What do you mean? Wake up! Do you expect a country like India to keep on developing till life eternity. It has to be developed somehow. Countries like Korea, Indonesia, Thailand who came much later than when India started developing became developed in few years. I believe we like the role of a developing country rather than a developed. Any way your question about MNCs has nothing to do with developing countries since people living in developing countries has the same needs of those who live in developed countries. It is not only the tribals and the poor who needs development but the educated and cultured need products that are of world standards. They cannot be expected to wait till eternity when we keep enjoying our developing role in this Universe.
2007-01-14 03:12:47
answer #1
answered by Mathew C 5
its not a question of required or not , its good for india. Getting jobs for the new generation , development. Now is indian companies are MNC and growing. MNC CEO's are Indian.
2007-01-14 02:44:18
answer #2
answered by munz s 2
Yes, MNC's need India and India need MNCs. Developing India!
India is poised for Leap in the year 2007.
2008 will be a Leap year.
2007-01-18 01:19:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's real hard to conceal the glee in Iran, What are there, 120 million Iranians? Mostly situated in the more genteel northern latitudes. 6 thousand centrifuges whirling along taking the 235 and getting the most bang for the buck. Finally the big stick. The love of it all is the sale and delivery of spare nukes to the likes of Sudan. The Peace of the Lord is getting shot full of radioactive shrapnel. Shall we nuke or invade? What would Jesus do? Will the tanks of capitalism rise to the challenge and grind these students/mullahs/targets to pieces before War can break out? Shall we have a negotiated conflict, sparing the planet of damage, but eliminating pesky human types. 12,000 3-6 magatonners aimed at Iran by every other nuke power. Sure we trust them, but as R.Reagan said, 'Cut the cards'.
2016-05-24 00:11:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
2007-01-17 22:47:39
answer #5
answered by TUSHAR 3