Boricua is a word of origin from Boriken (or Boriquén, Borinquen, or Borinquén) used by the original Taino Indian population to refer to Puerto Rico before the coming of the Spanish, which translated as "The Valiant People of the Sacred House". The word has come to identify any resident or descendent of Puerto Rico, who will use the term, "¡Yo soy Boricua!" ("I am Boricua") to identify themselves. The national anthem of Puerto Rico is called "La Borinqueña."
2007-01-14 10:37:38
answer #1
answered by precious_jules81 5
Hundreds of years ago the island of puerto rico was inhabited by the taino people, and boricua is a word stemming from their language. It basically is a puerto rican slang term for a puerto rican girl.
2007-01-14 10:05:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Boricua, the word is unique in the Spanish language since it represents both male & female.
Boriquen was the Taino language name for Puerto Rico.
It was also widely known by Amerindians from present day Latin & South America as Boriquen.
It is also been spelled as Boriken.
The Taino name means "Land of the Great Lord".
It`s ironic that Colombus named the island San Juan Bautista; in English it means John the Baptist; before he even knew its Taino name or what it meant.
In time the island`s Capital name, Puerto Rico, became the name for the whole island & the Capital city became known as San Juan.
2015-06-21 18:16:39
answer #3
answered by Boriquen 6
Boricua is the old (original) name for Puerto Rico.
2007-01-14 09:56:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
it comes form boriquen, which is some word used by indians that translated to "people of the sacred house". or something like that. nowadays ignorant puerto ricans always use it to showcase their unjustifiably high pride. and it doesn't mean puerto rican girl like everyone else has been saying because guys even use it. just because it ends in a doesn't mean that's the feminine form.
2007-01-14 10:04:30
answer #5
answered by emceemikkal 1
it means
were you born in boricua..
like back then
cuz puerto rico used to be called boricua
2007-01-14 09:57:40
answer #6
answered by xBa.ll.eRx 2
It means "pueto rican girl". I get called that a lot too cuz i'm dat SEXI Latina everybody loves.
Buenos Noches (good night in spanish),
2007-01-14 12:37:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
She hugged you because it is the best kind of medicine in the world. You are lucky enough to have a doctor that cares enough to give you a hug. She just feels that you needed a hug for all the good work you do looking after Val. If I was there I would give you a hug too. Our love to You & Val, Leanne & the girls.
2016-05-24 02:01:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
it means 'pretty puerto rican girl'
2007-01-14 09:58:26
answer #9
answered by User Name 5
its slang for puerto rican.
2007-01-14 10:18:55
answer #10
answered by Latin H 1