Thanks for a stupid question. If she's obsessed with him, just show her your good qualities. I always believe you shouldn't change yourself for others. Even if she would like that more, just wait a while. We ALL have to be stopped once in a while and realize what we have is infinitely more preferable.
2007-01-14 10:50:48
answer #1
answered by imaforestspirit 3
No she married you because of you, he is just a fantansy! How would you like for her change her looks on the hot ladies are in now? you wouldn't because you marry her for her.
Keep your looks, and if you feel insecured with her over ocd about the wrestler, posters and junk, talk to her about it, and if she does not understand and be sensibible to your inserucity, then start decorating posters of hot babes all over the house, and let her get a taste of her own medicine.
2007-01-14 18:54:09
answer #2
answered by ourjacobdavid 4
I do not!!! Will you just ******* quit it? You're just trying to make me mad and you're doing a pretty good job. I collect ICP stuff, not John Cena and everyone knows how ugly they are, so don't even start!! If you keep doing this, I'm gonna get you back.
P.S. I love you too, by the way...
2007-01-14 18:55:03
answer #3
answered by Crystal C 3
Wow. she must really like the guy. has she ever said she wishes u were more like him? if so, you and her have some relationship problems. If she ahs never said that then NO! Don't change your self for her fantasy, beacsue that is all it is, a fantasy. If it really bugs u that she is obbsessed, talk to her and see waht happens. Ask her to put therself in your shoes, like if you started collecting a hot female celebrites pariphanilia. i hope I helped
2007-01-14 18:52:26
answer #4
answered by scruffdink 1
you is nice to hear that a MAN is jealous of his wife's little crush and not the other way around for know like all the play boy crap guys have to have up in the garage and it drives us ladies wild. I dunno though, I definately dont think you need to change yourself, I mean she married you didn't she? But if you want to bulk up, start excerising. Other than that you may just want to tell her to take that stuff down, and remind her that if it were HER asking YOU to take down naked pictures of playboy models, you would..(you would right?)
2007-01-14 18:53:33
answer #5
answered by kristina43 5
No, do this:
Get dressed up like a wrestler and chase her around the room! Make it fun! Lovingly tease her with your spoof of her celebrity crush! See? Fun! No insecurity.
2007-01-14 19:52:09
answer #6
answered by Zeera 7
Leave her alone with her fantasy, she can never have him so whats the problem? She loves you don't be intimidated by that big hunk of man meat. Calm down. I am sure there is some hot girl in your dreams.
2007-01-14 18:59:20
answer #7
answered by sweetpea 4
Don't be silly. Every man and woman has a famous person that he or she physically admires. It is not like she is going to leave you for him. Don't worry about. Just let her have her fantisies. She married you, not him!
2007-01-14 18:55:26
answer #8
answered by snowangel_az 4
Wow, that would be the stupidest thing ever. Just start obsessing over a female celebrity ;-).
2007-01-14 18:52:36
answer #9
answered by lildevilgurl152004 7
Most people have certain ppl or things they like and if she didnt like you she wouldnt have married ya would she have. Anyway I am sure itll die dowwn to a dull throb sooner or later.
2007-01-14 18:53:59
answer #10
answered by The BecaNATOR 5