If you can prove that you are responsible enough to keep up with your chores, grades, and what they ask and expect then show that and you may get it. Talk to them about it and see what they say. If not then make money by doing extra chores and outside jobs and save up for it!...goodluck!
2007-01-14 12:31:56
answer #1
answered by peg 5
Tell them about the possitives:
1. improves hand to eye co-ordination.
2. some games can be education
3. borrow a friends and let them have a go (just remember when u r borrowing it don't play for to long at a time and not to often bc they will use it against u saying "we aint getting u 1 bc u will be playing it all the time."
4. If your parents like quiz shows there are a large variety available for eg buzz and suggest they can join in.
5. & last but not least BEG!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE(make sure it doesnt get annoying thought
2007-01-14 20:33:36
answer #2
answered by junglist_masiv2000 2
Jus tell your parents playing a ps2 will help your hand eye cordination...expanded minds get better jobs!
2007-01-14 20:48:01
answer #3
answered by john_moyse 1
ummm. why get a ps2? why not like a wii or something?
anyways, you can tell them it doesn't only play games, it plays DVDs and CDs also, that convinced my mom.
2007-01-14 20:25:42
answer #4
answered by psychokid2211 2
tell them they are at their cheapest price now that wii 360 and Ps3 just came out and be willing to compromise with them find out why it is that they dont want to but you it and work from there maby voluteer to buy a used one if money is an issue.
2007-01-14 20:30:26
answer #5
answered by Meagan P 3
convince them to get a ps3 by telling them it plays blu ray thats what i did.blu ray playes usaully cost 1000 dollers or more
2007-01-14 20:36:41
answer #6
answered by Im not telling you my REAL name 2
How about working and saving your money. Then you can buy it for yourself!!
Be grateful that you get anything at all for your birthday that is not socks and underwear!!!
2007-01-14 20:37:17
answer #7
answered by fire4511 7
Really cheap now, tell them you really want it, and you love them, ur parents, and just be really nice about it
2007-01-14 21:50:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
they are cheaper now that 360 ps3 are out
2007-01-14 20:25:42
answer #9
answered by kol m 2
point out how much cheaper they are than PS3's
2007-01-14 20:30:08
answer #10
answered by Deasel98 5