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Martin Luther King did not have as much an impact on America as his predecessors because the people that came before him had bigger challenges than those of racial equality. Just because Martin Luther King focused on racial equality doesn't mean he was any better than the civil rights leaders before him. I praise Martin Luther King for what he did, but the people became him paved the way for him and had much more of an effect on Civil Rights in America than MLK did. So, do you AGREE or DISAGREE?

2007-01-14 09:01:45 · 7 answers · asked by ×ithurtsogoodØ 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

7 answers

I agree and would like to also recognize Abraham Lincoln this day, as he did free the slaves.

2007-01-14 09:10:19 · answer #1 · answered by debi_0712 5 · 0 0

being from the south this is well known that others had stood up to the misguided,ignorant southern racist and most were,at that time.but because time bring about a change, dr king as some of our fore fathers,had GOD on his side and nothing can stop the rightous from moving in GODS chosen time for change.the ones before him payed with their lives in greater numbers and no one knew about it.now we have the media to show the world exactly how inhuman the racist really were.it showed that the south was in another world,the third world.as much as the new orlean poor are still the least thought of than any other country in need of help

2007-01-14 09:26:11 · answer #2 · answered by personallyspeaking 2 · 0 0

Martin Luther King Jr. did some special things. He is the focus of civil rights history, even if he didn't do it all by himself.

What gets me is that people complain about having a paid day off in his name. Who cares, as long as I do not have to go to work, and get paid for it, it can be for the Rwandan God of Black Magic's holy day, and I will gladly take it off!

Just my two cents though.

2007-01-14 09:22:48 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

I think he did have a huge impact for the simple fact other leaders aren't remembered as much he is.
this means one of two things- he did greater things and is remembered more often
or since he is remembered more we forget about people who've done better things than him.

either way, the only way to cheat death is to be forever remembered. and he is and will be forever remembered. and thats a big impact for someone to make

2007-01-14 09:57:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I never really thought about it in that way but I did think they made a national holiday in his honor way too soon. These things need to wait so that we have some historical perspective.

2007-01-14 09:07:56 · answer #5 · answered by The Scorpion 6 · 0 0


2007-01-14 09:06:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

whatever..2 pts.

2007-01-14 09:11:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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