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saints have more wepons but bears defence is better

2007-01-14 13:39:08 · 21 answers · asked by ndr_carrington 2 in Sports Football (American)

21 answers

Drew is a GIRLYMAN! I heard he cried when the grocery store was out of his brand of Tampon.

2007-01-14 13:43:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Yes But the Saints have Drew Brees a unestimed quaterback after leaving San Diego abut quickly rebounding and giving hope back to the Katrina raveged city. The Bears however, have a QB quite diffrent. Rex Grossman has a 73.9 rating .On the other hand Drew Brees has a rating of 96.2.

2007-01-14 14:09:13 · answer #2 · answered by queenoftheworld 4 · 0 0

Saints will win. Their offense will be too much for the Bears D to handle. Rex Grossman is finally under control, but I think Drew Brees and Co. will overcome a very good defense. This should be a good and close game.

2007-01-14 13:42:20 · answer #3 · answered by ~LT_21~ 3 · 1 0

in case you pay interest to the nationwide media, the Saints are undefeated and the Bears haven't any probability. Didnt the Saints lose over a million/3 of their video games this year? and actually win very last week too? The Saints floor pastime is a lot worse outdoors, about a million.5 yards in accordance to carry. this is a turf team. The media jumps on one team per week, Saints, then Dallas grow to be the acceptable ever, then Philly, now back to the Saints. The Bears offense will be able to tear up their D too. Bears 31-20.

2016-10-31 03:04:45 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The Bears season ends next week!
The Saints are a much better team than the Bears. The Bears defense is falling apart and Drew Brees is a lot better than Hasselbeck so he'll light up Chicago's D and it'll be a blow out!

2007-01-14 13:47:40 · answer #5 · answered by Scottie Boy 6 · 1 1

Rex G. is a bit blah. Not knocking the Bears defense, but the Saints have a killer offense. And when Brees favorite players are blocked, he finds a way to get to a lesser known, and when everyone has the potential to be the star of the game that's when it becomes dangerous...let's not forget the nearly unstoppable pair Deuce McAllister and Mike Karney. Bush is cool, but he mostly opps to go around the defensive line, and with his speed it usually works; Deuce, however, pushes through, and when Karney's blocking for him...well let's just say great things happen.

2007-01-14 13:48:58 · answer #6 · answered by Tyese 4 · 0 1

Saints offense vs. Bears defense, D usually wins, but the Saints secondary sometimes outperform their level of talent, and Deuce and the NO wide receivers could make it interesting.

2007-01-14 14:36:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Da Bears

2007-01-14 13:46:33 · answer #8 · answered by Hetty 3 · 1 1

I like to think the Saints offense will have a better chance against Chicago's D than Chicago's offense will have against NO's D.
If Grossman plays like he did today, and Drew is on point, it should be a heckuva nice aerial show.
But I think that when both teams have landed,
NO's ground attack will be the difference.

2007-01-14 14:21:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Saints r playing like true contenders-they are a team on a mission..and lets hope they can win next week against the bears. any team could win.. im going with the Saints!!

2007-01-14 13:43:31 · answer #10 · answered by skimad 3 · 1 1

Do mean Urlacher's Bears D, aginist Duace's and Reggie's Saints, because If that's' the Case It will be the Bears.

I'd Explained Why, you're not paying Attention.

2007-01-14 13:43:49 · answer #11 · answered by tfoley5000 7 · 2 1

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