with a nurse at the local GP and have a confidential chat.

Good luck

2007-01-16 07:47:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The best advice i can give you is to look more at the positive side of being pregnant, not the negative.

You have a life growing inside you that is the most special gift any woman can have.

You are only pregnant for 9 months if you put weight on you can loose it. You will not get ugly you will ,after a few months start glowing.

Your going to be a Mum.

You should be excited not scared.

Everyone changes but there is nothing to say that this will be a bad change.

Find time to share with your husband before and after the baby is born so he doesn't feel left out.

Involve him in everything you do. Let him know that you still love him.

Enjoy this special time in you life.

Good luck for the future.

2007-01-16 03:49:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dont worry, you wont get fat you will blossom, your only being a little oven for 9 months to help keep your baby safe and warm, when the baby arrives you will go back to your normal weight with a little exercise. You will not get ugly, pregnancy is great for your hair, skin and nails, you will glow. Husband will change,he will be more helpful more loving and very caring. Your hormones are going crazy now so you will be happy sad tearful and moody all in same day probably,its natural. I was very horny in both pregnancies, hubby will love this as well! Be strong, be positive and enjoy the next 9 months resting as it will all change when the baby comes. Congratulations to you and your husband.

2007-01-16 02:30:00 · answer #4 · answered by Michele 3 · 1 0

Welcome to the world of pregnancy! The mood swings are completely normal, especially in the beginning. I'm at 34 weeks now, and can still go from happy to sad to bitchy and back to happy in only a few minutes.

You will gain weight, but you're pregnant, that's supposed to happen.

You will NOT get ugly. A pregnant body is quite beautiful. Ungainly and uncomfortable towards the end, but beautiful.

Your husband probably will change, but probably for the better. If he's a good husband to begin with, he will continue to be one. And now he gets to be a daddy, too!

The less time together is a relative term. You will have less time ALONE together, but I assure you, you will find the time if you make the effort to do so.

My husband was noticing that the other night, actually. He said that 8 years ago, it was just us in our bed. Then we got our cat, who didn't take up much space. A couple years later, we had our daughter, who likes to sleep *across* our bed, and now we're having our son in a few weeks. Our bed is very crowded, our lives are much fuller than they were before. :)

Hope this helps.

2007-01-16 02:46:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its a mix of the hormones & the big life change that being pregnant means. It will pass im sure, Your first reaction was a happy one which should tell you something.
1)you wontbe fat you will be pregnant
2)being a mum doesnt make you ugly, you can be a yummy mummy
3)your husband may change by getting even better
4)time together may change but it aint gonna stop
5)feelin sensitive can be a positive thing if you use it the right way

Hope this helps you, Keep smiling & looking forward to having a little bundle to cuddle

2007-01-16 02:37:34 · answer #6 · answered by la.bruja0805 4 · 0 0

What you're going through is completely normal. Not only will your emotions take a roller coaster ride because of pregnancy and hormones... but all those questions are legitimate worries that MANY women experience. My biggest surprise was my husband's reaction to my pregnant body. As my belly got bigger and I started feeling "fat" he started telling me more and more often how BEAUTIFUL and SEXY I was. He continues to do this with this pregnancy too! My best advise is to talk with your husband. Tell him how YOU are feeling, hopefully he can help to alleviate some of your fears and concerns by telling you how beautiful he thinks you are and assuring you that as a family the three of you will be able to embark on new time spent together. Gather your support group... friends and family... talk to other moms you know, even your mom or his mom... I'm sure they'll all be happy to take the baby off your hands now and then for a little together time with your hubby down the road. My best advise is to just keep those lines of communication open with everyone... friends, family, and your hubby can really help you through the emotional roller coaster... and know that it's OK to cry... sometimes that is the best "medicine"... just get it out and talk to yourself sometimes!

2007-01-16 02:35:58 · answer #7 · answered by cjsmom0821 2 · 0 0

You'll get over it. Its natural to feel that way. Trust me you are not the first and wont be the last. It is a welcomed change. TRUST ME! It will take some time adjusting but you will be ok. Your figure will come back, your hormones will regulate and youll have this awesome little person running around who looks just like you!

Dont worry about your husband. For some reason, a lot of men find it very sexy that thier wives are the apples carrying thier seeds. It is a gift from God...dont turn your nose up at it for superficial reasons... You will not be able to imagine your life without this little person. You will suddenly feel complete when he/she comes. You'll see! Good Luck!

2007-01-16 02:31:47 · answer #8 · answered by SheSoFly 3 · 1 0

OK let's start off with the ugly thing........I can honestly tell you most men find pregnant women VERY sexy :) You don't get fat....you blossom (just watch what you eat don't eat for two eat for one and a half) Hubby wont change this is a time for you BOTH to enjoy,yes you are going to feel very sensitive especially in the last few weeks but this is nothing to be worried out honestly things will be fine :) Get some pregnancy magazines these will help explain to hubby what to expect week to week

congratulations and please enjoy :)

2007-01-16 04:03:00 · answer #9 · answered by thunderchild67 4 · 0 0

Being pregnant was the best time of my life. And the hormones and the emotional ride are all part of the package. Please just remember that this is something that you have been looking forward to and that this is what you want. You will gain weight but life goes on cause you can lose it. You will not get ugly unless you walk around with an ugly look on your face. Being pregnant and enjoying that time will put a glow on your face that will rival that of the sun. Don't worry, just enjoy. I wish you and your family the very best.

2007-01-16 02:33:33 · answer #10 · answered by sweetsexylocs 2 · 0 0

No advice other than it's NORMAL to feel a million different things.

I am 3 months along and every couple of days I freak out and think "What the hell did we do??" But the next day I am fine and happy and excited again.

It's the hormones. And the unknown.

Don't be surprised if you start having some bad dreams. Many pregnant woman have bad dreams whle pregnant. It's the hormones.

And it's normal. You are totally normal.

2007-01-16 02:30:03 · answer #11 · answered by barbiefreak518 3 · 0 0

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