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Actually Gambit and Storm have also been shown to be able to reach cosmic force potential as well. Storm many times all the way back to Rogue Storm and even with Alan Davis's version in the Ages of Apocalypse and Claremont is hinting again at it now in Xtreme as well as hints he thinks the same of the new Tbird.

Gambit from an alternate reality reached the "New Sun" personna (which came from Fabian who was the most recent to touch on Jean and Iceman as omegas in the Forever LS) which was capable of being a living natural sun for a Universe and killed the Phoenix entity in that Universe.

Magneto certainly has been close for a long time.

Certainly I'd say hints place Jean, Bobby, Remy, Ororo and Magnus as Omegas being that the potential is there.

I also suspect there are a number of X-Men that have such potential though I doubt we'll see most or any reach it since then they don't need to be a member of
be Great to see though.

I would like that part Answerd. and it would make room for new comers. who say that if this happen's they still can't be X-Men? they can do Solo missions or just come help other member's of the team and leave, kind of like guest spot's. if they need that kind of help.

The omega class thing is put on those character's by writer's that were former fans that like them/ those character's Enough to place that plot on them and have their character's Explore their potetial.

It can be put on anyone of them if a former fan/ wirter really want's that to happen.

The thing is the character's has to be made like able and not be giveing stupid or bad story's where they will remain stuck in rut cause of that stupid plot that the character has been made hated.

If their given good story's like where jean got phoenix saga or what gambit got ( NEW son story ) in his Ongoing with good a writer for a change, and another up and coming writer who likes that character well enough will place that plot on them.

For Example since most of the stuff is science fiction based and made up on what a character like telepathic/telekenetic powers( are by products and all relate to this first mutation and how all mutant and mutate powers work. )have been for year's. then it's possable for other's to have it done the same way as well.

Back in the day I was hoping for cyclops full potential power's to unlocked. and the only way for that was for him to gain full control. how else are you gonna find about your self with out full control. cause you can't find out much with out it. and you also need some one like Xavier or moira to help find new ways of use for your power's too. As cap britain's wife found that she can see vison's through nature with her own mutant powers. ( which is very much like storms. and which are also by products and all relate to this first mutation.) when wolf's bane confronted Rev creg again.

Now this is just an "example/ theory"( being the operative word) of what I think he'd do itf he did reach his true potential.

' Apocalypse claims to have control of his body on the molecular level-- allowing him to shape change and elongate with virtually unlimited range, to increase density and allow his body to mimic metals and armors, to teleport, and to be virtually immune to the effects of age. Apocalypse can also increase his strength to Hulk-surpassing levels, and grow to giant sizes, and gain the power of flight, sometimes through turning his arms into wings or jets. Apocalypse can also transform himself into a variety of human disguises.

He has exhibited energy absorbing and projecting abilities in the past. Apocalypse has been termed an 'X-ternal,' due to his mutant ability of immortality. Briefly, Apocalypse has shown potential to be a powerful psionic.'

Skiping the X-ternal stuff.

NOW here what I think cycke should be having from the merger/altering. ok.
Cycke should be able to tap into and manipulate and intence red form of of extradimentional energy called cyronion Energy.
His Eye's will still be the focuse of his power though.

Now I think he should be able to channel his energy trough his body and get it to simulate Super strenght and increase his strength to Hulk-surpassing levels,because he now has a unique hormonal process that is activated by a rise in his adrenal cortex, which causes Cyclops to build up a excessive power charge, that gives him heightened strength, durability, speed and reflexes. The powers grow in proportion to the energy charge he has built up. When the charge exceeds the levels he is able to expend, the extra energy is directed outward in a massive concussive blast, that has been shown to blow up entire city blocks. After having this major discharged all the stored energies within him, he is left powerless until his body has had the time to build up another charge from the ambient.

BUT that only happen's when he's in a field of highly Consintrated Energy's such as place's covered in: Cosmic, solar,stellar,lighting, verious form's of plasma's, and Ambient energy's.

Now he should be able to also channel this and ether surround his body in field, (his energy steming from his eye's of course)with his own energy to use as armor,( this should be capable of absorbing vibration of concussive force when any thing heavey hit's him at Rapid speed), (But when dampening his power or when he's not useing it in this way, he is susceptable and very 'Vunerable' and kill able by any Conventional mean of weapon's and psyhsical Attack.) or Convert his body into the energy he use's and to have control of his body on the molecular level, through his vizor,(that part's optional) and he should also use it to propel himself through the air,(in which his power need's ricocett/bounce of something) using his power in a simulated flight sort of thing or more to a type hyper active leaping.

this is because he is still a long way from fully controlling the conssive force blasts, he is getting better. He is now able to push his own power curve and recharge from ambient at a much faster speed. Furthermore he is learning how to focus the blast and release his blast's in a more concentrated way. By funelling the the energies through the ground he be able to create an earthquake-like blast of immence power. He can also create bolt's of energy that if directed towards the ground can lift him into the air as if he was flying. But As I said it simulated through his power's slightly generating and going through a small vortex that flow throw the contours his his own body.(like I said hyperleaping/ simulated flight.

However, he is not yet able to slow down the power build up and as a result accidents still can happen frequently with out his visor.he has to balance the force between his own energy and that of earths gravity while doing his flight.

while in his energy form he can Grow in size too.

And have some form of zaping teleportation which is really him moving at the speed of his blast's. He can speed it up to the point that it look's like he's traveling at hyper speed(or has altered time) and everyone else look's motionless. But this Drain's alot energy from him alot of time he try's it and will be seletive of using this ability

He should be able to track other mutant's energy by perceiving their energy by sight but only by a block's radius. this will be done by him useing eyes as some sort of Scanner in which he use's his sight to trace the vapor trales of other super powered being's energy's. All this linked through, (mostly this part)his psi potential. He should exhibited energy absorbing that take most of Energy in the form of heat in a type of Atomic biochemical fusion in which he feed's on(to still keep him in line Absorbing sunlight, Cosmic energy, solar/stellar energy, lighting, verious form's of plasma's, and Ambient energy's.

As to his projecting abilities. when he fire's his blast's, he should be able to control the blast in mid-flight and increase the sizes and elongate the optic beem's with virtually unlimited range. (remember I said vertually in the term's of seem's there'll be limit's I'm sure) and have limited Energy warping abilitys and make them into mentally controled forms such as pincers, rings, columns spheres doms. this energy forms should havethe density stronger then steel, and should for an curtain with a maximum volume of approximately 1588 cubic fet to comfortably cover 20 people. the Energy is solid and well defined while he's consiously able to will it to be. if rendered unconsious it'll dissipate. Hes hould also have the very special ability of 'material conversion', the ability to convert energy to matter and matter to energy without entropic loss.

Now let's see, A Nullifier devices, Extreme cold, keeping him in Darkplace's, dark force energy frocefield's and casing's or barriers made of Ruby-quartz should cut him down to size, and leave him weakend

Those are my thought's on that. .

they've shown that mutant's have weekness's to certain thing's like kitty for example. and wolverine befor "moronson morrison run started" had them. his was and still should be The more extensive the injury, the longer the healing time will be. Wolverine is not immortal, however. If the injuries are extensive enough, especially if they result in the loss of vital organs, large amounts of blood, and/or loss of physical form (such as having flesh burned away by fire or acid), Logan can die. Wolverine, again due to his healing factor, has an enhanced resistance to disease, as well as an extended life span. Despite Wolverine's chronological age, he is still as healthy and physically fit as a man in his prime.

And beside's that there's the very special point of if your gonna be teaching other's less Experienced then you or just less advancedand skilled then you should have to "have reach a certain point to be teaching other's" in the use of their power's. if not you shouldn't be teaching at all. magneto did. xavier did. Other wise you better have gone to the next level and mastered it all or certain asspects of your powers other's Other wise it's kinda pointless teaching anyone period. too bad some certain writer's don't want to get that part. but that's where they were headed with this formerly.

Hmmmmmmmmm.I wonder what I can come up or multiply man.

seeing that she had the phoenix force psyche in her mind dudring the Xtreme x-men annueal where she took down the shadow king she can do that too.

As I said the way her power works is that she make's a copy ( both equel and original ) of the other person she has absorbed power's from and store in her genetic memory in her body . she know's how to use it the same way they do. It's just a matter of her accessing it.

The only thing that's a weakness for rogue is anything high voltage like when gambit's static field which allowed him to touch her. (much like AOA magneto's magnetic power's allowing her touch him) was active during his own omega mutant period, and that's what sent her power omega mutant power's to being dorment again during khan's invasion on earth.

It's her weakness. that's all it is. her power only does what the other's personer's power's does , and she konws how to use it in the same way they know how to use it.

That's all. nothing more or less. leech is a nother story all together.

and I'm not talking about the spliting a small planet, thing that issue that's not in continuety I don't have. I have the issue when arkon took storm and he was in awe of cyckes power on his planet's engine to save his people. and the one with the mojo verse where he clear the etire planet polution. and most importantly the z'noxx issue where his beam's covered the entire planet. and it was used for something other then distruction those issues too. as to the other dimension thing it's been shown that scott's eye's don't disappear when his power's are on.

I'm not sure why other's hold on to that theory from the hand book , which is long out of date when it's been shown other wise with in the titles (on somany levels and on so many other characters,) that his eye's are very much there . and no it was shown in X-men unlimited that there is no psionic protection of field though I supect the his concussive for may be a defelctive field of some sort. the reason he's not harmed is becasue his body is attuned to the energy and and he's nearly apart of it. kind like how storm isn't affected by her own power and joseph and when gambit was stabbed by dead pool and he charged that knife with kenetic energy and wasn't harmed by it. and why dazzler isn't harmed by her own power as well. and then there's bobby which is very obvious why his power's can't harm him as well. i away's thought Xavier got certain speacila mutants

Don't tell me you haven't notised that scott and alex aren't the only one's that aren't harmed by their own ability's ? it was shown in tones of issues of X titles. I mean there's that mutant jet scream that had power's like cannon bal and his powers harmed him where sam's power's didn't harm him. usually thought that hinted at something more about them. among other hint's in the titles.

mainstream continuity of the Marvel Universe, it has also been inferred that Cyclops only utilizes a fraction of the energies at his disposal. During the Civil War: X-Men story arc, Cyclops is controlled by another mutant to use his powers at their full magnitude. When directed at the energy-absorbing mutant Bishop, Cyclops was able to overload Bishop's powers in a matter of seconds. It is also stated that Cyclops does not use his powers at such a level due to the preoccupation he has regarding his control (or lack thereof) of his abilities.[/quote]

form this link.

and I know you know, since that's where you got the planet spliting thing. I don't think it was ever menttion other wise any where else.

sound's like bobby. and the slacker thing that's been place as blame for the regretful stops, that would interesting storys for bobby. only for better reason's like what gambit had and what sage her self is hideing about her full extent of her power's as well. i seriously doubt she a low level psi. Really doubt it. and the fact that the writer's that like to Explore bobby's power's are taken off/ away befor their time and certain people/fans like to blame it / call it on the slacking thing, when it has nothing to do with it. it was the next writer that do that. and throwing interesting story's with certain plot's such as that out and giveing us less interesting storys. and alot of people want to see that stuff Explored. bah I'd never make guy's like to be made to leave. at least they have interesting story idea's and can follow up on it to come paired to rerhashers.
During the Civil War: X-Men story arc, Cyclops is controlled by another mutant to use his powers at their full magnitude. When directed at the energy-absorbing mutant Bishop, Cyclops was able to overload Bishop's powers in a matter of seconds. It is also stated that Cyclops does not use his powers at such a level due to the preoccupation he has regarding his control (or lack thereof) of his abilities.
Also In Civil War: X-Men #4, while trying to blast through a reinforced door, Cyclops powers up Bishop, and Iron Man measures the power at nearly two gigawatts. Two gigawatts is the equivalent to the output of a large nuclear reactor.

But any way, moving on.
it's quite possable shodow cat could be one as well.

hey if gambit's one hmmmmmmmm. though meltdown / tabisha. could be. cannoball was alway's on my list and sunpot as well.

2007-01-16 12:32:29 · answer #1 · answered by kc_wosu 4 · 0 0

Omega-level mutant is a fictional designation for a certain powerful class of super-powered individuals in the Marvel Comics universe to indicate mutants with the ability (or potential) to exist beyond the boundaries of physical existence. Immortality is also a possibility, but not a requirement. Being able to control matter and energy on the sub-molecular scale, as well as having a body capable of withstanding such power levels without external help, also seem to be common factors

Jean Grey
are all Omega Class

But Jean Grey has the upper hand.

most number of superpower?

- Regenerative healing factor
- Slowed aging process
- Adamantium-laced skeleton and retractable claws
- Superhumanly acute senses
- Superhuman strength, stamina, agility, and reflexes
- High resistance to telepathy

This transfer is usually temporary, lasting for a period of time relevant to how long contact is maintain, but if Rogue holds on to her victim for too long, the transfer may become permanent.
She has had some interesting abilities over the years

2007-01-16 01:01:53 · answer #2 · answered by FIRE § 4 · 0 0

The 12.

2016-03-28 23:58:40 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the most powerful mutant would either be Phoenix(jean Grey) or X-man (Nate Grey)from the Age of Apocalypse story he is cable from another dimension but he is not hindered by the techno-organic virus that cable is infected with which diminishes his powers.
the mutant with the most powers is without question the Mimic(Calvin Rankin) he has the ability to copy and retain any mutants power that he comes in close proximity to , early in the x-men comics he fought the original x-men and he has all of their powers, you don't see much of him anymore because he has exiled himself to the savage land so he doesn't come in contact with any more mutants

2007-01-16 01:45:12 · answer #4 · answered by Weapon X 4 · 0 0

jean grey, aka pheonix.

She really is the only one that can compare with the non-mutant marvel superhero powerhouses like silver surfer, dr. strange, Iron man, thor, Dr. doom, hercules, and such.

as for number of superpowers? None of them. Although thier powers all might manifest themselves to be different things, the main thing separating mutants from a superhuman is that all the mutant's powers generally stem from one single source or power- like magneto's powers all stem from his ability to control magnitism, wolverine's from his bieng animalistic- even his claws come from that too (they are merely coated in adimantium).

2007-01-16 07:17:04 · answer #5 · answered by bluto blutarsky2 3 · 0 0

Most powerful member would be Professor X. Storm comes in second. As for most number of superpowers, probably Wolverine.

2007-01-16 01:18:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Most powerful, hmm Prof X...most powers Magneto

2007-01-16 00:52:22 · answer #7 · answered by jim 4 · 0 2

Phoenix and Phoenix

2007-01-17 05:11:08 · answer #8 · answered by Kenneth B 1 · 0 0

you didn't see x3? its the Phoenix

2007-01-16 02:51:06 · answer #9 · answered by drawmaster12 4 · 0 0

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