Aw, poor little thing. May I ask, is she a baby, that she has just been separated from litter-mates, or is she an adult that was used to having a companion, and the owner decided to rehome one?
If she is a baby, then she is probably very frightened, and needs plenty of time and patience to help her to adjust. Just think, we are HUGE to a little baby ferret, and very intimidating. Don't pick her up for the moment, just open the cage and sit calmly on the floor, not too close, maybe read a book or something, and wait for her to come to you. Have a suitable treat ready to give to her as soon as she does. A drop of Ferretone, a really tasty coat supplement, on a spoon gets the best results. It could take a while, so don't stress it, and once she realises you have good stuff for her she will come to you more and more.
If she is an adult, may I ask why she was taken away from her companion? If it is unavoidable, then you will just have to understand that this is very hard for her. She is missing her lifelong friend, is confused and upset, and will grieve just as you or I would if the person closest to us died.
In that case, it will just take time for her to get over this, and again I would use tasty treats to help her to gradually get used to you and her new home. It is natural that she wants to stay in the cage, as this is the environment that she knows and is comfortable with, whereas everything else is new to her and she is feeling very insecure.
Is there any chance that you could try to find her another pal she would get along with in a shelter? This would be ideal, although you must be very careful with the intros, and they will need a cage each at first, and you will need to find out all about the right way to do this. I won't outline it all here, as it would be long and may not be something you wish to explore at all.
Finally, contrary to what someone else said, there are many games you and your ferret can enjoy together, once you are acquainted and comfortable with each other. They love to play tag, hide-and-seek, will dance and pounce if you wave a cat wand. They adore it if you take an old towel, lay it flat on the floor, take hold of one end by both corners, wait for the fuzz to jump aboard, and then give her sled rides around the room!
Hope it all works out, and that you will have years of fun together!
2007-01-14 05:48:11
answer #1
answered by meptastic 3
First - NO SUGAR!!!!! Ferrets are prone to insulinoma! She may be mourning/pining for her original owner. The danger here is not eating. Handle her often, cuddle her, talk to her, let her know she is loved and safe. You don't mention how old she is, but this may take some time. She meeds to feel secure and cared for, so the more often you can interact, the better. She also needs supervised playtime outside of the cage for a minimum of 2-3 hours a day. The reason? Ferrets are very active, curious, and, have you ever tried to exercise in a closet? LOL Get yourself a copy of Ferrets for Dummies - every ferret owner needs one. She could also be pining for her cage mate. A companion for her, maybe from a shelter, could help her a lot.
2007-01-18 11:57:37
answer #2
answered by Susan R 2
What do you mean by "play with me?" A ferret is not a puppy. It might never play with you, though some do a few things. In any case, two days is not going to be nearly enough time for a ferret to get used to you and its new environment. Be kind to it, give a treat now and then, take good care of it, and it will be your friend within a couple of weeks.
My sister had a ferret for nine years. Hers never did any tricks. The only "play" it really did was to find little objects that you didn't want to lose and hide them, and he would play fight a little bit. Mostly, though, he just liked to snuggle, explore, and run around. Yours will likely do the same if you give it a time. Two days is definitely not enough.
I highly recommend that you read some websites on the animal, or get a book or two. Ferrets are very specialized animals that require special care and attention. You will want to make certain that you know how to best take care of it in order to make it appreciate you properly! Good luck!
2007-01-14 13:24:53
answer #3
answered by Mr. Taco 7
Giver her some time, she's probably just not use to you yet.
After a few days start spending about a hour sitting/standing (which ever has you at eye level with your ferret) beside the cage with the door open just talking to her. If she starts to come to you don't move towards her just let her take her time and come to you. Otherwise she may get spooked by you and stay like that.
2007-01-14 13:31:31
answer #4
answered by gitana_diosa 3
I've got 2 myself, she's just not used to you and the new place. First ferret proof your place, close up small opening and lock the cabinets. They can get into places you'd think not possible. Then let her out of her cage to check the place out. If she goes back into it, just leave it open. She'll take her own time getting used to you.
2007-01-14 15:14:37
answer #5
answered by McBain8744 3
Your ferret is probably slightly nervey of you ferrets arn't very big animals and you wanting to play with him probably scares him. maybe you should buy him small teddies and then play with them to get through to him and then he will get used 2 playing and become more confident then he will gain trust in you. This will just take time but it can be done and you will form a relation ship with him like you would any animal.
2007-01-14 14:37:55
answer #6
answered by hayliielouiise 1
Just let her get to know you. Sit at her level (or lower) and speak softly to her. It may take some time, but eventually she will come out to you. And let the bonding begin! Congrats, ferrets are GREAT pets!
2007-01-14 15:04:31
answer #7
answered by EYoungmom88 3
just leave her in the cage alone for 1 day or 2 and don't bother her, then when you take her out to play, give her a toy with a treat in it and to initiate it that like, otherwise just wait, and get her used to being held by you and then try playing.
2007-01-14 14:08:44
answer #8
answered by pissedoffcupcake 2
She needs to go get used to you and her new home.
2007-01-14 13:18:16
answer #9
answered by Scarlett 4
something is wrong ferrets play all the time
2007-01-14 13:28:30
answer #10
answered by devlin m 1