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I hate people who keep fighting on this site about which is better, TNA or WWE? I am a person who watches both on a regular basis and both are very different than each other, but both are awesome!

TNA is still only 5 years old and you may call some of the talent on TNA, they aren't wwe rejects, here are some of their best guys: Kurt Angle, Sting, AJ Styles, Abyss, Christian Cage, Team 3D, LAX, Petey Williams, and the list goes on, slowly but surely TNA is getting better.

TNA is an awesome company and right now I would say that they are better than WWE! They have much better storylines going and some of the talent they have is amazing. WWE's storylines are a joke right now, and I can say for the champs, the only talented champion WWE has is Benoit.

When I say talent I mean like being able to do more than 4 moves and actually wrestling, Batista and Cena have no talent, Vince should have Cena lose his title and make him heel, that'd be awesome, Batista sucks!

Both companies rule!

2007-01-14 14:26:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Wrestling

8 answers

I like both because I just generally like wrestling and yes WWE is becoming a joke but I still like to watch it and TNA is great too but the storyline with Abyss is stupid but that Rosie vs. Trump was so stupid. Oh yea one more thing......... ANGLE BEAT SAMOA JOE!!!!!!!

2007-01-14 14:38:34 · answer #1 · answered by hawkhead91 3 · 0 2

i'm an entire contact kickboxer and that i easily love scuffling with yet i also savour a good hockey pastime! i does not end observing the NHL in the journey that they stopped the scuffling with because they are such fantastic athletes to commence with and that i'm surprised to work out the issues they could do on the ice! The goalies are truly relaxing to observe with their cat like reflexes and how they use them to end some outstanding pictures. The fights do make hockey extra exciting yet i ought to nonetheless love the game without the fights! Hockey ought to by no skill reduce out checking because then all of us should be scoring aims. lately, it type of feels as regardless of the reality that a lot less hockey fights were happening via referee involvement yet i do not imagine they are going to ever reduce it out because they comprehend hockey gamers have a first rate bond. regardless of in the journey that they hate one yet another at the same time as their communities conflict they love one yet another and respect one yet another off the ice!

2016-11-23 18:54:00 · answer #2 · answered by carle 4 · 0 0

i only watch wwe cause of the comedy and hot divas and they still have some good wrestlers like benoit undertaker triple h and hbk and i'am also waiting tell vkm doe's invade wwe

2007-01-14 15:04:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i like both companies but i think wwe is a little better

2007-01-14 14:35:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Bot hare okay but I like WWE more.

2007-01-14 14:46:03 · answer #5 · answered by WWE Girl 3 · 1 0

my hero mr socko likes wwe. tna sucks a sock.

2007-01-14 14:30:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I prefer WWE.TNA speciality matches are bizzare.

2007-01-14 14:46:46 · answer #7 · answered by WWE Champ 5 · 0 0

TNA is WAY BETTER!!! because WWE is gay...

2007-01-14 14:30:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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