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The Nazi party had illegal prison camps ,political prisoners and torture....we have similiar at Abu Gharib and Gitmo.

The Nazi Party killed innocent civilians by the thousands and tortured political prisoners thru their puppet governments....we are guilty as hell. The true number of innocent people murdered by the Republican Nazi's will never be known.

The Nazi Party invaded countries based on lies... we have WMD and lies about terrorism used to grab IRAQ.

The Nazi Party stamped out political dissent using lies in their native country...we have Valarie Plame incident caused by Nazi Republicans and their lackeys. How many US Generals were fired by our Furher for being truthful remains a mystery.

The Nazi Party had a Furher that would not listen to the people because he was an ignorant stubborn dictator...we have GW Bush.

The current adminisration is the closest this nation has become to a military dictatorship....time for people to wake up to how evil evolves

2007-01-16 01:09:04 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

28 answers

The proof is in the pudding, so it's hard to argue the facts. The ideology is parallel no matter how this neocon spam site tries to cover-up their corruption. Thank God there are still free thinkers in America, and last Novembers election spoke the truth of who believes in the Republicans leadership and policies. NOT!!!

2007-01-16 02:18:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 6

Here's a few differences...

The Nazis put people in prisons because they were Jewish, and for no other reason. They systematically rounded them up to gas them in ovens. We are not doing this by any means. We are going after terrorists, not Muslims. Otherwise, we'd have rounded up the entire Middle East.

The Nazis killed 6,000,000 Jews. Less than one percent of that number have died in the entire war in Iraq. Over 50,000,000 died in WWII. This is over 1000 times the number who have died in Iraq.

Thousands of WMDs have been found in Iraq. Do some research before YOU start spreading lies.

The number of Generals fired remains a mystery because it is a non-story. The press would have a field day with this if it were true. You can't use something you don't know as a point. It doesn't nmake any sense.

Adolf Hitler has zero comparison to GW Bush. Just listen to the two of them talk. Hitler was a Communist for heaven's sake, bent on world domination because he followed Marx's plans to a T. Bush is very much a capitalist who hates Communism.
The Democratic party, on the other hand, shares much of the belief that Hitler had in Socialism.

Military dictatorship? What are you talking about?
Go talk to some of the Jews that were in Concentration camps, and ask them if this is a Military Dictatorship.
Go ask people who witnessed the Holocaust, if this is a Military Dictatorship.
Go ask the citizens of the former Soviet Union if this is a Military Dictatorship.
Go ask the billions of people across the world that would die to live here if this is a Military Dictatorship.
Go ask the Men and Women in the Armed Services if this is a Military Dictatorship.
Go ask Hillary Clinton, and Howard Dean, and John Kerry, if we live in a Military Dictatorship.
Go ask any Italian who lived under Mussolini if this is a Military Dictatorship.
Go ask the Chinese students from Tianamen Square if this is a Military Dictatorship.
Most importantly, ask yourself if you would be allowed to write this question if this were a Military Dictatorship.

Geez. Why are pacifists always so angry?

Do you know how ignorant you allow yourself to sound? You are a terrible representative of the Democratic Party, and America in General. People like you make me very sad for our great country. You make me downright sick to my stomach.

2007-01-19 04:30:33 · answer #2 · answered by Cold Hard Fact 6 · 0 1

So much falsehood to correct.
1. We have no political prisoners. The occupants of Abu Ghraib and Gitmo were legitimate prisoners captured on the field of battle or in their hideouts, and thus their presence in incarceration completely legal. No torture, either.

2. The Nazis *murdered* and tortured innocent civilians as policy, the US has accidently killed civilians in the execution of the war and occupation. Significant difference. I defy any sane person to name any innocent people *murdered* by the US as part of our policy.

3. The Nazis fabricated a border incident. Considering that the US intelligence agencies believed he had WMD, and confirmed the same beliefs from the UN and other EU intelligence agencies, how can any sane person claim that Bush "lied"? Regarding terrorism, it had been well documented that Saddam's intelligence services had a relationship with Al Qaeda since 1992, had given money to Palestinian terrorists, and had built training camps for terrorists in Iraq.

4. Valerie Plame was NOT a covert agent, after her status was accidentally released during the Clinton administration. Her more recent exposure was from a non-conservative non-Bush-supporting liberal State Department employee, Richard Armitage. And Plame's husband has been exposed for being the liar he is. Not sure about you bizarre comment about generals. Your assumption that only truthful generals are being fired is not based on any truth or fact or reality.

5. Just because public sentiment changes does not mean a president should dance to the whims of an uninformed public. This is a nonsense statement on your part.

6. Your display of ignorance of history shows you have no knowledge upon which to base any rational conclusion. Considering the extent to which the Bush administration has tried to preserve our maximum rights and freedoms while prosecuting this war, and considering the actions of Lincoln (suspension of habeas corpus, use of military to prevent Maryland legislature from convening, etc) and FDR (concentration camps for Americans of Japanese descent, etc) any student of historical fact would see your false accusations as merely shrill hysteria.

2007-01-16 02:03:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Are you an American if you are then be grateful that we have a country with choices. There is the difference between the Republican Party and the Nazi's: YOU could print this and not get arrested. I find it despicable that you would even want to compare the two. You would be able to stretch any scenario to make things look some way. What about the Democrats during the Vietnam war. Didn't they shoot at college students who protested the war,invade a country, not listen to the people, killed thousands of innocent people, use agent orange, etc.etc.etc.

See, when someone disagrees with policy, they can twist it to look far more horrifying. This is YOUR country and you have the right to disagree with a political party but to compare it to the Nazi Party is going too far.

2007-01-16 01:24:49 · answer #4 · answered by Nancy W 3 · 6 1

You know what???? I am so sick and tired of everyone BMCing about Bush and the Republican party. I dont like killing people any more than u do. Bush saw a threat and reached out to the Iraqis. He is trying to protect us from terrorists, a threat to all nations. You are the most non-patriotic person I have never met. You should be ashamed that you are saying these things about the country that offers you something no other country can compare to: Freedom. Go move to freaking canada

2007-01-16 11:23:43 · answer #5 · answered by sickelsie3 3 · 1 1

The wackos on the left are so far gone, they wouldn't know evil if it came up and bit them on the rear end. I wonder what their response to a terrorist group using a nuclear weapon in an American city will be? More appeasement?
On the bright side, if terrorists do smuggle a nuke into this country and use it, the most likely target would be New York city. Then the Libs would get what they deserve for not having any guts to stand up to terrorism.

2007-01-16 01:31:09 · answer #6 · answered by crazyhorse19682003 3 · 3 0

The NAZI party natinalized businesses... the Democrats want to nationalize oil companies.

The NAZI party instituted a draft and had obligatory national service... Rangel, a leading Democrat is proposing the same.

The NAZI party had concentration camps, stripping enemies of the state (such as Jews and Gypsies) of their property, businesses and money.... The Democrats authorized that US citizens be detained in concentration camps after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, stripping them of their businesses, property and money.

The NAZI party were National Socialists... the current neo-lib Democrats are socialists.

One of the NAZi party's first orders of business was gun registration and restricting private ownership of guns. The Neo-lib Democrats are promising it for us.

The NAZI party used hype and propaganda and controlled the media to influence their people and whip them up into an irrational hatred of Jews... the Democrats use hype and propaganda and control the media to influence the citizens and whip them up into an irrational hatred of George Bush.

The NAZIs had book burnings and limited people's access to the truth... The Democrats are scheduling committee meetings to reinstitute the "fair and equal" doctrine in radio and television in an attempt to control the truth.

The NAZI party controlled the people by keeping the economy bankrupt and making the people dependent on the government for the basic essentials... FDR and the Democrats controlled the people by prolonging the Great Depression and making the people dependent on the government for the basic essentials.

Hitler: National Socialist Chancellor and Furher: 1933 - 1945
Roosevelt: Democratic Socialist President: 1933 - 1945

2007-01-16 01:40:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

The Nazis had death camps where millions of people were exterminated. I hardly consider sleep deprivation even close to that. To date the number of innocent Iraqi civilians intentionally killed by US troops totals under 100.

The Nazis invaded other countries because no one would stop them. They never lied to justify it. If Bush lied about WMDs, so did Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Edwards, Kennedy, Biden, the UN, and Saddamy himself.

Are you really comparing Valerie Plame to the Nuremburg Laws? You're sicker than I thought. And if the GOP really was the Nazi Party, you'd be dead.

If you still can't tell the difference, you need a one way trip to Auschwitz.

2007-01-16 01:20:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Read these quotations:

1. “The world can therefore seize the opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind”

2. “I may not be a light of the church, a pulpiteer, but deep down I am a pious man, and believe that whoever fights bravely in defense of the natural laws framed by God and never capitulates will never be deserted by the Lawgiver, but will, in the end, receive the blessings of Providence.”

3. “How do we expect a race that has been thrown into the gutter of socio-economic indicators to rise above these humiliating circumstances if we hide from responsibility for our own destiny?”

4. “No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens”

5. “We need you, we need your youth, your strength, and your idealism, to help us make right what is wrong.”

Can you pick out which quotation is Hitler's.

Hint: The other quotations include one from of Ronald Reagan, one from Clarence Thomas, and 2 from George Bush.

Answers: 1.=Bush, 2.=Hitler, 3.=Thomas, 4.=Bush, 5.=Reagan.

2007-01-16 06:35:46 · answer #9 · answered by χριστοφορος ▽ 7 · 0 2

If this really were a Nazi goverment, you would already be on your way to jail, or you might just be put on a train to a concentration camp, never to be seen again. Hitler didn't allow for any dissention.

You better thank God (or whatever you worship) that you are in the best country on earth and that our first amendment rights cover all of your rantings calling Bush, Hitler and the Republican party, Nazis.

2007-01-16 01:17:28 · answer #10 · answered by Lily VonSchtupp 3 · 9 0

By comparing ANYTHING currently happening in the USA to the atrocities of Nazi Germany is to undermine the Hell of the concentrations camps, gas chambers and mass graves!

Even if Abu Ghraib was part of Bush's plan, the cruelty there paled in comparison to Auschwitz!

Stick to facts. By making such ridiculous comparisons, you lose an opportunity to share REAL, VALID complaints.

2007-01-17 06:08:44 · answer #11 · answered by Smart Kat 7 · 0 1

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