I agree with your question and I do believe that 9-11 was engineered by our current Oval Office!
That's sad...I know; I should have more confidence in Bush...even though I didn't vote for him!
I've tried, yet I cannot bring myself to believe one word that he utters.
At first, I resisted the thought that maybe Bush was involved, but then we went to war in Iraq against Iraq and the trail grew cold on Osama!
Now, we have 3000(+) of our own men and women dead for Bush... and the moron refuses to see that this war is a lost cause!
2007-01-14 14:56:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No, but there is another theory: warnings were ignored to allow an incident. Public support would then permit the US government to take a military approach to solving the world's problems, particularly those in the middle east.
"the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor." This quote appears in a paper written by Cheney, Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz and other neo cons.
2007-01-15 06:11:25
answer #2
answered by Red Herring 4
No conspiracy by Bush administration.
It was a conspiracy by the glass and steel industry to secure future rebuilding rights. That is why there are opponents to rebuilding on the sight.
Why don't you just google it and make up your own mind about a conspiracy.
Actually it was the office furniture/ filing cabinet industry.
Wait, it could have been the airlines trying to collect insurance money to buy new planes.
oh well!!!
Whoever made the post that said many conspiracy theories have come to pass, tell me of one that has been proven beyond a doubt.
2007-01-14 22:48:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You think that Clinton planned the WTC attack in 1993?
Wow... I've not heard that one before..
So let me get this straight... Clinton and the Arkansas Clintonites were in on the Dubya conspiracy, covered by Michael Moore and any number of conspiracy websites?
Gosh... Now, how is the Trilateral Commission and the Rand Corporation, in conjunction with Haliburton, involved?
Did Ross Perot find out about this, and therefore pull out of the Presidential race?
Does this explain why David Koresh had to die -- he know too much? Did Janet Reno go after people who were in on the truth??
Now it all makes sense!!!!
2007-01-14 22:27:41
answer #4
answered by geek49203 6
I'm sure you'll get a lot of links to conspiracy websites. If that's what you're looking for it shouldn't take long for the tin-foil hat crew to get active.
If you think about it logically and read all the reasons you come to the conclusion that it's not only silly but make no sense at all. Plus it would technically be impossible.
Look for the South Park episode where the conspiracy is a conspiracy in itself. Pretty funny.
2007-01-14 22:26:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous 7
This blaming Clinton for everything that is wrong just has to stop. The wingers just won't let Clinton go. We are six years out from Clinton being in office, and he is still being blamed for stuff? Sorry. That's just b.s.
I believe there is certainly evidence that the White House knew the attacks were going to happen and then did nothing to stop it. Yeah, it's considered tinfoil, but many many "conspiracy" theories have come to pass as what actually happened, so I wouldn't rule out that the current criminals in the White House LIHOP - let it happen on purpose. They needed a reason to attack Iraq, and it's common knowledge that the wingnuts wanted to attack Iraq long before Chimpy McFlightsuit made it to the White House. So I believe it's entirely possible they knew it was going to happen.
2007-01-14 22:32:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Let me guess... the people "informing you" that there was a consperacy are the same ones who are telling you about little green men coming and abducting them in their sleep....
These people are the same ones who claim that they saw Elvis in the supermarket or 7-11 over the weekend...
or, They are the same people who claim we never stepped foot on the moon, either!
Whatever you want to believe... you will.... Yahoo!Answers is not going to solve the mystery of terrorism for you! All I can say, is that sometimes bad things happen to good people!
Terrorism is real, and for one reason or another, some people will ALWAYS hate Americans. On Sep 11, 2001 - a very horrible plot to kill Americans was carried out, by Terrorists! The President had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!
2007-01-14 22:31:18
answer #7
answered by Glory 5
I shouldn't even bother to touch this.
My thought is you should carefully apply the theorem of William Occam. That is that any theory is more likely (but not necessarily true,) if It makes the fewest assumptions. Another similar clause is by Gottfreid Leibnitz; his "reductability" theorem. That is, that any theory that is more complicated than that which it attempts to explain cannot be true. So in short, by this logic, it is my belief that the "official" version of the events is far more likely that any huge "conspiracy."
2007-01-14 22:35:50
answer #8
answered by WOMBAT, Manliness Expert 7
there was no conspiracy
bad people flew planes into the wtc
planes exploded, big fire, extreme heat weakens steel
structure gave way and collasped exactly how designed to do in metro areas -- floor by floor
a lot of people died that day -- it was a HORRIBLE day and changed life as we know it forever
2007-01-14 22:22:26
answer #9
answered by curious_One 5
Clinton seems to have ignored the signals because he was so busy with his own personal amusement, and later, survival. Which, in the second case, may be a lesson for us: It's possible that Presidents, like other human beings, perform better when not under attack.
2007-01-14 22:24:23
answer #10
answered by shirleykins 7