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i think they have seen alot thru history .that if israel wants peace for real

2007-01-14 13:41:18 · 16 answers · asked by Mr.Judah 5 in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

Did you know that Saudi Arabia was not created until 1913, Lebanon until 1920? Iraq did not exist as a nation until 1932, Syria until 1941; the borders of Jordan were established in 1946 and Kuwait in 1961. Any of these nations that would say Israel is only a recent arrival would have to deny their own rights as recent arrivals as well. They did not exist as countries. They were all under the control of the Turks. Over 80% of the original British Mandate land was given to Arabs without population transfer of Arabs from the land designated for Jews.

In 1947, the Jewish state huddled on 18% of the original British Mandate land. The Jews accepted it gratefully. The Arabs rejected it with a vengeance and seven Arab states immediately declared war against Israel.

The reason for the conflict between Israel and the Arabs is that the Arabs, plain and simple, refuse to accept a Jewish state in their midst. They invented this whole idea of a "Palestinian people who deserve a state" just to use as a tool to dismember Israel.

2007-01-17 03:08:27 · answer #1 · answered by Ivri_Anokhi 6 · 1 2

Yupchagee is on the mark. After the 1967 war, Israel was ready to negotiate the return of the territories with border adjustments. But the response of the Arab nations, particularly Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt was--quote--"no peace, no recognition of Israel, no negotiation". Tragically, to this day there is no one to negotiate with.


2007-01-14 14:07:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

So What are you chosen people going to do . Push every Palestinian into Jordan and Syria and all those other Arab countries you say, should give their land so you can have someone Else's. So what will you do then when they are still firing rockets at you. Suggest you move back to the territory you were given by the UN.You know the UN whose Resolutions you choose to ignore if they do not suit you. You people are just so full of hypocrisy. Your support around the world is waning and you are about to be very surprised by what your benefactors are going to do to make the Iraq problem look better.

2007-01-16 13:29:02 · answer #3 · answered by amigo 2 · 1 2

according to the bible when the children came out of bondage in Egypt, and David slew Goliath, the Phillis tines inhabited Palestine? then later the children of Israel conquered the Phillis tines taking the land from them? so how far back in history do we need t o go to determine who is the actual owners? is it just to where the Jews claim they owned it at that time or?? one other important reminder, the U,N,which the U,S, helped to form their by laws etc, says no one can gain land by invading another country etc, the U,N, was formed before the existence of what is now known as Israel, yet the U,S, protects Israel from U,N, sanctions every time they try to do any thing to Israel, why is Israel allowed to take over a complete country against the U,N, rules the U,S, helped mandate???? I don't guess Israel needs to abide by any ones rules since they are the masters of our big dogs, and for those who claim Israel has tried to give them land etc please look at the U,N, map of how they have it cut up , it is arranged so that Israel has them in every sh.. hole in that god forsaken desert and surrounded by Israeli guns, and the Israelis have got 7/10s of the land, anywhere that could be productive,, there is no indiction that Israel wants peace I am referring to the Zionist manyJews are very good people but, not the Zionist, they want to annilate all Palestanians from the face of the earth, but they are really good at counter propaganda, and I haven't seen any indictation of them wanting peace period.

2007-01-14 14:28:52 · answer #4 · answered by james w 3 · 2 2

God said so . This is the problem in the middle east . God spoke to so many people and kings at different times that confusion exists all the time .
Now depending on which play book you go with determines who gets what when where why and how much of the land .

2007-01-14 13:49:04 · answer #5 · answered by -----JAFO---- 4 · 1 1

Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan didn't want them to have their own country before '67. Remember who owned the land before Israel stole it fair and square. Why should Israel be any different than those other countries and give it up now?

2007-01-14 13:48:28 · answer #6 · answered by John H 6 · 3 2

Probably because they are not going to give up the capital of their country. Everyone freaking knows Jerusalem was a Jewish town and was once the site of a Jewish Kingdom. The Jews pinned for almost 2,000 years to once again claim the city of their fathers. They have taken their country and their city, they have faced adversity, they have extended the olive branch time and time again.

The Palestinians are getting screwed but they are getting screwed by their Arab brothers...

Long live Israel!

2007-01-14 13:48:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Israel has tried. The palestinians will not accept because they want all of the territory.

2007-01-16 18:20:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Israel has offered repeatedly. Unfortunately Arabs don't want to create another Arab country, they just want to destroy Israel. There was no peace between 58 & 67 when Jordan controlled Judea & Samaria & Egypt controlled Gaza. Israel withdrew from Gaza & it has become even worse than it was.

2007-01-14 13:47:21 · answer #9 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 2 3

Hate to break it to you, but when they airstrike Iran they will get more land....Sometimes Bombs accidentally, fall from planes as they return from a mission, I hope its not over Palestinian airspace, I have seen this sort of stuff happen on accident

2007-01-14 13:46:04 · answer #10 · answered by AD 3 · 0 1

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