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2 answers

I just would like to see, in every arena, a warning of some sort. Like when I choose which movie to go see, I have the ability to find out what kind of content it has before I go. I believe in freedom of speech, but not the freedom to force everyone else to listen. I don't like to subject my self or children to content that I think is harmful. I won't shop in certain stores in the mall because they are playing music that I don't want to listen to.

I would support something that required a content rating / descriptive warning signs. We have it on movies and video games so far, why not every type of media? Freedom to choose what we see or listen to would be great. Knowledgable choices.

2007-01-14 12:10:46 · answer #1 · answered by BaseballGrrl 6 · 1 0

Foul language, racist and bigoted remarks prohibeted. Anything else goes.

2007-01-14 12:05:05 · answer #2 · answered by robert m 7 · 0 0

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