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I have heard it is not good to ask, what do you want to know?. It is such an open ended question which makes it a bit confusing to answer. How do you handle this?

2007-01-14 04:05:36 · 14 answers · asked by Enlightenme! 2 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

14 answers

tell them how you've come to this position, why it interest you. if this is a first job fresh out of college, talk about how you chose this career path.
don't talk about stupid things.
be short and concise, always friendly.

2007-01-14 04:15:39 · answer #1 · answered by bl 4 · 0 1

A little bit of basic personal information (don't mention age or religion), then go into job background if you've been in the same field before, or educational background if it's a first job in the field.

That's a very common opening question in an interview.

2007-01-14 04:11:15 · answer #2 · answered by Judy 7 · 1 0

They want to know what qualifications that you have for the job. They do not want to know how many times you went fishing.

If job requires you to travel by car--I have an excellent driving record. I have lived in this city for over ten years, and I am very familiar with the different business districts. My last job required me to travel out of town on a regular basis.

I am very flexible, I have worked for small and large companies, and I have enjoyed both of them. The smaller companies I was able to share my experience to help them grow. The larger companies I was able to increase my experience and knowledge in their industry.

As you look at my resume you can see that I have had steady employment for the last six years in this industry.

2007-01-14 04:16:23 · answer #3 · answered by D S 4 · 2 0

"Tell me about yourself" is in some ways a trick question. Some think it is an invitation to pull out a list of cliche characteristics that they think will get them hired; others talk about their employment history; and still others use it to talk about what THEY want in their next job (as you have done in your script). An employer is asking himself/herself two questions when interviewing you: 1) are you qualified? and 2) do you fit? Your answer to the question "tell me about yourself" needs to leave the interviewer with a YES opinion on both questions. The best way to do that is to BRIEFLY describe a) who you are and b) what you can do for the employer. He/she doesn't care what you want in your career. He/she wants to know if you are the best qualified and best fit for the job among a thick stack of applications. Be brief, get to the point, and sell a) WHO YOU ARE -- your professional brand, we think it is best expressed as "I'm a [insert adjective], [insert second adjective] [noun phrase]." For example, "I am an enthusiastic and personable retail sales professional......" And b) WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR THE EMPLOYER (for example, ..... seeking the opportunity to [insert what you can uniquely do for the employer]. For example, "seeking the opportunity to increase your sales on a customer-by-customer basis." Boiling it down, I'd say something like: "I'm an enthusiastic and personable retail sales professional, seeking the opportunity to increase your sales on a customer-by-customer basis." You can add another sentence or two, something like "I am bi-lingual and I'm ready to get to work immediately." But keep it brief. A much shorter and to-the-point answer that lets the interviewer know that you are confident you are qualified and that you will fit. Good luck! bob king director of employment services memorial assistance ministries houston, texas

2016-05-24 00:24:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would say that you should tell the prospective employer a little about yourself. Like well I am (whatever your age is) I am married/single. I live in Acushnet, MA. I am a high and or college graduate, I own or rent house/apartment and own my own car. I have worked in the field/s of (give ALL your past job/s) I am looking to improve advance myself and your company is the place that I would like to do this. Then ask, Is there anything else you would like to know?

2007-01-14 04:17:42 · answer #5 · answered by GRUMPY 7 · 0 1

Give some personal background information to let the employer know what kind of character you possess. Also explain your work history.

2007-01-14 04:09:26 · answer #6 · answered by GB 3 · 0 0

i think everybody gave you answers for Ur first q but they do not to the second one.
in my opinion you should answer the second one like this:
i almost know every thing about this job and it's requirements and i see myself qualified enough for this job.but i wanna know if u see me qualified also or there may be some other skills i don't have and u see it as necessities.if there is any,i will be happy to know it so i will try hardly to gain those skills either for this job if i got it or for similar jobs in the future. your opinion appreciated whatever it is.

2007-01-14 05:22:27 · answer #7 · answered by lola 3 · 0 0

Having both asked and answered this question, this is what they are looking for...and it's not "I was born in NY and have graduated from high school with honors."

They want you to describe your strengths...."I'm a hard worker, fast learner, who holds self to high professional standards," "I'm ambitious, agressive, and highly motivated." these would be appropriate answers and if you could work personal background in that would be good too. "I'm ambitious, agressive, and highly motivated, traits which helped me achieve valedictorian in college."

2007-01-14 04:17:34 · answer #8 · answered by bundysmom 6 · 1 0

Briefly talk about your education and then go into your current/last job and how great to you did there and how it applies to this job you are interviewing for.

2007-01-14 04:14:41 · answer #9 · answered by bluckies 2 · 0 0

" Well, there is a lot to tell....But let me focus on what skills I have and my abilities as a professional. Then describe what you have been doing and why you like your job and why to qnat to make a change."

2007-01-14 04:13:46 · answer #10 · answered by copestir 7 · 1 0

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