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I said I would possibly loan 200 if needed help at the end. It was a 30 day money back guarantee, So 10 days before deadline I said you should drop to 300 dollar level, She got mad and did not want to. Then 2 days before deadline we tryed to do it with me pushing her to go down. OF course it was too late.
so now i don't want to pay,
Should I feel bad. She said that I am not supportive if i don't pay. Together for over 1 yr.
She has also asked for money 3 months ago as well. I do love her. I have been slapped minorly more than playfull. I did keep trying to talk to her when she was kinda of ignoring me , was when the slap occured.
So i don't kno if i deserved it.

2007-01-14 10:25:41 · 10 answers · asked by boshie 2 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

10 answers

If you get the feeling you are being used then you probably are. Also, it is never right to hit anyone.

2007-01-14 10:31:15 · answer #1 · answered by Poppet 7 · 0 0

Dude, how about reviewing your question and actually read what you have, beyond spelling errors, your grammar could use some help.

Good luck with your girl though and here's some advice. If it doesn't feel right giving her the money, then don't. If she's a "good girl" she'll understand. But if she flies off the handle, that's your assurance your making the right decision and time to get out while you can. Hitting you up for money and other slapping is lame. If you don't leave, expect an unhealthy relationship.

Spending more money than what she has is not a good trait, neither is her expecting (or demanding) of you to come up with the rest of the money. Perhaps a simple lesson of "saving" would be useful for her if she must absolutely get the $2000 computer.

2007-01-22 06:06:18 · answer #2 · answered by pico_pica81 1 · 0 0

Hello, no one deserves to be slap; theirs other ways of expressing anger or disappointment . As far as the money goes you told her you would be willing to help with $200. & even offered if I understand right to $300. but she was unwilling too compromise so apparently, she is not wanting too compromise or talk she wants what she wants & thats it & no relationship can work like that . You didn't say if she was working also or not; but anymore in this world in takes 2 incomes unless you are Bill Gates .
In my opinon you shouldn't feel bad ! Sounds too me that there are more trouble in your relationship than just that, I could be wrong but it wouldn't hurt too take a good long hard look at it & then make your decsions .

Good Luck & Best Wishes

May GOD Bless You & Yours

2007-01-21 08:43:45 · answer #3 · answered by sweettexasangel12001 2 · 0 0


First Off she is only your girlfriend NOT your Wife. she should be happy with what she gets. She is able to get a job or ask her more immediate family for this kind of help. As for the slapping. even if it was a game. You should NEVER touch any ones face if you don't want it done to you. That is just Lack of respect. Once you let her walk over you once. You are done buddy. So get strict or get moving.


2007-01-20 07:13:04 · answer #4 · answered by Nunya M 1 · 0 0

You said you would so you should, but don't do it again for a while and see what she does for you after a few months. If she keeps asking you for stuff but never gives you anything and is combative and physical with you again then you should leave her, love is not a good reason to stay in a bad relationship.

2007-01-21 16:20:08 · answer #5 · answered by I'm her mommy 2 · 0 0

No one deserves to get slapped by their boy or girlfriend! Why haven't you dumped her yet? Get some man-pants already for criyin' out loud!

2007-01-21 14:11:34 · answer #6 · answered by Flora 2 · 0 0

You want to lose her over 200 dollars? Help her out, it isn't a lot of money.

2007-01-14 10:32:15 · answer #7 · answered by mamabear 6 · 0 0

She slapped you? Your girlfriend sounds disrespectful in more ways than one. You deserve better.

2007-01-21 20:10:16 · answer #8 · answered by Cookie Preston 5 · 0 0

sound's like she is using you for money since your not married to her you don't have to give her nothing unless you want too and no one has a right to hit a person if she was playing that's no way to play

2007-01-21 02:37:27 · answer #9 · answered by sweetgranny06 7 · 0 0

why a $2000 computer? why not one she can afford? let her pay what she signed up for. give her the flick.

2007-01-21 16:56:39 · answer #10 · answered by John B 4 · 0 0

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