I hear that every scene where he's meeting someone famous is based on someone real.
1. who was at the white house meeting the president?
2. who mooned Lyndon Johnson?
3. who (if there was someone) was at the place where the black students are let into the school?
can anyoen tell me? been wondering this for years.
12 answers
asked by
Entertainment & Music
➔ Movies
well for the idiots who called me one kiss my white freckled ***
there was a Lt that got the congressional medal (dont know if he mooned Johnson)
dont have any other names for the scene where Forrest meets Wallace or Kennedy.
20:53:55 ·
update #1
I've been looking and can't find anything. It'd probably be best to talk to a few people that were around back then.
2007-01-14 21:36:41
answer #1
answered by Strikernow 4
Forrest Gump, obviously. You should not be comparing Forrest Gump with the other two commercial movies. I do not tell Titanic and Avatar as commercial because of their revenue. (in that case, Forrest Gump also is in the Top 20 all time best revenues). Titanic and Avatar contain so many scenes that are made just to satisfy the audiences of different ages and expectations. Forrest Gump is a movie that teaches us how to live an ideal and easy life like that Feather shown in first and last scene. It is the best movie ever made. I don't think Robert Zemeckis would have thought about attracting the audience while making the movie.
2016-05-24 04:32:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Great question. I found this on wipkedia but it dosent say who the people were.
Worth noting is the work done by Ken Ralston and his team at Industrial Light and Magic, who were responsible for the film's visual effects. Using CGI-techniques it was possible for Tom Hanks to meet dead presidents and even shake their hands.
Old documentary footage was used and with the help of techniques like chroma key, warping, morphing and rotoscoping, Tom Hanks was integrated into it. This feat was honored with an Oscar for Best Visual Effects.
I would try searching forest gump special effects. Searching it that way will probably get a result faster. This is a really neat question. I would search more myself but I'm out of time
Good luck.
2007-01-14 21:44:32
answer #3
answered by FX_Make-upArtist 4
Ernie Davis
Donald Trump
Gov. Wallace
2007-01-14 20:46:38
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You heard? Do believe everything you hear?
This was a fake movie. I was alive in the sixties. If someone mooned the President of the United States back then he would have been arrested.
The person sho told you it was based on real events never read the book "The World According to Garp". That FICTION novel is what the movie was based on.
2007-01-14 21:58:47
answer #5
answered by the_slipster 2
The scene where Forrest receives his Congressional Medal of Honor is actual footage. The footage is of Sgt. Sammy L. Davis receiving his award. Ret. Sgt. Davis routinely speaks to schools and says he is "very honored and humbled" that it's his ceremony that was used for the film.
2007-01-16 03:32:50
answer #6
answered by hotdoggiegirl 5
1. It was Michael Jackson.
2. It was Brad Pitt.
3. The Alamo.
2007-01-14 20:59:50
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well momma always said them Hollywood movies are made with a bunch of gossip and lies but I sat in one once, it wasn't that bad.
2007-01-14 21:21:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Your a funny guy. Good one. I want to see how many idiots will answer
2007-01-14 20:46:02
answer #9
answered by drunknfaded 3
you are not an idiot, I was also told that those were very real events also. maybe someone will answer. I remember the 2 of them or the news reel...
2007-01-14 20:50:34
answer #10
answered by Mt ~^^~~^^~ 5