Well, I'm finally starting my last semester and I have to say yes and no to your question. I found some classes to be a huge waste of time and I wonder why in the world I had to waste 3+ months of my life for some of those classes. I'd say that the actual classes are somewhat a waste of time, but what I really learned in college was how to multi task better, how to deal with stress better, and how to keep my mouth shut when I hear someone being condescending and annoying (as many of my teachers were). I also learned how to think a bit more of the "big picture" and I learned to better consider other people's point of views.
2007-01-14 14:47:11
answer #1
answered by bashleyf2000 2
Anyone who says college is a waste of time is just plain nuts. Ask any of the brilliant people in society today (doctors, scientists, historians, authors, musicians, etc.) and they'll tell you that although they now have PhDs and MDs, their journey to success involved a 4-year experience in college.
But, as with anything else, if you don't work hard at it, it will be a total waste of time. I have seen guys who after 4-years left college much, much dumber than they were when they arrived. That's a real shame.
The key thing in college is to:
1. Find something that you like.
2. Think about what career you will follow when you graduate.
3. Take time to look in the real world to see how well people in your career path are doing. In other words, find out what market there is for what you want to do. Ask your parents and professors to help you with this so that you do not graduate and then realize that people with your major are not marketable.
If you think college is crap, take one look at all the technology around you and remember that it was not made by high school kids!!
2007-01-14 15:00:14
answer #2
answered by JiveSly 4
Absolutly not, while in the begining some classes seem to be a waste of time, you understand later the point to having a common body of knowledge, it is valuable
it is my observation that those who consider college a waste of time are those who did not go
I consider college to be the most valuable time I have ever spent
the last 2 years of high school were a waste of time though
2007-01-14 15:09:15
answer #3
answered by Mathurin 2
No. It opens doors.
You have to bear in mind that a college degree isn't about getting more stuff to write in your resume. It's about gaining more knowledge and learning to apply that knowledge.
And by the way, it's been said that a person with a bachelor's degree makes about $1,000,000 more than the average non-graduate bloke. That should make the difference for you.
I handle HR for my company, and i can tell you that there is a difference between the AVERAGE graduate and the AVERAGE non-graduate when you observe things like work ethic, maturity and work skills. That's generally speaking, of course. There are the exceptions on both ends of the spectrum.
And for those of you who think I'm siding the graduates, you may wish to note that i don't have a bachelor's degree.
2007-01-14 14:50:37
answer #4
answered by Hulabaloola 3
No, I didn't. The educational opportunities I got were top-notch, but I'll admit it's far from the employability boost college was thirty years ago due to the nature of education as a positional good.
I learned a lot and grew up a lot too during those years.
2007-01-14 14:46:24
answer #5
answered by The Iron Star 2
No. I got my first job as the result of an on-campus interview.
2007-01-14 14:46:33
answer #6
answered by ? 7