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purchased jewel quest solitaire 1/14/07,downloaded it, it was confirmed by e-mail, i can't get access to the game, it keeps asking me to connect to the internet, which i have done & to activate my license, which i know nothing about, can you please help me get access to the game?? much thanks

2007-01-14 03:57:52 · 2 answers · asked by Michael S 1 in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

2 answers

your confirmation email should have included your code key, if one was needed. recheck your email or recontact the seller to obtain a new code key

2007-01-14 04:05:52 · answer #1 · answered by dulcrayon 6 · 0 0

I really have heard 2 issues with regards to this and that i do not understand that's real or if both is real. the first one which I heard changed into that this variety of license will be required only for the intense volume reloader. this can be those who reload a huge volume of ammo for such issues as tournament shooting or golf equipment. the different one which I heard changed into that if the micro printing bill changed into surpassed, everybody who reloaded ammo might want to be required to have a license and use purely micro revealed factors. both is accessible yet even if both will happen........I really do not understand.

2016-12-02 06:17:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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