Spirituality, in a narrow sense, concerns itself with matters of the spirit. The spiritual, involving (as it may) perceived eternal verities regarding humankind's ultimate nature, often contrasts with the temporal, with the material, or with the worldly. A sense of connection forms a central defining characteristic of spirituality — connection to something greater than oneself, which includes an emotional experience of religious awe and reverence. Equally importantly, spirituality relates to matters of sanity and of psychological health. Like some forms of religion, spirituality often focuses on personal experience.
Spirituality may involve perceiving life as higher, more complex or more integrated with one's world view; as contrasted with the merely sensual. "In a narrow sense"
2007-01-14 15:36:07
answer #1
answered by Axe 4
Spirituality is some thing unseen which binds our feelings towards anything. It could me materialistic or even
Godly. I don't think the man drinking Alcohol isn't spiritual or does not posses spirituality. What must be emphasised is its level. How Much you dig deep into any matter.
That is sprituality in Nut-shell.
Don't ever relate sprituality with Magic like becoming invisible or flying in the sky.
2007-01-16 03:36:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
spirituality is realising the spirit man,every person has two side one is the good and the other is a bad one,spirituality is a means of contolling the bad nature and improving the good qualities so that the person is more successful in being a better human being.but today this has been changed into ritualistic activity and so this pure form of excersise of realising the inner man has made men to become animals ,and that results in blood shed, calamity within the religious groups ,love for money , fake religious leaders .spirituality is a means of controling the the beast within evey man.look at the lives of all the great people they did care for their spirit man and thats what made them different from others example gandhi,joan of arc,mother therasa,martin luther .there are no other laws to be made than those exist in the holy books in world,to lead men in the successful path for example consider the bible it say dont kill ,dont commit adultary,dont rob,dont give false testimony,dont covet your neighbours property etc -the Ten commandments .
so it has already been written thousands of years ago which
are the laws that govern the courts , basic laws of the judical system these day so spirituality is for developing a better society
so we see and do know that there is a stronger force than that of humans and that is the supernatural being ;what ever be the religous group we belong to follow it so that the spirit man grows strong .your spirit man grows weak when you dont feed him well and you can feed him well by filling your mind wit h spiritual things and that is spirituality . spirituality is not outward beauty its a inner beauty. everyone in the world cant be mr world or miss world .but i am sure everyone can develop the inner beauty by following the ways of spirituality.so spirituality is mainly to develop abetter person and be consious of the super natural that controls our spirit world that is our mind and root out evil from our thoughts.to prove there is a spirit world i will say one thing every time we do something there is a guidence from inside that in the spirit man who control us most often we dont realize that there is another person within us watching every step we take that is spirituality that is a relation between the heart mind and soul.so develop the spirit man within us so we can develop a better person out of ourselves and develop a better person.
2007-01-15 01:57:14
answer #3
answered by jacob 1
Spirituality is more than what Wikipedia would have you believe.
within each of us are three parts. The Spirit Soul and Body
The spirit is our life force, It is where emotion comes from and those emotions have tolls on our daily lives.
The largest part of our being is the spirit. It's what keeps us going through all life throws at us. We in turn must keep it healthy. We need to find ways to gain that spiritual health or bad emotions force us into sad situations.. Depression is the most common illness of the spirit. So as Spiritual beings we seek ways of keeping the spirit healthy or at a minimum holding Melancholy at bay.
This is done in many ways but they all root to three things.
Love Faith and Joy
Each of these roots lets us explore our Spiritual self
The use of these emotional tools keeps the Spirit happy healthy and strong.
Love is the most powerful emotion. We can love anything. Although loving stink bugs is not on my list of to dos, love brings kinship kindness sensuality and sexuality.
Faith is the second strongest emotion. from it comes understanding, trust, belief, honesty and sense of self.
Joy brings creativity expression, humor and invention.
This is the reason for Spirituality. Each of the emotions i have explained can change into the darker emotions in an unhappy unhealthy and weak spirit.
Love turns to hate
Faith remains faith
Joy turns to Melancholy
On the Dark side Hate takes control and we do things that we feel shame for... Adding to Melancholy
Faith switches to the "Lack ofs" Lack of trust, belief, understanding and honesty.
Melancholy turns to self destruction lack of creativity self abuse and along with hate, self loathing.
Understanding these things makes the "Cause" for Spirituality understandable. To keep our spirit healthy we have to use it.
I hope this brings you some understanding without all of the pseudo scientific babble.
En Tis Blethec
2007-01-15 00:19:23
answer #4
answered by tian_mon 3
art of treating self as a good humanbieng and treating others as lovable fellow human beings is sprituality. strictly follow the laws of nature to lead a holistic life is also spirituality.
love your self and all creations of nature.
2007-01-14 23:48:14
answer #5
answered by rajendran m 1
Spirituality is to read holy scriptures according to ones own religion of birth as well as the holy scriptures of other religions and keep one's mind occupied with noble thoughts and good will to all beings, devoid of any hatred or ill will and centred on God, the Almighty.
2007-01-15 00:11:20
answer #6
answered by NQS 5
Probably the best answer is that spirituality in all its practices endeavors to transcend reality and reach a state of being beyond the merely physical manifistations of life.
2007-01-14 23:39:05
answer #7
answered by waytooeasy67 3
Sprituality is what you believe in, your spirit and what guides you to overstanding your purpose on earth.
2007-01-14 23:38:33
answer #8
answered by beckey 1
spirituality is to trust that there are spirits and entities in the world that prompt us toward good or bad. Religion is to believe in a higher power controls those spirits.
2007-01-14 23:36:49
answer #9
answered by eleven 3
It is state when u can take everything easy and always r in the present moment and accept reality. When u can start loving all unconditionally. When u can get reed of ur ego and mix with every one freely.
2007-01-14 23:44:41
answer #10
answered by Ekola. 2